06 Heart

Bitter Love, Complicated Life
[Yoseob's POV]
My eyes widens when I look Sora is drinking a glass of cocktail. More over, she drinks it as if it's only a glass of orange juice.
"Sora!" I take away the glass from her and she steps backward with unfocused eyes.
"Are you alright?" I try to hold her shoulders so she can stand straight. Her face shows that she is already drunk.
Aish, she can't handle alcohol!
She clutches on my tuxedo, closing her eyes. I pull her closer because I'm sure that she's really drunk now, you will know just by looking at her really red face.
I hold her hand and leave the ballroom, heading to the elevator so I can let her rest in her own room. She can't stay at the party with her current condition.
She leans back once the elevator door is closed. I look at her, worrying about her condition. I step closer, "Sora, are you feeling alright now?"
I cup her face with my hands so I can look at her face clearly. Her cheeks are burning; I can feel them under my palms. She opens her eyes slowly but not focusing at me.
She pulls me closer, squeezing my tuxedo, and before I could react, she locks her lips with mine.
This is the first time Sora kisses me.
Geez, her kiss is so different from our last kisses, the day I kissed her on the rooftop, the day I confessed to her.
I can feel the alcohol within her lips, lingering by every second she kisses me slowly but sure. I fight my urge to kiss her back; yes, I love her and I want her to love me back, but not in this way.
"S-Sora...," I try to pull away from her but she wraps her arms around my neck, having my lips all by herself.
Don't. Don't be tempted by the kiss, Yoseob!
I almost gave up on my urge when the door is opened. It's not that I aware of the opened door, but a voice snaps me back to reality.
[Gikwang's POV]
I look around and see Yoseob is leaving the ballroom with Sora. He is holding her hand, walking together to the elevator's direction. Where are they going?
I excuse myself and follow them. I'm too late to enter the same elevator with them so I take another elevator, pressing the button to reach our room's floor. That is the only option Yoseob will take, in my guess.
I wait patiently for the elevator to stop at the right floor. I let my mind wandering for a while, remembering Sora's image in my mind.
I enjoyed the moment I had with her when we're trapped in the storeroom. Finally I could talk to her again, like what we always did. I was really satisfied to look at her smiles when I told her about our activities.
I know that Yoseob is jealous of me, for having time alone with Sora. I am feeling the same way now, looking at Yoseob's holding hand with her.
Right after the door is opened, I can see the elevator right in front of me is opened as well. That is the elevator which is used by Yoseob and Sora.
I hold my breath when I look at what is happening inside the elevator. I can't believe what I see.
They are kissing.
Yoseob puts his hand on her waist while Sora puts her arms around Yoseob's neck.
This can't be possible.
My heart aches. I can feel that my heart is breaking into pieces.
"Yoseob?" I murmur his name slowly.
He breaks the kiss and turns to look at me. He has the really surprised look on his face. He must be not predicted that I will see him kissing with Sora.
"Ah," he gasps, pulling away from Sora.
When the door is going to close again, I quickly push the open button because I saw Sora was falling to the other side; she fainted.
"Sora!" Yoseob tries to wake her up while she is in his arms. "Sora!"
"Let's bring her into a room first," I say calmly, but mostly it sounds cold and flat.
"O-okay," Yoseob picks Sora and steps out of the elevator.
I walk pass him, not letting a smile to form with my lips. I open my room along with Yoseob and Dongwoon with my key, letting Yoseob to enter the room and put Sora on his bed.
I clench my fist. This heart is aching really bad.
[Yoseob's POV]
There is this awkward silence between us.
Sora is sleeping on my bed, still with her red face because of the cocktail. I've put the bedcover on her body so she won't get cold because she only wears a dress.
"About what you see...," I try to break the silence. "It's not like what you think."
What am I trying to say here? Gikwang knows that I love her! I've kissed her before but I don't know why it makes me feel really guilty when Gikwang saw we're kissing, right after his request to stop our cold war.
"Is she drunk?" he mutters with monotone. He doesn't even look at me; he is staring at Sora quietly.
"Ne," I respond slowly. Somehow I feel the cold atmosphere from him. "She drank a glass of cocktail."
He doesn't react. He keeps looking at Sora without a word, making me feel more guilty by each second passes.
"She kissed me because she's drunk," I explain. I don't understand why I must explain it to him, but it just feels so wrong now.
"And you took an advantage of her?" his tone has a hint of anger. "You kissed her back, didn't you?"
I can't answer him. He's right. I did kiss her back, out of my consciousness. Did I really take an advantage of Sora when she's drunk?
"I can't believe you kissed her when she's not even yours," Gikwang hisses. "What will she feel when she find out about it?"
My heart sinks when I hear his words.
"I'll stay here," he stands up and takes off his tuxedo. "You can go back to the party. I will take care of her."
I don't say anything. I don't want to return to the party. I want to stay with her.
Gikwang shakes his head and lets me sit still, so both of us wait for her to wake up in silence.
[Sora's POV]
Ugh, headache. I hate headache.
I open my eyes slowly. I'm still feeling dizzy but it feels much better than before I passed out.
Passed out?
Wait. I remember. The party. The cocktail. Yoseob.
What happened last night?
I look around and find myself is not in my own hotel room. Dongwoon and Yoseob are sleeping on the bed next to mine. Looks like Gikwang fell asleep when he was waiting for me to wake up since he is sitting on a chair, resting his head on his hand.
I try to sit up, making me feel like someone just hit me on the head. I can't believe a half glass of cocktail knocked me down this much. I think I know why my sister forbid me to take a sip of alcohol now.
I close my eyes and take a deep breath. I'm trying to remember about what happened last night at the elevator; I don't remember a single thing after Yoseob asked me about my condition.
I shift my body slowly, getting up from the bed. I realize I still wear my black dress. That's why I'm shivering. I look at the window; it's still dark.
I try to find a clock so I can know what time it is. There is a digital clock on the table, right next to Gikwang.
It's 3 AM in the morning. No wonder they are sleeping comfortably.
"Sora?" I jump a little when I hear Gikwang's voice.
He rubs his eyes and looks at me with sleepy face, "You're awake."
"I'm sorry," I try to focus at him because I'm fighting back the aches inside my head. "I will go back to my room now."
I stand up too quick and I end up stumbling back to the bed, rubbing my temple and hoping the headache will stop.
"Sora ah," Gikwang has the worried tone. He stands up and sits next to me, "How do you feel now?"
"Just headache," I sigh. "I'll be fine."
My heart almost jumps out when he hold my hand all of a sudden. I turn and look at his face; he is having the serious expression on his face.
He cups my face with his other hand, holding my face firmly so I don't look away from him.
"Tell me something," he whispers but clear enough for me to hear, "would you give your first kiss to the one who has your heart?"
I feel my heart stops beating for a second. What is he trying to say?
Suddenly the fact that I felt something on my lips the moment before I passed out crosses my mind. Don't tell me that I and Yoseob...
I can feel my cheeks are blushing again now but I can't look away from Gikwang; he is still cupping my face with his hand.
"I know I'm really selfish," he moves closer to me, "but can you let me have your heart?"


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Chapter 26: awwww~
love it.
in chapter 19, i really jealous of Mina.
haha XD
still love the story anyway :)
can't stop crying.. T___T
Love it!! ><
I just love your storyline! My heart was pumping as if I was part of it...LOL
smilejagiya #5
Hello. I already finished this story. And its really awesome. :)))
SunshineSprings #6
I read "So Sweet, So simple" a long time ago and never realized there were sequels, so I re-read it again and just finished this story. I like the stories you wrote, you are so talented!! Now I am starting to read "Bitter sweet Heart", can't wait to see what happens. :)
Zegaz54 #7
I'm so happy!!!! I'm glad you made a sequel to so sweet so simple cause after I finished it I was like no way this can't be the end.