Demon inside

There are over 7 billion people in the world, some are running scared, some are coming home, some tell lies just to make it through the day, others are just not facing the truth. Some are evil men at war with goo and some are good men struggling with evil. Seven billion people and seven billion souls, and sometimes, all you need is one. 

Just as I finished the last word the bell rang. Other students around me flew out the door, but I didnt get up. Today was my last day in America. The semester wasnt finished, but I was. My brother was offered a job in Seoul so we were moving. He had to accept and we put it off as long as we could. He got the job just before Halloween and our flight leaves Thanksgiving. We were saying good bye to Michigan and hello to Korea...

"Silver?" Mr. Han called my name. "I know you dont want to go, but I have a meeting. I am the last one to want to see you gone..." 

"I understand." Somehow I thought that as long as I had my literature book with me, I would be ok. I had it my entire high school life and I had to part with it now. "Bye Mr. Han." I placed the book on his desk and started to leave. 

"And goodbye to you, Miss Tann." The hallways had cleared already by the time I got to my locker. Only Jessie was still there. Thankfully my best friend waited for me. She always did. Jessie and went all the way back to second grade when she moved here. We were inseparable.

"Mom is making her pasta tonight." Jessie helped me empty my locker and we were out in minutes. "She even made the sauce you like." Since we were neighbors and since Azure couldnt cook at all we ate at Jessies house all the time.

"Thanks Jes." My car was packed with our things so it was a tight fit. Jessie kept saying she was going to get a truck bigger than mine, but she wasnt. Well, now she would have to .

"Is Blue coming too?" When we first met, Jessie couldnt say Azure. When she asked what it was, her mom said it was like blue and the nick name stuck. There isnt a cool way to nick name Silver though.

"No," I shook my head and started home. "He has to take care of things at the office before we leave. Just last minutes things. He told me to finish packing and be ready in the..." I slammed on my breaks and my vision dimmed. 

The room was dim and dingy. There were eleven guys in the room. I was laying on the floor and there was another girl next to me. Six of them were on one side and their eyes were blood red. The other five were on the other and their eyes were an electric yellow. The red ones had blood on them and the yellow ones were protecting another person. They were protecting another guy with yellow eyes. 

The one on the floor seemed to look directly at me. 


My truck slid into the ditch and the car behind us laid on their horn. Seconds had gone by, we had hardly moved. I had seen so much though. Something serious was going to happen in Korea because I am pretty sure that was mine and the girls blood.

Ah, I am sorry for the short chapters. Please tell me what you think,
I dont know if this is even a good idea. If there is something you
dont understnd please say it. Say anything. Comment all the time 
Love you all. XOXO

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KangAlice #1
Chapter 14: I like this story
Oh my gosh that is so good! I love it
Chapter 1: This sounds cool. Can't wait for an update.