Between Shadows

O, Mio Babbino Caro

Kangnam sighed as he walked through the streets. This section of Dankik was frought with spoiled, rich Light Beings in glorious mansions. It wasn't as if there weren't nobles in other sections of the city, but the Light Beings seemed to think they were higher, as they were the same race as the Royal Family. They were the most impossible, and Kangnam only hoped he had grown up to be just a bit different from them, being affluent himself.

With thoughts such as these, Kangnam walked out of the Light section of Dankik and into the poorer section, mostly populated by the discriminated races: the Shadows and the Water Beings. It was shocking enough that the prince was out, having never enjoyed social situations before, but that he was headed for the Shadow area of the Royal City was almost absurd. Much of the high and mighty Light Beings would undoubtedly disapprove. Even the Fire and Earth Beings would be appalled as well. But this was something the prince felt he had to do before he took the crown in six years.

As Kangnam entered the almost forbidden section of Dankik, he could almost feel the tension building. The people from there, most of which looked like they were barely scraping by, rushed to the windown to see the Light Being walking by. Even ones that were walking on the streets stopped and gasped. Though he was beginning to feel uncomfortable, Kangnam smiled and waved at the people. The black haired Shadows and the crystal eyed Water beings didn't know how to react to him, never having seen a Light Being walking through their streets. Never had Kangnam felt so out of place than there.

Eventually, the prince had to escape from the gawking people and ran into a shop. Once he shut the door, he finally realized it was a bread shop, just like the one his mother had. It smelled different, though, having different flavors baked into the pastries. The owner, whose stunning black hair showed that he was a Dark Being, was very surprised to see her customer. It wasn't that a Light Being had showed up at her shop's door, but the two had seen each other before, and Kangnam recognized her as well.

"Prince Kangnam?" The Shadow finally spoke after a few moments.

"You are..." Kangnam tried to remember the other's name. "Minzy, right?"

"Yes," she nodded. "What are you doing in the Shadows' and the Water Beings' district?"

"I came to..." But Kangnam didn't have an answer.

"Is this like what you did in the bar?"

"Yes," Kangnam sighed. "It's not as easy as I thought it would be."

"There's years of hatred between the people," Minzy nodded, "of course it wouldn't be easy. Even I still have deeply ingrained pain that I'm afraid I will never recover from."

"Once again, I'm sorry. Though, I know that will never be enough."

"Please sit," Minzy pointed to the bench in the corner.

Kangnam nodded and went to sit on the bench while Minzy took a strawberry filled pastry and went to sit with the prince. She handed the sweet bread to him, and Kangnam took it. The air was filled with an awkward silence as the two didn't know how to start a conversation.

"Tell me," Minzy started slowly, "what do you hope to accomplish by befriending us, who have been spat upon since the war began?"

"Excuse me?" Kangnam swallowed. "What do you mean by that?"

"Surely, you must have a reason to take interest in us."

"You're right," Kangnam nodded. "I have a reason."

"What do you want to use us for? Are you planning to overthrow your father?"


"Then you are building an army."

"Wrong," Kangnam smiled. "But I do want to build something."

"A weapon that would intimidate the bordering countries?"

"No. I want to build a united world, free from the pains of discrimination, and safe from the destruction that hatred brings. That is what I hope to accomplish when I take the crown."

There was a moment where the prince's words sunk in to Minzy, and she was silent, unable to express her thoughts. Suddenly, she laughed.

"Your Majesty," Minzy shook her head, "that is absurd."

"Do you really think so?" Kangnam's eyes saddened.

"The scars of the years are deep. And while I would also wish for the world you envision, I'm afraid I still have quite a bit of anger. I know you have not done anything to me, but you are a Light Being. I have been hurt for so long by your kind that I would very much like to slap you."

Kangnam nodded sadly.

"Once again," the prince sighed, "I'm very sorry."

From the back door, another Shadow entered. This one was extremely beautiful, and her eyes held an enchantment that Kangnam had never seen before. She greeted Minzy and turned to see the customer. This woman's aura changed to a fiery one, and Kangnam's stomach turned in fear.

"What the hell is a Light Being doing in our shop?" the woman sneered.

"Bommie, please," Minzy stood up. "The prince just wanted to--"

"THE PRINCE!?!" the woman suddenly became very angry. "Who invited the prince?"

"Miss," Kangnam stood up, "I just came to--"

"I don't care," Bommie walked over to him.

"Miss, please," Kangnam protested.

But it was of no use. Bommie brought her hands to Kangnam's neck and choked him. Prince Kangnam tried to pry himself free, but he was no match for the grown woman's strength.

"Bommie," Minzy put her hand on her sister's shoulder.

"You little rat," Bommie tightened her grip around the prince's neck. "Do you have any idea what I went through, you wretched seed of Kris Wu?"

"Bommie, stop," Minzy shook her. "What'll happen when you murder the prince?"

"He deserves it. His father--"

Those were the last words Kangnam heard before his world was enveloped in darkness.

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superkpopp #1
I love it <3 Write mooore
happyhippo #2
New reader here! Awesome! :D
Chapter 10: I knew it!!! I KNEW IT!!! But ugh this made me cry nevertheless. Poor Kangnam!!!
Kris' reason is total crap too... just because others wouldn't accept doesnt make it right >.< UGH that's sickening!!! But Kangnam's continued love for him... *sobs*

This is a beautiful *sad* story. <3 I want an epilogue of him being crowned and the water and shadow beings there and cheering!!!
Chapter 9: OH my gosh don't kill Kangnam *clicks next with sick feeling in stomach*
It's Kris isn't it.
Chapter 8: WHA??? Even Hankil won't tell him??
Chapter 7: ... so how is Kris involved?? Was he the man in the cloak? YAH I am so CURIOUS!!!
Good for you, Kangnam, stadn up for what's right!!! Poor Bommie, why was he rchild killed??? YOU'RE DRIVING ME CRAZY!!!! lol
Chapter 6: "I want to build a united world, free from the pains of discrimination, and safe from the destruction that hatred brings." *sobs* Oh poor naive child. It will never happen while people live >.< He has such a good heart though <3
Um... am I the only person who doesn't think Bom is attractive?? LOL
Choking him... HAVE to read the next chappie!!!
Chapter 5: this chappie is so full of foreboding. So I am guessing Tiffany is involved in the murder of the child, I wonder if the cloaked figure is Suho. But then there is the WHY??
Update soon ;) I can't wait for more!!!
Chapter 4: WHOA so the dream is somehow connected to Hangil's family??? ... and the plot thickens!!!!
And yay Hangil made his appearance!!.... as a twelve year old OTL =D
Good job for standing up for the Water and Shadow Beings, Kangnam... but why do I feel that will be your downfall??? *sobs*
Chapter 3: OH so Minzy is in this you are throwing the characters at us thick and fast!!
I like the young boy's style and confidence but I worry he may taking on more then he can chew.
What is the past telling him....I wonder what his future holds....I hope it isn't carrots...(LOL just kidding)
I am loving this so much, he seems so wonderful and innocent....when does it get taken one ever stays that adorable -_-