Are you Ready?

Family Matters



Taeyeon broke out of her reminiscing once Jessica got up from the couch and turned off her ipad.

“Hey Taeyeon,” Taeyeon looked up to see Jessica approaching her and sitting across from her at the table, “did you want to stay over for supper. I miss your cooking.”


Taeyeon was over joyed that Jessica wanted her to stay, but was still a bit disappointed to hear that it was only because the bad cook wanted a decent meal by someone who could cook.


“Awww Tangooooo! Please!” Jessica went all out on pouting and giving her irresistible puppy dog eyes.


Taeyeon sighed and began to cook. Jessica cheered up and watched from afar at the table. “Jess do you regret having a child with Tiffany?”


Jessica’s smile quickly dissipated when the question was brought up.


~4 years ago~


“Sica, we have been married for a year now. What do you think about having a child together?”

Jessica was a bit taken aback by this statement. She didn’t think Tiffany liked kids and she knew she wasn’t good with children either.


“I don’t know. If you want to have one. We can have one.” Jessica approached Tiffany and embraced her in a tight back hug.


Tiffany didn’t want this moment to end and was grinning from cheek to cheek with joy that the love of her life was by her side. “I know we both are not good with kids but you know my family wants grandchildren and I think yours do too. We can learn together and it would be nice to have a family of our own.”


Jessica didn’t think about her parents wanting grandchildren until now. “I can see where you are coming from but I don’t want to have a child unless we are both ready.”


“Sica I am ready.” She turned and gave Jessica a light peck. Jessica smiled.


“Okay. Lets try having a child if that is what you want.”





“Taeyeon you know I don’t like it when you bring up Tiffany and you know having a child was a mutual agreement we had.”


Taeyeon knew she was pushing the wrong buttons but she didn’t like that her two friends who were so much in love 2 years ago suddenly hate each other. She wanted to be closer to Jessica but her past seems to keep her from moving forward. “I get it. You know she is my friend too.”


“I know. You were friends with her first.”


Taeyeon finished cooking the meal and joined Jessica at the table. They picked up with light conversation and then started joking around near the meal’s end.


“I got it. I got it. You cooked so I can do the dishes.”


“At least let me dry.” Taeyeon and Jessica got up at the same time with their dishes and headed over to the sink.


“Hey Jess.” She looked over at Jessica while the dishes were being washed.


“Hey yourself.”


“You know I regretted that I helped you get together with Tiffany in college.”


Jessica looked up at Taeyeon. She was not sure where all these weird questions are coming from. She knew Taeyeon usually doesn’t talk about the past cause she doesn’t like to talk about it but Taeyeon seems to be pushing the past into her face suddenly. “Why is that? You seemed happy to put us together from what I remember.”


“Happiness was just showing on the outside.” Taeyeon stopped drying the dishes and looked at Jessica. Jessica was looking at Taeyeon all the same in complete confusion. “You know I have been your friend for about 10 years now Jess?”


“Yea I know. I was there.”


“I have been with you before you met Tiffany. While you two were together. After you broke up till now, right?”


Jessica was very confused on to where this conversation was going. “Right…”


“I didn’t want to tell you because I thought you would want to…I don’t know, end our friendship, but I think I can tell you now.” Taeyeon looked at Jessica intently and just blurted out the words she has been wanting to tell Jessica for the past 10 years. “I love you…not the friendship love, but the love you had with Tiffany. I know this seems sudden but I have wanted to tell you that since we met. I was in love with you when I first saw you on campus during freshman orientation.” Taeyeon was breathless and her legs went numb. She didn’t know how she was able to stand at that moment. Griping the towel tightly her gaze returned to Jessica awaiting her response.

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Soneisa #1
Chapter 9: Nice
Chapter 9: I think I can read this story a thousand times without getting bored such a masterpiece
Author nim you are really blessed with a beautiful writing skills!!
goo15j #3
Chapter 9: I have read your other fics and I can't believe I just stumbled upon this one. Great story btw! I really enjoy your writing style :)
ben-o9 #4
Chapter 9: Cant believe i missed out on this short story from you! I like the way of how taeng finally gets her happily ever after after all the waiting.
Chapter 9: This was your first fanfic ?? a work of art.
The proposition, just beautiful, I love TaengSic with happy ending, I regret not having read before this fic
Chapter 7: I really love the way you write, you write really beautiful things, which says Taeyeon is really romantic
Chapter 5: My TaengSic heart ♡♡♡,
rediscover love...... I like this phrase
Chapter 3: Confession ?? !!! omg Taengoo 10 years of unrequited love soo sad
Chapter 2: MY OH MY!!! JeTi was first, poor Taengoo :(, very good friend
Chapter 1: I confess that I had not read this fic before because I see JeTi in the tag, but maybe TaengSicTi, interesting very interesting