Demon inside

Hyuk didnt leave my side. He seemed to be attached to me and the others werent moving to stop him. We all moved towards the inner rooms and the only window was facing the court yard. Azure was with Ken in the kitchen getting tea for everyone and the rest of us were sitting silently. The night around us was eerily silent. No animal noises from outside, no cars or city noise, not even wind. Every once in a while there would be a noise from the kitchen, but thats it. 

Leo and Ravi were both leaning on N opposite Hyuk and I. Hongbin was standing next to the door, as if he was waiting for someoneone. When I would glance at them, their eyes would be shifting away. They all were watching me. 

"Here." Ken had six cups of tea balanced on a tiny tray and Azure followed with a single steaming up of coco. He knew I didnt like tea. 

"So," I said once everyone had their tea. "You all are going to explain everything to me and it is going to be so crystal clear after this, I could write a book. How do I suddenly speak Korean? Why did we end up living here? What are my dream things? Who was that in the yard? What was that storm thing? Why do yo all keep looking at me as if you expect me to blow up?" Every one looked to N, but he just looked into his tea. 

"Your dream things are visions." Azure stated before taking a sip. He made a face and set the cup down. "Mom had them too." I forced a remark down and Hyuk's hand slid into mine. Just how young was he? 

"You can speak Korean because you are with your other soul." Leo started answering my questions. "You ended up with us because it is destined, the storm was caused by the people in the yard, who are demons in human form. We are looking at you as if we expect you to come upon your other form." N smacked Leo in the arm, but Leo's face remaind nutral. Surprise, surprise. 

"Who is my other soul? No, what is another soul?" 

"Your other soul is kind like your soul mate." Hongbin answered this time. "When your soul was formed, it was spilt. Only six souls were split twice, making eighteen souls. The first spilt was normal, that split is your other soul. They are the ones you need to achieve your purpose and who you feel are looking for. They are your perfect fit. There are only 60 sother souls, or there should be. 

"The second split was taken from you, so you tecnically have two other souls while your other souls only have you. The second other soul is the worse one, the one who would lead you astray and lead you to harm." Hongbin glanced at Hyuk's hand in mine before continuing. "Your other one would lead to your death if you let him. But it is fully your choice." 

"So, who is my other soul?" Everyone looked down, except Hongbin. "You?" 

"Yes. Your second other soul was the one at the window last night." He didnt miss a beat, almost like he practiced it. "Ther other five you saw were also second souls. They are the ones who will lead to your death. " Hyuk pressed slightly onto me. 

"Hyuk, honey what is it?" 

"I'm just tired and scared, thats all." My arm slid around him and I pulled him tight. Why do I feel the urge to help them, to protect them? 

"Here." Ravi went to the book case and pulled an old book out. He didnt say anymore, just dropped it into my lap. 



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KangAlice #1
Chapter 14: I like this story
Oh my gosh that is so good! I love it
Chapter 1: This sounds cool. Can't wait for an update.