Chapter 8

Childhood Rewind

Luhan's and Lay's heads snapped up when I shouted their names. The entire class whipped their heads around to stare at me, Gongchan sending me a curious glare. 

"Jingyi? You go to this school?" Luhan asked, obviously shocked. Too stunned for words, I nodded my head. The teacher, observing the scene, cleared his throat. 

"Ahem, Jingyi, do you know these two?" Mr. Kim asked. I looked at him.

"Yes, Mr. Kim."

"Well then, you'll be their guide around the school! A quick introduction from these two, now." Mr. Kim gleefully said. He looked...relieved. Probably doesn't want the hassle of showing two students around the school. Lazy . 

Luhan cleared his throat. "Um...I'm Luhan. Hi." He looked nervously at me, and I gave him an encouraging smile. 

"And I'm Lay." Lay raised his eyebrows when Ga-yun raised her hand. "Yes?"

"Do you or Luhan have girlfriends? And how do you know Jingyi?" She blurted. I rolled my eyes. Nosy girl. Mind your own business! 

I stepped in. "Lay here is my childhood friend, and Luhan is an old classmate from China. far as I know, they don't have girlfriends." Suddenly, I was subject to a lot of glares, particularly from the girls. Luhan and Lay seemed to be receiving their fair share of glares as well, except from the boys. School's going to be lively now. Only one boy wasn't glaring at anyone. Gongchan. Instead, he was sending me glances that said we need to talk. Now. I shot him a glance that said later and returned to my seat. Mr. Kim coughed awkwardly.

"Well, Lay, Luhan, go ahead and sit next to Jingyi, since you know her so well. Err, Hajoon, Eunmi, why don't you guys change seats to the empty ones in the back." Hajoon and Eunmi got out of their seats, Eunmi giving me an evil glance on the way. Luhan and Lay moved quietly to their seats, Luhan sitting on the right and Lay sitting on the left. As he sat down, Luhan gave me a wink. I flushed. Class seemed to whizz by, and before I knew it, I was walking through the hallway with Gongchan, Luhan, and Lay in tow. 

"This is where the restrooms are, at least on this floor, so if you ever need to----" Gongchan cut me off.

"Uh, Jingyi, don't you feel like you're forgetting something?" I turned to him, eyebrows furrowed.


"Duh, introductions! Hello?" He gave me a look that said idiot. 

"Right. Uh, Luhan, Lay, this is Gongchan, my best friend. Gongchan, as you probably heard in class, this is Lay, my childhood friend, and Luhan, my old classmate." I was about to go back to pointing out the different "sights" of the school when Luhan spoke up.

"Gongchan is your best friend right? Not boyfriend?" I turned towards him, only to find that he was staring at me slightly protectively. I gulped and flushed.

"Just best friend! Totally! I would never date him! He's like a brother to me!" I babbled. Please don't misunderstand, Luhan. Gongchan gave me a glare.

"Wow, thanks, sis." He proclaimed sarcastically. I forced a smile.

"No problem, bro." Luhan exhaled and let out a relieved smile while Lay looked like he was trying really hard not to laugh. I rolled my eyes.

"Anyways, if there are no more interruptions, over there is--------" The bell's ringing cut me off. Gah! It's like the world doesn't want me to show new students around. I huffed and stormed back to class, Luhan, Lay, and Gongchan hurrying after me. Well, at least school will be more fun with Lay and Luhan around.

 I slid open the classroom door and gasped. On my desk, someone had scrawled the word 

Or maybe not.

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