Chapter 5

Childhood Rewind

I stretch my hands in front of me as I walk out of the theater. The rest of the boys follow me, Tao chattering excitedly about the kickass wushu scenes. Kris listens with a blank face, while Chen smiles brightly and offers his own favorite scenes, laughing loudly. 

"So what are we doing now?" Xiumin pipes up. I glance at him. There's more to this outing? "I suggest we all go to a restaurant and eat!" Xiumin pipes up again, an excited smile stretching his puffy cheeks. I knew it. He wants to eat.

"You just ate like 2 buckets of popcorn!" Chen whines. Xiumin shrugs, as if to say so? Chen rolls his eyes and just follows along. "You're going to be fat, hyung." Xiumin ignores him and skips towards a nearby ramyun shop, the rest of us lagging behind. I grimace inwardly. All that popcorn is weighing me down. I don't think I can eat any ramyun. Suddenly, Luhan stops.

"Hey, Xiumin, I'm feeling really full, so I'm just going to go ahead and return to the dorm." He says then turns around. My eyes pop. He's leaving?! That means I'll be alone with them...and...Lay. And I'll have to eat all that food too! Urgh I don't want to be stuck in that situation.

"I'm going with Luhan! Sorry Xiumin, but I'm feeling really full too. I'm heading home now!" I quickly add on and hurry after Luhan. Xiumin waves without even bothering to look up from the menu, while Kris maintains his emotionless face.

"Bye noona~" Tao calls. Chen smiles and waves as Lay smirks and gives me another suggestive wink. Crap. He thinks I'm trying to get alone time with Luhan. 

Chasing after Luhan, I call after him. "Luhan!" He turns and at that moment, I manage to trip on nothing. My eyes widen and I let out a little squeal when I feel myself falling through the air. Oomph. Luhan catches me, and I land in his sturdy arms. A flush creeps onto my face immediately, and I hurriedly push myself off him. "Sorry." I mutter. He smiles at me, and I find myself melting underneath his puppy eyes. 

"It's alright. Moreover, are you okay?" His soft voice asks. If it's possible, my flush deepens and creeps higher onto my cheeks. 

"I'm fine! See you later, Luhan!" I stutter, wave, and turn around.

"Wait!" I turn back around at his call. "I should walk you home, you might fall again. There'll be no one to catch you if you do." Is that a smirk on his lips. Omigod. He probably thinks I'm a total klutz. 

"You really don't need to..." I murmur. No need for me to embarass my self in front of him again. 

"No, I insist." He smiles and offers his hand. I gaze at it and raise an eyebrow. "If you take my hand, you probably won't fall again." He explains. Yep. He thinks I'm a klutz. Oh well. Sighing, I walk up to him and grasp onto his hand. 


Lay's POV

I gaze at the two faraway figures of Jingyi and Luhan. Are they...holding hands? What's up with that?

Chen is looking at them too. "Hey, hey, guys! Look! Luhan's holding Jingyi's hand!" Tao shoots up.

"Luhan's holding my Jingyi noona's hand?! Why? He better not be doing anything bad!" Tao snaps. Kris looks up from his bowl, takes in the scene with a blank face, then looks back down. Always the cool guy, huh, Duizhang? Of course, Xiumin ignores everything and focuses on the ramyun in front of him. 

I keep staring over at their retreating figures. I know Jingyi likes Luhan and all, and I'm supposed to be helping her. I want to help her. So why am I feeling so empty?


Jingyi's POV

I can't concentrate on walking with Luhan's hand in mine. Or is it my hand in Luhan's? His is so much bigger....

"So, Jingyi. How've you been?" Luhan asks. He looks comfortable. Probably used to holding hands with girls. 

"Fine. How've you been?" I reply, still too distracted by our linked hands to carry out a proper conversation. 

"I've been doing well. Did you know, you never told me you were moving? You didn't tell anyone in class that you were moving! I was so surprised when I came in one day and the teacher announced that you had transferred!" Luhan complains, childishly. I feel my heart give a squeeze. So he cared about me?

I laugh. "Sorry, Luhan. Did you miss me?"

"Yeah, lots! You were one of my closest friends in school!" My heart thumps. Was I?

"I'm so sorry, Luhan. What can I do to make it up to you?" I say, sarcastically. Unfortunately, he takes it seriously. Or he's just teasing. Either way, he appears to think about it.

Tapping his chin, Luhan ponders, "Hmmm......what would be good...Oh! I know!" I look expectantly up at him and am shocked to see a sneaky glint in his eyes. "You have to call me oppa for an entire month." My mouth drops open. No way. Oh my god, so many people are going to misunderstand. Moreover, 'oppa'? Are you serious? "If you don't like that, you have to call me Lu Ge  for three months." I seriously think over my two options. Should I go with the riskier oppa since the punishment period is shorter? But since this is Korea, if I say oppa more people are likely to completely misunderstand. If I go with Lu Ge, less people will suspect our relationship...but it's longer. In the end, I decide on calling him oppa. Might as well just get it over with.

Luhan beams. "Okay! You have to call me oppa...starting now!" I groan. I'm not mentally prepared for this. "Jingyi, do you want to go get a drink together?" 

I bite my bottom lip. He's doing this on purpose. "Yes, Luhan...oppa." I whisper the last part, and Luhan's grin grows wider. 

"What was that? I'm sorry, I didn't hear you." This kid has an evil side. 

"Yes, Luhan oppa." I mumble, a bit louder. He frowns and cups his ear, bending down a bit to bring him closer to my level. I blush. Yep, totally evil. "YES, LUHAN OPPA!" I snap, a little too loudly. The people in our vicinity turn to stare at me, and I freeze and stare at the ground. Luhan, on the other hand, is totally unfazed as he swings our linked hands back and forth. 

"Okay, Jingyi! Let's go get a drink!" He cheerfully sings, dragging me with him to a nearby coffee shop. This kid is really unbelievably evil. 

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