Demon inside

My room was a small room above a shop and it happened to be my place of employment. The woman spoke no English so communication was really hard. She had me working the minute I got there, I didnt even have time to put my things away and settle down. When the sun went down she a bowl into my hands and wandered to her house. 

I took my bowl to my room, but threw it out. The smell coming from it was enough to make me want to throw up my food from the day before. 

"Ah, what to do?" My eyes drifted to the card on my desk. "I could, the shop is closed and I have to have my own freedom." My foot flipped the lid of my luggage open, but I paused. 

With a glance, the shades zipped shut and the door closed and locked. My bags were flung open and my things danced around the room. The clothes filed into the drawers and the small closet and my personal items dropped to shelves and my desk. My phone and music started playing, just like before... 

I wiped my hands across the room and everything stopped moving. The card drifted through the air to me but stopped just in front of me. Haeundae Grand Hotel. Penthouse too. 

"Who are they?" 

Taekwoon was tapping his fingers the entire way to Busan. Hakyeon was about to turn and smack him, but the lights of Busan came up he froze. 

"Cant we hurry?" He leaned forward and Hongbin pressed on the pedal harder. Their car shot through the fading light and Taekwoon prayed they werent too late. 

The white building towered in the sky and I felt so small. When I went in the door I felt so out of place in my jeans and shirt. Everone else was dressed up and screamed money. Two women at a table even stopped to look at me. The staff behind the desk gve me look and called her manager in. 

"How may we assist you today?" A tall man asked from behind me. 

"I'm looking for some one. They gave me this." I handed him the card and his eyes grew. His body language changed; arms dropped, eyes widened and back straightened. 

"I am so sorry, Hyukmin will show you up." He said something to a bellhop who motioned to the elevator. I followed him in for a long silent ride. When we reached the top I hopped off before the doors slammed shut. 

Three doors were spread across the hall and each had letters in Korean engraved on them. If it didnt swing open, I wouldnt have found it. 


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KangAlice #1
Chapter 14: I like this story
Oh my gosh that is so good! I love it
Chapter 1: This sounds cool. Can't wait for an update.