Demon inside

Hongbin kept his arm around me, even after I was on the couch with a glass of water in my hand. Azure tried to explain to them, well tried is the key word. My excuse is that I had an arrhythmia and it only acted up a few times.Taelwoon looked like he didnt believe Azure at all, but they accepted it. 

"Are you ok?" Jaehwan sat on my other side. While Hongbin was holding on to me tightly, Jaehwan's fingers were sliding over me. Like he was checking for injuries. 

"I'm fine. It happens all the time." I tried to assure him, but he was still worried. They made me sit there while they all unloaded the truck. Hongbin didnt let go of me, but sat and watched the others. 

When they were finally done, Hakyeon decided they were going to have food. Wonshik and Taekwoon actually made it, the rest of us talked. Well we tried to talk. Jaehwan's english wasnt very good. It was better than my Korean, so I had Azure and Jaehwan to translate. I didnt input much and didnt pay attention to much. Neither did Hongbin, actually I dont think he said anything. I would catch him sneaking glances at me and when I did I would quickly turn away. At some point in the evening I must have fallen asleep. 

We were sitting in a circle, Ruby was no where to be seen. Strangely enough I could understand the conversation around me with no translator. I didnt understand what they were talking about, but the words made scenes.

"Hongbin, we all lost ours. We know how you feel." Leo said harshly. Leo? That is Taekwoon. 

"I dont care. N doesnt have her yet." Hongbin said back just as harsh. 

"Hongbin, you cant use me as an excuse." N said from the floor. 

"Well fine. Ravi," Hongbin turned. "When Violet was alive, what would you have done for her?" Ravi dipped his head and clasped his hands. 

"I would have done anything to protect her. Knowing that I couldnt kills me every day." A single tear rolled down his cheek, but no more after that. 

"And Ken." Ken closed his eyes and waited for Hongbin to continue. "What would you have done for Jade?" Ken just sat down with a defeated look on his face. 

"Hyung, thats enough. We get it, you can stop now." 

"Hyuk," Hongbin turned to his junior with a mad look in his eyes. "You would have done anything for Sapphire." 

"Yes, I would have." Hyuk stood up to face Hongbin. "And because I actually got close to her, it hurt even more when they killed her." 

"Their not going to kill Silver."   

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KangAlice #1
Chapter 14: I like this story
Oh my gosh that is so good! I love it
Chapter 1: This sounds cool. Can't wait for an update.