Demon inside

"Hongbin hyung." Hyuk's voice called out. "Where did Silver go?" He was still speaking in Korean, and I still understood him. How was this happening?

"I dont know. She said she would be right back." Hongbin replied from righ outside the door. "Leo hyung is worried she might be a dark one, but I know she isnt." A dark one? 

"If she was, she woudl remember everything though." Hyuk said and their voices drifted away. I cracked the door open and peeked out. The hallway was empty so I slid out and closed the door quietly. 

"Listening in on peoples conversations is rude." Leo's cool voice came from behind me and I froze. I couldnt tell if he was speaking Korean or English and if they thought I didnt understand them I might still be ok. "You can pretend you dont know what I'm saying all you want, it wont work. Haekyeon hyung wont tell you but I think we need to." I turned around to face him. He was leaning against the wall, just behind the bathroom door. 

"Know what?" English did not just come out of my mouth. How do I know Korean? 

Leo stood up and beckoned me to follow him. He walked towards the back, but Ken called his name out. When he saw me behind Leo, his face darkened. 

"You cant hyung. Hackyeon hyung said not to and you wouldnt even have the right to. You could have with Titian but not..." Leo swung his arm over Hyuks head and pushed his younger against the wall. 

"You have no right to say her name. Never say her name, understand?" His voice was low and threatening. It almost sounded demonic. When Hyuk nodded, Leo dropped him and stormed out with out a backwards glance. 

"Hyuk." I knelt next to him, expecting him to be in some sort of pain, but he wasnt. "What was that all about? Tish-un?" 

​"Titian. She was... You will have to ask Hongbin hyung." 

When ever I needed to find someone, they were never there. Azure, Hongbin and N were nowhere to be found. Leo stormed back into the house a few hours after he left, but he locked himself in his room and no one could get him to come out. I spent the day with Ken and Hyuk, looking around. They showed me around the property and we stumbled across Ravi. He was in the woods practicing something. Once he saw us he stopped and stared walking with us. I tried to ask them about Titian, but they kept telling me to ask Hongbin or Leo. 

"We should head back soon. The sun is going to set and we dont want to be out in the dark." Ravi said casually, but there was worry behind his voice. 

"I like being in the woods in the dark. Its such a different atmosphere." I saw Ken stiffen up, but his voice was relaxed. 

"Still though, I think its going to rain. We should get back." 

"I havnt been in the woods in the rain in such a long time." Now it was Hyuks turn.

"Not out here. The rain is dirty here and the storm is going to be really bad." He didnt try to hide his worry. "Noona, lets just go home. I dont like being in the woods when the sun is going down. Please?" He reached for my hand and held on tightly. He was taller than me, but he really seemed like a kid when he did that. He actually did seem a little scared, something in his eyes.

"Ok, we can go back." He didnt drop my hand until we were back in the door. The sun was just setting as the locked clicked shut.

"Hyung!" Hyuk called out and two heads popped out. "Where is Azure?" My brothers head slowly slid out behind Leo and he grinned. He held up a bowl of rice to me and Ravi snatched it from him. Ken, Hyuk and Azure went after him and Leo followed slowly. N followed them after a minute and left Hongbin alone. 

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KangAlice #1
Chapter 14: I like this story
Oh my gosh that is so good! I love it
Chapter 1: This sounds cool. Can't wait for an update.