Epilogue Part 1

Family Matters

“Ah! I am so tired! Tae do the rest on your own!” Jessica slumped down on the couch in between boxes.

Taeyeon playfully slapped Jessica’s shoulder, “Come on you promised to help. We have most of it moved in.”

Jessica looked up, “Break? Please?” Taeyeon looked down at the exhausted girl and decided to sit on her lap while capturing the girl into a kiss.

“Small break.” Jessica tightly wrapped her arms around Taeyeon.

“Maybe a small nap?”

“Ya! I need to move the rest of my stuff in before night.” Taeyeon managed to wiggle her way out of Jessica’s arms, “I won’t make you food if you don’t help with the rest.”

Jessica slowly got off the couch, “Fine…I swear you are treating me like a child.”

“It is because you are behaving like a child.”

After another hour, the two women brought the last box into the apartment.

“I told you that wouldn’t take long.”

“Food now.” Taeyeon laughed at Jessica who gave up on making it to the couch and decided to sprawl herself on the floor.

“I am too tired. How about we just order food.”

“You made me do all that work when you just planned on ordering food? I thought I would get your food as a treat.”

Taeyeon decided to join Jessica on the floor and looked into the girl’s eyes, “You get my cooking every day now. Why are you complaining?”

“Sounds good.” Jessica smiled, “Taeyeon every day.”

“Well I get Jessica every day.” Taeyeon snuggled into Jessica’s arms and both fell asleep.


~6 Months ago~


Taeyeon looked up at the office building, “Wow Jessica works in such a big building. I knew she made good money but this is still shocking.” She looked down at the box she was holding knowing that the box contained her heart.

The elevator stopped at the twelfth floor and opened to a small lobby with only one secretary. Taeyeon thought there would be more people, but Jessica never talked about her work or flaunted how much money she actually had. She just assumed that Jessica made quite a bit based on the fact her son when to a private kindergarten and her apartment was very nice even if it was smaller.

“Miss who are you here to see?”

“Jessica Jung.”

“Do you have an appointment.”
“I didn’t make one. Could you call and just tell her Taeyeon is here to see her?”

The secretary paged Jessica, “Ms. Jung, Taeyeon is here. She doesn’t have an appointment…”

Jessica cut off her secretary, “…she doesn’t need an appointment. Tell her to come back.”

Taeyeon was lost in her thoughts looking at the art in the lobby, “Miss…” Taeyeon turned around and looked at the secretary, “Ms. Jung is this way. Please follow me.”

Taeyeon stepped into Jessica’s office and was amazed at the size of the place, but more captivated by her girlfriend in front of the window that showed the sun setting behind her. It seemed like one of those scenes you would only see in movies.

Jessica smiled and got up from behind her desk to head towards Taeyeon. Taeyeon greeted Jessica with a small kiss, “I thought the secretary was lying to me. I never expected you to surprise me at work.”

“Why wouldn’t I come when it is our 100 day anniversary.”

Jessica knew the day very well but she didn’t want Taeyeon to catch onto her surprise plans yet. “I suppose you are right. It is our 100 day.”

“Sica did you really forget?”

Jessica was having a hard time keeping her poker face when her girlfriend was throwing a small tantrum, “I didn’t forget. Just thought celebrating this day was something kids do.”

Taeyeon was trying to control her emotions, “…but…I never had a 100 day anniversary with anyone before…you are my first.”

Jessica pulled Taeyeon into a hug, “I am glad I am your first. Did you want to wait a few minutes while I pack up? I will take you out for dinner tonight.”




Jessica pulled up to a clothing store, “This isn’t a restaurant.”

“I had something prepared…and you can’t get in with what you are wearing.”

Taeyeon and Jessica entered the shop. Jessica was greeted by the staff as if this wasn’t her first time coming to the shop before. “Miss Jung and Miss Kim please follow us. Your dresses are ready.”

“Tae just get changed and I will meet you back in the main part of the store.”

Taeyeon entered the dressing room and saw a gorgeous salmon colored evening dress with a golden clasp off-center by her waist. Even the shoes and jewelry were prepared for her.

Jessica saw Taeyeon come out the dressing room but the beauty of the older girl made time stop. She was falling in love with her all over again. Taeyeon was also basking in the beautiful sight of Jessica in a light pink evening gown with simple ruffles on the bottom. Both wanted to express how amazing each looked but both couldn’t put their feelings into words.




Taeyeon was amazed they were eating at a five star restaurant that was usually booked up for months. She had a feeling Jessica was preparing their 100 day for a while now or she had some amazing connections.

“Jessica all of this is more than I could ever ask for.”

Jessica knew that she must have done a good job preparing this evening but the best part was just spending the night with her girlfriend.

The meal lasted a few hours for each wanted to saver this moment as long as possible.

As Jessica was finishing her dessert, Taeyeon thought it was the perfect opportunity to give Jessica her gift. Taeyeon looked at Jessica, “Jessica….” Jessica removed her eyes from the dessert she just finished and looked into the deep brown eyes, “…you know I have loved you for many years, but I still can’t believe that you chose to love me back. Every day seems like an unreal dream. The happiness you give me seems unimaginable.” Jessica was having a hard time holding back her tears. “I love you so much that each day I find myself loving you more and more. I hope that I can give you all the love that you deserve. Happy 100 days.” Taeyeon pulled out the white box and pushed it across the table towards Jessica.

Jessica had tears streaming down her face and opened the box. “Tae…”

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Soneisa #1
Chapter 9: Nice
Chapter 9: I think I can read this story a thousand times without getting bored such a masterpiece
Author nim you are really blessed with a beautiful writing skills!!
goo15j #3
Chapter 9: I have read your other fics and I can't believe I just stumbled upon this one. Great story btw! I really enjoy your writing style :)
ben-o9 #4
Chapter 9: Cant believe i missed out on this short story from you! I like the way of how taeng finally gets her happily ever after after all the waiting.
Chapter 9: This was your first fanfic ?? a work of art.
The proposition, just beautiful, I love TaengSic with happy ending, I regret not having read before this fic
Chapter 7: I really love the way you write, you write really beautiful things, which says Taeyeon is really romantic
Chapter 5: My TaengSic heart ♡♡♡,
rediscover love...... I like this phrase
Chapter 3: Confession ?? !!! omg Taengoo 10 years of unrequited love soo sad
Chapter 2: MY OH MY!!! JeTi was first, poor Taengoo :(, very good friend
Chapter 1: I confess that I had not read this fic before because I see JeTi in the tag, but maybe TaengSicTi, interesting very interesting