
Demon inside

I hardly got any sleep that night. I would blink and see the figures standing outside the window and I would think they were there. Azure would sit up every time I would move and see if I was alright. He seemed to take this a lot better than me. I was still trying to compress all the information.

Hongbin sat outside the door all night and was waiting until I got up the next morning. We went and had breakfast like a normal house. Ravi made everything for us.

“Ok.” I set my fork down and looked up at them. “I think I understand, but not totally. Somehow I was a different soul that broke into three. One of said souls is a nasty person who wants nothing more than for me to be dead, because he can’t have me. He knows who I am just be being around me, like I don’t have to tell him or anything. He just knows me.

“The other one is the exact opposite.” I tried not to look at Hongbin, instead kept my eyes on Hakyeon. “He wants to protect me from the bad one. He wants to keep me safe and happy and to be with me, because it is our destiny to be together. He also just knows who I am by being around me.”

“Yes.” Hakyeon replied. “There is only you and one soul left. That’s why we need to protect you.” I nodded, but didn’t reply. “We’re lucky we found you before they did.”

“Sil, you ok?” Azure put his hand on my arm and I nodded again.

“So we’re just planning on bunking down while we look for the last soul.” Ravi stated. “She has to come soon. The souls are pulled towards the others. That’s why you game here.”

“No, I came here because I had to. I didn’t want to.” I countered.

“Deep down you know that isn’t the truth.” Hakyeon persisted. “You wanted to move here, when you found out you were excited. You know that.”

“No.” I snapped. “I didn’t want to move here. There is nothing that excited me about moving away from my home. I didn’t want to leave my life, my friends or my house.” I pushed away from the table and to my feet. “I wanted to stay and I want to go home!” I turned and stormed out the door. I only got a few feet before Azure stopped me.

“Silver.” He ran after me, but I started running too. “Silver wait!” He knew that I was faster than him and that he wouldn’t be able to catch up with me. I made it to the woods before he did and running is easier than chasing. I was able to duck around and avoid him.

“Silver Come back!” I dove under a downed tree and waited for him to run past me before getting back out. His calls slowly got quieter and quieter until I knew that he was gone.

I started back towards the house, but at a slower pace. The longer I walked the stupider I felt. I didn’t need to freak out and take off on them all, they were just doing what they thought was right. As delusional as they all were, they were just doing what they thought was right. They weren’t keeping me there against my will and they didn’t actually do anything wrong, just told me a story.

I paused and looked around. Earlier I hadn’t been paying attention to where I was going and I thought I was heading in the right direction. The house should have been here by now though. At least the drive way if I was off by a few feet when I started.

“Damn it.” I stopped and looked around. There was nothing in view in any direction besides trees. I glanced up at the sky and could tell which way was east, by that wasn’t going to help me. I didn’t know what way I was supposed to go. If I started in any direction but north I would get somewhere eventually, but how long would that take? “Damn it.”

I picked a direction and started. I’m pretty sure I remember us driving east for a while, but I couldn’t be sure. I realized I picked wrong when I still hadn’t reached anything by noon. My feet were sore and cut up in a few places. I took off without any shoes and that was another stupid thing. Let me just tick that off my list of stupid things.

“Shoes, water, leaving, Azure…” I stepped down on a rock and swore under my breath. A root caught my other foot and I fell to the ground. “I’m an idiot.”

A twig snapped behind me and I looked up. I didn’t see anything, but that didn’t mean there wasn’t anything there.

“Hello, is someone here?” I got up on my knees. “Hello?” A rather attractive face appeared around a tree and a pair of hands followed.

“You alright?” He called lightly and in English to me. “You need any help?” He came towards me slowly and his hands out where I could see them. “I’m not gunna hurt you, promise.” He knelt next to me and pulled a bottle from his bag. When he offered it to me I snatched it and downed almost the whole thing.


“Here,” He started untying his shoes. “I know I have small feet, but they will still fit.” He offered them to me, but I shook my head.

“No, I can’t take your shoes.”

“No, its fine.” He pushed them towards me again. “I have a car just up the path. You can give them back to me once we get there.”

“Oh, so now I’m coming with you?” He grinned and I found myself smiling back.

“Well, do you have a different way off the mountain?” 

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KangAlice #1
Chapter 14: I like this story
Oh my gosh that is so good! I love it
Chapter 1: This sounds cool. Can't wait for an update.