Rediscovering Love

Family Matters

The doorbell rang and Taeyeon made her way to her door after setting down the toy car she was playing with.


“Taetae!” The girl was very happy to see her for some reason, but the hug didn’t last long when the little boy came up and stole the embrace away from her.


“Mommy!” The boy hugged his mother as she grabbed and picked him up.


“Did you miss mom while I was at work?” He snuggled closer and just nodded his head, not wanting to separate from his mother. The woman turned her attention to Taeyeon again, “Tae…I am sorry to have bothered you to take care of him again while I worked late. I know Jessica does this to you too since you live close to her.”


“You know I don’t have a problem taking him in when you two have to work late. However, I am starting to think I should get paid for this job. I have started to feel like the designated babysitter since you two got a divorce.”


The words sliced through the taller woman’s heart and the smile was immediately erased from her face. “Yea I suppose we both have been relying on you too much since then.”


Taeyeon lightly slapped Tiffany’s shoulder, “Ah you know I am just kidding! What else would I do at night after I get off work anyway?” She just laughed to clear the uncomfortable atmosphere surrounding the two.


“Well I wish we could spend more time talking but it looks like he is tired. I should go since we have a longer drive home.”


“Yea I suppose it is late.”


Tiffany and her son left after gathering his book bag.


Taeyeon went back to the living room and sat on the recliner. She became lost in her thoughts and was overcome by guilt remembering how hurt Tiffany was with just the mention of the word divorce. It is clear that Tiffany is still in love with Jessica even after 2 years of separation and now Taeyeon wanted to get in between a possible reunion with them with her selfishness of loving Jessica. If only one of them was honest with her about why they separated in the first place! Even Yoona and Yuri knew, but wouldn’t tell her. “Ah so frustrating. I have frustrating friends. Frustrating having feelings. Ah life is just frustrating!”


Taeyeon just leaned back and closed her eyes for a bit until her phone started to ring. She go up and searched for her hand phone but it disappeared. Until she noticed it was in the pile of toys. “Ah I missed the call.” Shock hit her face as she noticed it was from Jessica. Jessica hadn’t contacted her for 4 days after she did her confession. Should she call her back? The phone answered the question for her as it started to ring again.




“Jessica? Is that you?”


“Do you mind if I come over?” Come over? Taeyeon was unsure if she wanted to face her again. It was so embarrassing the first time and she was now not ready to hear an answer.


“Yea that is fine. Come over when you have time...” The doorbell rang, “Hold on, someone is at my door.”


Taeyeon opened the door to see Jessica standing there. Both looked at each other and just stared for a while until Taeyeon gestured for her to come in. “I thought it would be a while until you came by. I didn’t think you would come right this minute.”


“I figured you would be home at this time and it isn’t like I live far.” Jessica nearly stepped on a car. “Was Tiffany just here?”


Taeyeon immediately started to pick up the toys. “Yea she picked up your son maybe 30 minutes ago.”


“I see.” Jessica was still standing just watching Taeyeon frantically pick up the mess her son had created.


“Do you want to sit? Something to drink?”


Jessica was lost in her thoughts, “Uh…did you say something?” Taeyeon then walked over and pushed Jessica into the recliner she was using a few minutes ago and went to the kitchen to get Jessica some water.


Still in the kitchen, “So why did you come over?”


Jessica looked up at Taeyeon as she handed her the water. “I thought I should give you an explanation.”


“Explanation? About what?”


“From what I can see, Tiffany and I both never told you why we got a divorce in the first place.”


“I was waiting for one of you to bring it up. By the looks of it, neither of you wanted to talk about it.”


“I think I should tell you before I tell you my answer to your confession from a few days ago.”

Taeyeon didn’t seem to like where this conversation was going. It sounded like she was going to reject her then and there.


~2 years ago~


Jessica got out of work early and thought she would go to her wife’s work and surprise her before she got off. Just as she stepped out of her car in the parking lot of the office complex she saw a couple making out on the side of a car. “Ah that is showy. They should take that home…wait that car looks like the same one Tiffany has.” Jessica observed the scene a few seconds longer and the girl finally was facing her way.


It was like the whole world started to come down on her. She couldn’t believe, no she didn’t want to believe what she was looking at. She just wished this was a dream and her heart would stop the agonizing pain it was feeling.


The woman separated from the man when she noticed Jessica across the parking lot. “Jess!” She yelled in panic.


Upon hearing Tiffany’s voice, Jessica also panicked and rushed into her car to drive away from everything she saw.




By the end of the story, Jessica was in Taeyeon’s embrace both of whom were crying. Taeyeon didn’t know how to express comfort for something one of her best friends did to the girl she loved. She was dumbfounded on how that could happen to two people who seemed inseparable. None of it made sense.


Taeyeon woke up from her daze once she felt lips on her own. She couldn’t resist the sensation of Jessica’s lips, but she knew this wasn’t right. She was only kissing to escape from her grief.


She lightly pushed Jessica away. “Aye Jess, not like this.”


Jessica looked up at her and wiped away her own tears. “Taeyeon I told you because I want to let it go. I don’t want to hold onto that pain anymore. I didn’t think I could start over with someone until I could finally say it with my own mouth. I am ready to move on. Please let me move on with you.” Jessica just looked intently in the brown eyes that she found comfort and warmth in. The old feelings from 10 years were in full force and her heart beat faster than ever.


“Jess…are you sure you are ready for this. It doesn’t seem like either of you moved on… I mean I saw Tiffany today…” Her words were lost when the other girl cupped her face and approached closer.


“Tae…I made my decision.” She continued to close the gap before their lips moved in synch with each other. Taeyeon became lost in the moment and adjusted herself to be on top and controled the kiss.


The kiss was passionate, both caught up in each other’s scent and softness of their lips. Taeyeon gave a few short pecks before breaking the kiss. Jessica was reluctant to break away from lips she was longing for.


“Jess this is confusing for me. I mean Tiffany is my friend and you have a child! She also loves you. I am not sure I thought this through when I first confessed.”


Jessica just chucked as she saw Taeyeon over analyzing their situations. “Tae you know I liked you before I fell for Tiffany right?” Taeyeon wasn’t aware of this fact and was soon at a loss for words. She liked her… “Taeyeon can you let me love you again?”


Taeyeon loved the words she was hearing. All the complications that could come from this relationship seemed to disappear and only saw the happiness in Jessica’s eyes. Happiness that was not there for 2 years.


There was no other response that came to mind but to recapture the lips she separated from before. Jessica smiled under the kiss that soon escalated out of passion, lust, and love. Both wanted each other more and more. Both trying to recapture the feelings that were lost in college. Both wanting to rediscover love.

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Soneisa #1
Chapter 9: Nice
Chapter 9: I think I can read this story a thousand times without getting bored such a masterpiece
Author nim you are really blessed with a beautiful writing skills!!
goo15j #3
Chapter 9: I have read your other fics and I can't believe I just stumbled upon this one. Great story btw! I really enjoy your writing style :)
ben-o9 #4
Chapter 9: Cant believe i missed out on this short story from you! I like the way of how taeng finally gets her happily ever after after all the waiting.
Chapter 9: This was your first fanfic ?? a work of art.
The proposition, just beautiful, I love TaengSic with happy ending, I regret not having read before this fic
Chapter 7: I really love the way you write, you write really beautiful things, which says Taeyeon is really romantic
Chapter 5: My TaengSic heart ♡♡♡,
rediscover love...... I like this phrase
Chapter 3: Confession ?? !!! omg Taengoo 10 years of unrequited love soo sad
Chapter 2: MY OH MY!!! JeTi was first, poor Taengoo :(, very good friend
Chapter 1: I confess that I had not read this fic before because I see JeTi in the tag, but maybe TaengSicTi, interesting very interesting