Meeting the Family

It's You Again

Once they were finished with their drinks at the cafe, they all headed to Andi's home for dinner. Everyone was excited because they were all hungry, and L.Joe kept bragging about how Andi's mum was the best cook.

Andi/Minkyung's POV

"She makes the best bulgogi!" L.Joe was talking about my umma's cooking. Teen Top and Infinite kept on complaining for him to stop because they were so hungry.

"Yah, hyung! Stop talking about food!" Ricky complained. I had to admit that I was getting pretty hungry myself.

"Okay, we're here!" I announced as we stopped in front of my driveway.

"THIS IS YOUR HOUSE?!" They all yelled out with wide eyes.

I just laughed and nodded. L.Joe kept on eyeing the house and he gasped, "Hey! Your father FINALLY fixed the driveway, huh?"

I laughed and replied, "Yeah, after umma kept on complaining that he was lazy."

L.Joe, Levon, and I started walking towards the entrance, while Teen Top and Infinite were slowly following from behind gazing at the house.

I went in and called out, "Umma, I'm home! I brought some guests, I hope that's okay!"

Umma called out from the kitchen, "Guests?! Oh honey, that's great! I accidentally made too much for just the family to eat, so you actually made my job easier! Please make them feel at home!"

I turned to them and said, "You heard the woman, make yourselves at home." L.Joe and Levon sat down comfortably on the couch, while the rest of the boys were just staring at me in disbelief.

"You guys planning on just standing there?" L.Joe asked, clearly amused.

Sunggyu shook his ehad and said, "It would be rude of us not to greet your umma. It's the least we can do if we're going to have dinner here."

Everyone else nodded, while Levon and I looked at each other. Levon shrugged and said to me, "I guess it's because they were raised to always remember to show respect." I nodded and lead them to the kitchen.


I went up to my umma, who was cooking and kissed her on the cheek. "Hi, mum! These are my new friends, and you remember L.Joe, don't you?"

She stopped cooking and told me to watch the food. "Oh, hello! It's so nice to meet you boys!"

They all bowed to her and greeted her, "Hello, thank you for having us for dinner!"

She looked back at me then to the boys and said, "Oh my! Your parents taught you well! And Byunghun! My god, what have you done to your hair?!"

Everyone chuckled at that, while L.Joe went and hugged her. "It's always nice to see you, too!" he laughed.

My umma placed her hands on his cheeks and said, "You know, my little Minkyung here missed you dearly when you moved back to South Korea!" L.Joe smirked at me.

I facepalmed myself and said, "Oh my god, mother! I think your chicken is burnt."

She yelped and ran to the oven. She turned to me and gave me a glare. "Yah, Andrea Minkyung Lee. Don't ever scare your mum like that again!" I smiled and asked, "Do you need any help here?"

She went back to cooking and said, "Yeah, can you place the silverware on the table already? I'll be finshed here soon. Oh, and call your brother and ask him where he is."

I nodded and went to get the forks and spoons. As an after thought I decided on bringing out the chopsticks, just in case.

"You guys can sit down and relax." I said to Teen Top and Infnite, who were still standing there. They hesitantly left.

After I was finished I took out my phone and called my brother.

"Hello?" He answered, I could hear he was running fast.

"Where the hell are you?" I asked him.

"Yeah, I know I'm late. Soccer practice took longer than I expected cause the coach was in a bad mood today. I'm already on our street, do you mind opening the door for me?" he replied, out of breath.

I hung up and went to the door to find my brother gasping for air.

"Lee Chanho, nice of you to join us." I smiled at him.

He glared at me, but ended up smiling at me. "When did you start calling me that?"

He walked in and passed the living room, but stopped before entering the kitchen. He walked backwards and saw Teen Top and Infinite right back at him.

"Noona, why are there boys in our living room?" he asked, giving me a cconfused look.

I linked our arms together, and introduced them. "Guys, this is my younger brother, Chanho. He prefers to be called Tyler, though. Tyler, these guys are Teen Top and Infinite."

"Wahhh! L.Joe hyung! Long time, no see! And it's nice meeting you guys!" he bowed towards the boys, and fist pounded with L.Joe and Levon.

"Sorry, I need to say hi to my mum." he said before leaving for the kitchen.

Sungjong came up to and said, "Wow, you guys look alike. I could see good genes run in your family."

I smiled and thanked him.

Hoya asked, "Hey, where's your appa? We would love to meet him, too!"

Everyone else nodded in agreement. I replied, "Oh, he's working right now, but he usually comes home sometime around dinner."

For the next few minutes, we spent the time talking to each other, and Tyler soon joined us.

"Guys... and Andi. Dinner's ready!" Umma's voice echoed throughout the house.

Everyone got up quickly and raced each other to the dining room.



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I'll miss this story!!!!!!!!!!!!! Come back very soon ;)
minshi #2
This story seems nice~ <br />
Can't wait to see what happens next!<br />
Update soon!!
miyi_strawberry #3
Update soon!!!
I like this story~ And of course L.Joe still likes Andi, hehe.
LOL. l.joe and levon are gossip boys(?)<br />
AHAHA...sorry O_O
it's really good!!! hehe volleyballs are dangerous... that's why I didn't play volleyball this year... someone might get hurt!!!! (unintentionally of course!)
updaste soon!!!!!!!
yayyyyy they see each other (:
omo omo omo omo Teen Top and Infinite (;<br />
<br />
lol i like it as well update when you can^^