It's All Your Fault!

Lovers Vs. Wedded

On Friday, there was a sports event where all high school students had to participate in.

The teams were picked out of a hat and each team had 2 guys and 2 girls.

Each team were given out plain white t-shirts to design their own team wear and black SHORT shorts for girls and baggy black shorts for the guys.

The principal announced the teams on the speaker so that everyone would know where they should be meeting at.

"Team 1: Myung Su, Joon Yup, Hee Jun and Na Hyun. In Room 101............Team 10: Changmin, Jaejoong, Jessica, Sunny. In Room 304..."

"Eeek!" Jessica gasped.

"With that Sunny again!" Changmin mumbled.

After listening to the principal's announcement, all the students rushed around to their assigned rooms. Each room had 4 groups in it.

Sunny and Changmin were already in the room so they watched Jaejoong and Jessica walk in one after the other. The white T-shirts and shorts were piled on the desk that read Team 10.

"Jae oppa!" Sunny jumped up and ran to him while Changmin rolled his eyes.

His rolling eyes soon brightened up when he saw Jessica walking in. She went up to him kissed him on the cheeks.

Sunny gave them a disgusted look.

"So what are we going to do to our T-shirts?" Jaejoong asked.

The other two didn't answer. "Hey! Jaejoong is asking you," Sunny said.

"Why don't we draw little angels and hearts?" Jessica was in the little girl mode.

"Pff..I don't want to look like a girl," Jaejoong said as he slunked into his chair.

"Look who's talking," Changmin hissed.

"Min! You're so immature!" Sunny shouted.

"Blah blah blah," he replied.

"Please stop fussing over nonsense. We've only got a few minutes left before going out on the field," Jessica interrupted.

"Okay okay. Let's start designing," Jaejoong started and rolled up his sleeves.

After a few minutes of arguing and drawing on the sample shirt, they finally came up with a design.

In the middle of the white shirt was a big red heart which Jessica drew and on the left side was J+S and on the right was C+J. And on the bottom, Changmin wrote 'Team Love <3'.

Then they copied on all of the other shirts and got dressed. Just then, the bell rang and everyone had to go out to the field.

The team with the most points wins free lunch for the whole next week and gets to sit on the top floor where only teachers were allowed.

There were 10 games to play and Team Love tried their best in everything, winning all the games.

When all the games were done playing, the teachers added up the points and there was a tie between Team Love and High Fives. They announced that there will be a tug-of-war race between the two teams.

Jaejoong was at the back of the rope while Changmin was at the very front. Behind him was Sunny and then Jessica. The referee blew the whistle and they started pulling like mad.

Changmin tried his very best with his arms to get the rope to cross the line while Jaejoong pulled from the back. In between, the girls helped the guys.

"PULL . PULL . PULL . . . ." Changmin lead. At the last PULL, they finally won. The rope crossed the line and the four lovebirds fell to the ground. Changmin on top of Sunny, Sunny on top of Jessica and Jessica on top of Jaejoong.

"AHHHHH!!!!" Jessica shouted and Changmin quickly jerked up and went to her. Sunny was lying on top of her, making Jessica lay flat on the ground.

"Oppa!! My leg!!" she shouted again. Sunny had her elbow pressed onto Jessica's leg.

"Sunny! Get off!" he shouted and harshly pulled her off Jessica with both his hands. Sunny flew to the other side with a loud thud.

"Are you okay? Are you okay?" Changmin asked, lifting Jessica up. She failed to stand up and fell into his arms.

Since she was wearing shorts, a big red mark was seen on her left thigh.

"My leg hurts when I straighten it," she yelped in pain. Changmin lifted her up in his arms and turned around to glare at Sunny.

"It's all your FAULT! If something permanent happens to her, I'm NEVER FORGIVING YOU!" he yelled at her with eyes bulging out of its sockets and walked away to the doctor's office.

Sunny eyes went down and she cried. He had scared her to death and Jaejoong quickly ran to her and embraced her.

"It's okay, I'll get that later," he said. "It's not your fault anyways, come on, let's go."

They got up and left without taking the prize. Their advisors had to take it for them.

In the doctor's office, Jessica's wound was being dressed while Changmin stood beside her.

"She will need clutches for about a week," the doctor explained.

"She'll be fine after that week right?" he asked.

The doctor nodded. "Alright, you two can go now."

Changmin helped Jessica out of the room with her clutches.

"That girl, I'm so not forgiving her, ever," he mumbled under his breath. Somehow Jessica heard this and sighed.

"You're getting married with her the day after tomorrow," she said.

"I don't care. She'll see how living with me will be like after hurting you," he said in an angry tone.


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fanfan109 #1
Update please
DanDyuDream #2
Chapter 8: oh such interesting story with unique pairing. I like. please continue this story.
Chapter 8: Please update soon!
Chapter 8: update soon
Chapter 2: Please update soon.
SungHaJoon #6
Chapter 8: Please update soon **
Update soon!
namminie #8
please update.....
Plz update I waiting to read next chapter...
LOL Changmin's so childish XD updates!