Future Stuck in the Past

Family Matters

Jessica was in a daze. She just looked Taeyeon in the eyes and saw the sincerity in her eyes but could see the tears forming. Jessica could only think of one thing as she looked into those brown eyes.


~10 years ago~


Jessica closed her dorm and headed to the common lounge on her floor of the dorm where she saw her roommate Hyoyeon already sitting on one of the couches. Naturally Jessica sat next to her roommate and waited while other people on her floor flooded into the common room for a floor meeting.


“Hey guys be quiet!” The resident assistant began to speak but the whole room was still loud with girls caught up in their individual conversations. “Come on girls, we just have a few things to go over and I want to get it done fast.” Finally the room fell silent.


Jessica was bored as the resident assistant began to talk about dorm policy and rules. She was about to fall asleep until Hyoyeon nudged her and asked if she wanted to be in her group. “Group? Group for what?”


“Ya! Where you paying attention!?”


“Not really…”


“We are doing just doing a small activity to get to know people on our floor better. We just need to go into groups of 4 people.”


“Ah okay, but that means we need 2 more people.” Jessica started scanning the room, but Hyoyeon already pulled two victims over to join their group.


“Hey Sica! I found 2 people.” Jessica looked over to find a cute looking shorter girl next to very tall girl with short hair. She started to laugh in her head because the height difference seemed so drastic.


“This is Jessica and I am Hyoyeon. We are room number 211.” Hyoyeon was always the first to speak up when it came to new people.


“I am Sooyoung and this is my roommate Taeyeon. We are two doors down from you it seems in 209.” Jessica was not focused on Sooyoung but caught up in the brown eyes of the shorter girl who seemed to avoiding her gaze. Something about those eyes seemed to be captivating.




Jessica cupped Taeyeon’s face as her thumb intercepted a tear that started to fall from Taeyeon’s eyes. Taeyeon immediately pulled away and her gaze once again left Jessica as she quickly wiped her tears away.


“Why are you crying Tae…” Jessica was cut off immediately.


“Ah I….I…don’t know. They just started to fall.” Taeyeon soon returned a smile towards Jessica, still hoping her to respond to the confession.


Jessica still was not sure how to respond to the confession though. Those eyes reminded her of how her heart used to beat so fast for her in the past. However, Tiffany quickly erased those feelings 3 years after meeting Taeyeon, but were they really erased? Jessica just wanted to embrace the shorter girl, but her heart kept sending signals of fear. What was there to be afraid of? Could it really be because she still hasn’t recovered from what Tiffany did to her?


“Taeyeon…you think I can give you a response later?” Taeyeon’s eyes shot up and looked Jessica in the eyes. She wasn’t sure if she heard it right but she was sure that Jessica did not just flat out refuse her confession. HOPE! Her heart fluttered on the response of hope escaping Jessica’s mouth.


“Of course!” The words shot through Taeyeon’s mouth as she resumed her drying duties. “Hey you think you can put these away yourself. I think I need to head home…it is late.”


Jessica didn’t want Taeyeon to just run away after pouring out her feelings to her but she also didn’t want to spend an evening with an awkward atmosphere. “Uh no problem. Be safe on your drive back.” She wanted to hug the shorter girl good bye but thought it best not to and quickly put her hands in the water as an excuse not to.


Just like that Taeyeon was gone and Jessica alone again in her apartment and with her thoughts. How she hated to be alone in her thoughts. Most of her memories were painful and most about Tiffany, but now the shorter girl entered those thoughts too.


Jessica sat down on her couch again and pulled out her laptop to look at old college photos. She wanted to scan through them to see if Taeyeon showed that she had feelings for her all those years, but no hint in those photos. “Why didn’t she just confess before I met Tiffany…”


~2 years ago~


“WHY DON’T YOU JUST GO AND LEAVE! I DON’T WANT YOU AROUND ANYMORE!” Jessica was outraged, no furious that Tiffany even thought to show up at her parent’s house. Tiffany was reluctant to leave though.


“Jessica can you calm down and not yell in front of our son!” After Tiffany said those words, fear crept up and filled her body as her head shot towards her little 2 year old son crying after seeing his mom raise his voice.


Jessica immediately ran over and picked up the boy and tried to calm him down but the crying would not stop. “Tiff can you just go. I can’t talk to you in front of him and you are making both of us upset right now.” Jessica just kept trying to rock her son and sooth him avoiding the crying Tiffany next to her.


“Jess I really don’t want to leave when you won’t let me talk to you.”

“I am not sure what there is to talk about. You know I don’t tolerate cheating.” Jessica didn’t want to say the word. Cheating. The word just put a spike in her heart as all the trust she had for the one she loved disappeared.


“Buut…I still love you! It was a onetime thing I swear! Can’t you think of our son?”


“Were you thinking of him when you decided to…” Jessica got caught up in her words again. She could not let that word escape again. “How am I supposed to trust your words when you betrayed my trust already?” The tears were now pouring which caused her son to start crying again.


“But Jess…”


“Tiff…I really can’t do this now. Please just leave.”




Tears were flowing as the thought of Tiffany was filling her head. Jessica got up and went to bed hoping sleep would make the memories disappear.

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Soneisa #1
Chapter 9: Nice
Chapter 9: I think I can read this story a thousand times without getting bored such a masterpiece
Author nim you are really blessed with a beautiful writing skills!!
goo15j #3
Chapter 9: I have read your other fics and I can't believe I just stumbled upon this one. Great story btw! I really enjoy your writing style :)
ben-o9 #4
Chapter 9: Cant believe i missed out on this short story from you! I like the way of how taeng finally gets her happily ever after after all the waiting.
Chapter 9: This was your first fanfic ?? a work of art.
The proposition, just beautiful, I love TaengSic with happy ending, I regret not having read before this fic
Chapter 7: I really love the way you write, you write really beautiful things, which says Taeyeon is really romantic
Chapter 5: My TaengSic heart ♡♡♡,
rediscover love...... I like this phrase
Chapter 3: Confession ?? !!! omg Taengoo 10 years of unrequited love soo sad
Chapter 2: MY OH MY!!! JeTi was first, poor Taengoo :(, very good friend
Chapter 1: I confess that I had not read this fic before because I see JeTi in the tag, but maybe TaengSicTi, interesting very interesting