Chapter 3

Childhood Rewind

"Jingyi?" Luhan asks in a surprised tone.

I raise my hand. "I'm the Jingyi you're talking about." I told "Lay".

He jolts up, surprised. "Y-you're Jingyi?!"

I nod my head, then let my eyes run over Yixing. He's good looking, but nowhere near as good looking as Luhan. Why am I comparing them? Nice arm muscle though, I think as my eyes settle on his tough, lean biceps. He's wearing a black jacket and tan jeans with purple headphones around his neck. Pretty good fashion sense too. My eyes travel upwards and I'm startled to see that his eyes are gazing steadily at me, a slight smirk on his lips.

"W-what?" I demand. He just smirks.

Luhan interrupts, awkwardly. "Well, um, I have something to do, so I'm going to go now. Um, talk to you later, Jingyi. Lay, see you at the dorms!" He turns and jogs off.

With Luhan gone, the atmosphere grows even more awkward. I clear my throat.

"So, "Lay", huh?" I raise an eyebrow questioningly.

He smiles and rubs the back of his neck. Cute. Wait what? "Well, since everyone kept giving me weird looks when I told them my Chinese name, I figured I might as well go by Lay. It's my future stage name."

I nod understandingly. 

It's his turn to ask a question now. "How've you been?" 

"Pretty good. How about you? What've you been up to since we moved?"

"Well, obviously I spent all my time pining over you." He says sarcastically. At least I think it's sarcastic. I laugh and he grins.

"So, since we're on this whole date thing, how about we go to a cafe and catch up?" Lay asks. I smile and nod my head yes.


"You did what?!" I giggle. Lay nods his head as he laughs with me.

"Yeah, and after that, I had to clean the entire school from top to bottom by the end of the day. My hands were covered in dirt after! Did you know, the boys' restroom has a lot more---" I cut him off.

"Stop, stop! Seriously, I don't want to know about the boys' restroom!" I laugh. At that moment, the waitress walks up.

"Shall I take this empty cup or do you want a refill?" She asks, smiling at Lay. I notice and look at the scene, interested.

"Refill please." He responds. She smiles even bigger and leaves, shooting me a smirk as she walks off. Wow, what a b*tch. She didn't even bother to ask if I wanted a refill. Besides, Lay and I aren't even dating. Ugh.

Suddenly, I remember something. As he left, Luhan had said "Lay, see you at the dorms!" I wonder what it's about, and promptly ask, "Lay, how do you know Luhan?"

His smirk is suddenly back, and I feel a tinge of annoyance. "Why do you want to know?" 

"Why can't I ask?" I snap back.

He leans back in his seat. "Do you like Luhan or something?" My face goes blank with surprise, and he takes it as a yes. "Huh, so you do. Well then, I'll tell you. Luhan and I are both trainees at the same company, so we live in the same dorm. We're friends. How do you know Luhan?"

I wave my hand vaguely in the air. "We used to be classmates." He nods, accepting the fact. Then he smirks again, and I see a mischievous spark in his eyes.

"Want my help?"

I'm taken aback. "Help? For what?"

"For getting Luhan to be yours, duh." My eyes open wide with shock and I feel my mouth drop open. What was up with all the shocks I'd been getting recently?"Come on! I'll take you to the dorm. You can see him." He stands up, but I remain sitting, still digesting his last words. "Jingyi? You coming?" I snap back to earth at his words and quickly stand up.

"N-no, really, I don't need you to take me to the dorm. Oh, wow, it's getting late! I should be getting home now. Bye!" I laugh nervously, then turn and run. Lay watches my retreating back, surprised. 

"It's not even 4:00 yet." Scratching his head, he shrugs and walks off.


Back home, I slam open the door. "Oh, Jingyi! How was your dat--" My mom trails off as I ignore her and run up the stairs and into my room, slamming the door closed. She looks questioningly at my dad, but he only shrugs.

"Maybe it went badly."


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