Chapter 1

Childhood Rewind

"I'm home!" I called as I slammed the front door closed and took off my shoes.

"Oh~you're back!" My mother excitedly ran out of the living room. I blinked at her in surprise, then felt my jaw fall open as my dad followed her out. What's going on? They're never home at this time. My parents were both computer engineers and spent the entire day at work. As a result, my dog was always the only one at home when I returned from school. 

"Jingyi~" I blinked and returned to reality. My mom was waving her hands in front of my face.

"Yeah, what? What are you doing home right now?"

My mom pouted. "I can't be in my own house?"

"But you're always at work at this time! This is like the first time you've been home when I return from school!"

My mom smiled. "That's because we have something very important to tell you!"

I quickly grew anxious. From past experience, whenever my mother had something important to say, it always meant something bad would happen. 

My mom beamed while my dad looked away and scowled. "You're going on a date!" She squealed. My jaw fell open for the second time. I knew it. Bad things happen when she has something "important" to say.


My mom smiled, and replied in Chinese. "But I did." Yes, my mother is Chinese. In fact, our entire family is. We lived in China briefly before moving to Korea for my parents' work. 

I frowned. "Why?"

"Oh come on! Don't be so nitpicky. Besides, you already know him. It's Zhang Yi Xing! Remember him? Your old childhood friend!" Her smile grew even wider, and my jaw fell open for the third time. Zhang Yi Xing? That kid? 

"What's he doing here? In Korea?!" I wailed.

My mom beamed again. "He's training to be a Kpop idol. His mom called and told me, asking me to take care of him. Isn't that amazing? He's going to be famous!"

I shook my head no. Looks like my life just took a turn for the worse.

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