Chapter 2

Live In Style

“Um, sure.”  You replied.

“Great, let’s go!” Joonmyun replied grabbing your hand.

“Wait! I’m coming, too!” Junghwa called.

“Fine, I’ll be nice a buy you one too!” Joonmyun snapped.

*              *              *              *              *

“Unni,  get up.” You whispered to Junghwa. She rolled over in her bed, then grabbed her pillow and threw it at you. The pillow hit you in your face. “Unni! Wake up! We have another shoot today!”

“What time is it?” Junghwa mumbled.

“It’s two in the afternoon.” You informed her. She sat up and looked at her phone, it was two in the afternoon.

“Why didn’t you wake me early.” She asked.

“I tried, but you wouldn’t even move. Now, go wash up. Balli~!”  You yelled at her, Junghwa jumped out of bed, running straight to the bathroom.

“Can you already pick an outfit for me, to wear there?” Junghwa called from the bathroom.

“Yes…” you replied, you walked over to her closet, opening the doors. Junghwa’s closet was a mess, clothes draped over other clothes on hangers, clothes on the floor of the closet, you didn’t know what needed to be washed and what was washed. “Unni! I thought you cleaned your closet last week?!” you called to her.

“I did!” She called back.

“Well, you did a horrid job.” You stated as you dug through her mess pulling out clothes that would look good together and on Junghwa. You found a loose-fit wool shirt, which would be a good thing, since the temperature dropped last night. You also grabbed a pair of white skinny jeans.

“Hurry~!” You called to Junghwa.

*              *              *              *

“Suhwa, you did awesome today!” Joonmyun smiled.

“Aniya, you and Junghwa did most of the work.” You replied.

“Oh, I forgot to tell you, but I’m going to star in a new drama!” Joonmyun announced.

“You act?” Junghwa asked him. You started to giggle, but stopped yourself.

“I’m majoring in acting.” He informed her.

“You are, since when?”

“Since I entered college. But anyway, Suhwa, can you be my stylist?” Joonmyun asked you.

You nodded. “No problem!” You smiled.

“It’s a small role, but I’m still in the drama.” Joonmyun informed.

“What’s the name of the drama?” Junghwa asked.

“It’s called Bicha.” Joonmyun told her.

“Well due to this important accomplishment, I think we shall get some meat!” Junghwa proclaimed.

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ORMEIGEWD~~!!! I haven't updated in awhile... (I'm so bad!) Since school is almost over for me, i know i'll be able to update~! (2014.5.30)


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bobjo1913 #1
Chapter 10: hi i love the plot, but i wish the chaps were longer and less straightforward...thank you
ParkHyeri #2
Chapter 3: Update soon! ~ I really like this story.