The Past is Past

Family Matters

“Jess why are you so cold to Tiffany in front of him?” Jessica didn’t look up from her activities and ignored the question. Taeyeon just gave a little pout as she remembered the history between Jessica and Tiffany during college.


~7 years ago~


Jessica was running late to class because she slept in again. She ran out the door of her apartment but crashed into someone when she was about to leave the complex. “Ah sorry!” She looked up and was captivated by an eye smile that was looking right back at her.


“Haha no problem! But is your shoulder okay?”


Jessica was left speechless and words wouldn’t really come out. Finally she was able to let out a little squeak, “Okay….”


“Okay?” The eye smile disappeared with confusion and worry.


“I mean I am okay. Did I hurt you?”


“No no. I am fine, but you looked to be in a hurry. I think you should get going.”


Reality flashed back into her mind that she was still late for class. “Ah yes!” Jessica gave a quick bow and ran off again.



Jessica could not pay attention in class just remembering how that girl smiled at her and pierced into her heart. Soon she saw the class getting up and remembered she had day dreamed the entire period. “Ah great…I forgot to pay attention and take notes again…” She thought to herself. She glanced around the room to see Taeyeon finishing packing her bag.


“Hey Taeyeon,” she said leaning against the desk which Taeyeon was getting out of, “I didn’t take good notes, do you mind if I copy yours?”


Taeyeon was not a bit surprised to hear those words again after she saw her arrive 10 minutes late. “You know the test is in 2 days?”


Jessica started to pout and use her eyes to get what she wanted. “Please!!!!” She was practically begging the older girl.


Taeyeon knew this tactic well and she knew she would give in, but she wanted to get something in return for this transaction. “Fine, but I need them too. Can we just meet later in the library and study together?”


Jessica was overjoyed that she got what she wanted. “Yay!” She proclaimed and linked arms with the shorter girl. “Hey do want to go for lunch now?”


Taeyeon didn’t realize that 11am meant to eat lunch, but she wasn’t going to turn her friend down on a meal offer.



They went to the usual café and sat next to the window. Jessica was spacing off while Taeyeon enjoyed her brunch. Taeyeon looked up to see if she was staring at anything important but she noticed she wasn’t. Bored she started to people watch in the café only to see a familiar face. “Hey Tiffany!” She yelled practically across the entire place. Jessica peered up to see who Taeyeon was calling for, but time moved practically in slow motion when she glanced at a familiar face.


“Oh hey Taeyeon! Do you mind if we join you then?” Tiffany was all smiles as she pulled over a table to accommodate her and her two friends, Yuri and Yoona. Jessica’s eyes were glued on Tiffany and about to burn a hole into her head until Taeyeon spoke up.


“Hey Tiff, this is my friend Jessica. Jess this Tiffany, Yuri, and Yoona. They are old high school friends.” Jessica just sat in silence not sure what to say. She was glad the silence was broken by Tiffany.


“Ah Jessica? I think we have met informally before this morning! If I knew you were Taeyeon’s friend I would have introduced myself. Sorry if I was a bid rude.” Tiffany bit her lip in concern.


“Ah that pout is so cute!” Jessica was only caught up in her own thoughts until she finally was able to respond. “No problem,” she managed to form a smile, “I am sorry I bumped into you this morning as is.”


“No need to apologize. An accident is an accident.”


The meal was relaxed for the rest of the time and Jessica was able to ease up when Taeyeon and her friends talked about high school.



Later that night,  Taeyeon and Jessica were busy in the library studying when Jessica let out a loud outbursts she stretched. “I am done!”


Taeyeon looked up to see Jessica finished copying her notes and let out a short chuckle. “You’re not done. You just copied the notes.”


Jessica laid her head on the table, “Umm but that was tiring. I don’t want to study.”


Taeyeon just glanced over and said nothing. She was just happy that she was able to spend time with Jessica.


“Hey you know your friend Tiffany”


“Mmm yea what about her.” Taeyeon wasn’t paying any interest in the conversation because she was too focused on studying.


“How long have you known her?”


Taeyeon finally looked up at Jessica, “I met her second year of high school.”


“So you know her really well?”


“Haha yea of course. She and I even entered the same college dummy.”


Jessica didn’t know where this conversation was going but she wanted to know if she had a chance with dating this girl. “Do you know if she is seeing anyone?”


Taeyeon was taken aback by this question. She didn’t know Jessica liked girls, but a huge rock also formed in her stomach as she secretly had a crush on Jessica since they met. “Are you interested in her Jessica?”


Jessica suddenly grew shy as she just realized what she asked, “Ahh…no…out of curiosity.”


“If you are interested, I can help.” She didn’t want to say those words, but what could she do when she stared at the girl she loved finally being in love.


Jessica’s eyes perked up and she sat up. “Really? You think…I have a chance?”


“Yea I think so. Tiffany is single as far as I know and she prefers girls over guys to my knowledge.”



After a few months it was official that Jessica and Tiffany were a campus couple. Taeyeon thought this could only be a fling and they would break up eventually so she could have a chance with Jessica. She just couldn’t believe that she actually helped them to get together. Why did she have to play the good friend!?

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Soneisa #1
Chapter 9: Nice
Chapter 9: I think I can read this story a thousand times without getting bored such a masterpiece
Author nim you are really blessed with a beautiful writing skills!!
goo15j #3
Chapter 9: I have read your other fics and I can't believe I just stumbled upon this one. Great story btw! I really enjoy your writing style :)
ben-o9 #4
Chapter 9: Cant believe i missed out on this short story from you! I like the way of how taeng finally gets her happily ever after after all the waiting.
Chapter 9: This was your first fanfic ?? a work of art.
The proposition, just beautiful, I love TaengSic with happy ending, I regret not having read before this fic
Chapter 7: I really love the way you write, you write really beautiful things, which says Taeyeon is really romantic
Chapter 5: My TaengSic heart ♡♡♡,
rediscover love...... I like this phrase
Chapter 3: Confession ?? !!! omg Taengoo 10 years of unrequited love soo sad
Chapter 2: MY OH MY!!! JeTi was first, poor Taengoo :(, very good friend
Chapter 1: I confess that I had not read this fic before because I see JeTi in the tag, but maybe TaengSicTi, interesting very interesting