Take Care of You


She was cold, impassive, which was the reason so many people avoided her. 

Not many people knew what went on in her life.

Nobody ever bothered to ask her why she acted the way she did.

Nobody seemed to care.


She was used to the pain and suffering that came with her life. Those hardships made her stronger, and has caused her to build a wall between her and the rest of the people around her.

She was someone who wasn't shown much love as a child. 

I've watched her for the pass few months. She didn't hang out with too many people. 

I was curious about her. She was different. I wanted to know more about her.

She was broken, but she was perfect.

Nam Seul Mi (You)

Age: 18

Student at School of Performing Arts Seoul focusing on Ballet.

Nobody bothers to get to know her.

Kim Jong In

Age: 18

Student at School of Performing Arts Seoul focusing on Dance.

Member of Exo-K.

This is just going to be a short story. Probably less than 5 chapters! Please comment and subscribe!


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Awww, this is so sweet.
I wish the chapters were longer though....but I still really like the story! :)
omg. pleaseuu!~ gimme moarr kaii. *-* -lol-
update soon! i can't wait to see what happens next!^^
Can't wait to read more! :3 Great start ^^
Update soon author-nim! ^^