
O, Mio Babbino Caro

With the money in one pocket and the black phlegm in the other, Prince Kangnam walked out of his magnificent palace to head to the doctor. He didn't really know what to expect, having never even heard of the doctor until the night before. Despite being the Prince of Pakma, Kangnam wasn't really comfortable with social interactions unless it concerned his best friend or mother.

Before even going  to the road leading out of the city, Kangnam headed to a certain shop he would visit once in a while. Said shop baked breads and pastries, which the prince was known to love. Running into several people, all of which he greeted happily, Kangnam walked briskly through the streets. Some were surprised to see the prince himself walking around, but they didn't dare to question.

As Kangnam finally came upon the shop he was headed for, cutely named Bread of Heaven, he walked through the door to find no one inside. After double-checking the sign to make sure it was open, he waited until someone would come to serve him. Since he didn't have a very long time to wait, Kangnam went to the counter and knocked several times. A little clanging and shuffling came from the kitchen area before an older woman came running to the service counter.

"Prince Kangnam," the woman smiled, "what a pleasure to have you."

"Hello Luna," Kangnam returned the smile, "I had a craving for your sweet bread."

"There's some here in the shelves, but if you want something fresh and warm, we can take one from the ones that are cooling off."

"That's too kind of you."

"It would be my great pleasure, Your Highness."

With that, Luna walked off into the kitchen and Kangnam happily ran after her. Once the door was closed and they were away from the peering eyes of the people, the two took each other in a tight hug, a few tears even escaping. Kangnam looked up at Luna and smiled.

"I missed you, mother," Kangnam smiled through teary-eyes.

"Oh, baby," Luna hugged the boy tighter, "I missed you too. What are you doing out of the palace today? You look like you're fit to travel for a few days."

"You know my father," Kangnam chuckled. "He's a bit overprotective at times. I'm just going out to see some doctor on the outskirts of the city."

"The Water Being?"

"I don't know who he or she is, but my father recommended it."

"Just be careful, okay? What's wrong? You feel a little warm."

"It's this strange cold that's come over me," Kangnam sighed. "I hope he can help me recover."

After that, Luna nodded and took two of Kangnams favorite pastries: blueberry and raspberry. She placed a kiss on her son's cheek and sent him away. As she sadly watched him go, she wondered when he would come back again. Kangnam turned and waved with a smile before disappearing into the streets.

Prince Kangnam approached a small hut on the side of the road, having left behind the Royal City Dankik several miles back. He quite enjoyed the scenery on his way ranging from a broad, grassy plain to a thick and nearly impenetrable forest. This little hut stood out from the natural beauties with its aged appearance. It wasn't very welcoming.

Kangnam walked up to the door and knocked several times, just loud enough for someone to hear him. He was about to turn around thinking that nobody was present when the door suddenly opened. The sight was enough to freeze Kangnam in his tracks.

The inhabitant of the hut, who was presumed to be the doctor, was an old and scarred man. He wore an eyepatch and was missing several teeth. His face was scarred, but Kangnam couldn't imagine what would have been the cause. All in all, this old man was the very definition of scary.

"Well, well, well," the old man sneered, "if it isn't the Prince of Pakma, High Resident of Dankik, the youngest branch of the Lineage of Light, Kangnam."

In fear, Kangnam could only nod.

"Have you come to banish me?"

The prince shook his head.

"Issue an execution?"

"No, sir," Kangnam finally found the courage to speak.

"Then what is it?" the old man's patience was wearing thin. "Speak."

"I came to have an examination."

"Then don't just stand there, come in. I'm Jiyong, by the way, but most call me 'The Dragon.'"

With his entire being trembling, Kangnam went inside to have his sickness examined. He really wished it would pass quickly.

The inside of the hut was dark and creepy, with shelves filled with jars of concoctions and things Kangnam really didn't want to know of. He was told to sit on a chair, which he complied to immediately, and to wait. The Dragon approached the prince and towered over him.

"What's wrong, then?" The Dragon asked.

"It's a strange kind of cold," Kangnam answered.

"How is it strange?"

"No medicine will break my fever, I'm hit with dizziness periodically and I cough out black goo."

"What was that last one?"

"Black goo," Kangnam took out the handkerchief from his pocket and gave it to the doctor. "I've never had this kind of cold before."

"It's very unlikely you will again, Your Highness."

The Dragon opened the cloth and looked at the phlegm. It was something he hadn't seen very often and was surprised that someone came to him with the condition. He sat down in front of the prince and got ready to talk.

"Have you ever wondered where our abilities come from, Your Highness?" The Dragon began.

Kangnam shook his head.

"Spirits," The Dragon continued. "When we're born, a portion of our spirits are open and ready to merge. Now there are different spirits with different potential in them. What is your gift, Prince Kangnam?"

"Sight," Kangnam answered, "but it's not very powerful."

"And that's your only gift?"


"A spirit of Sight found you after you were born and merged with your spirit. But it seems that they were not very compatible since your gift is not at full strength. Or it could be that your spirit has yet to fully mature, which will magnify your power."

"I'm sorry, Dragon, but what does this have to do with my sickness?"

"I'm getting to that. Now, have you been experiencing any other ability? Something you weren't able to do before?"


"There must be something that was off after getting this cold. Think hard."

"My dream?"

"What about it?"

"Last night, my dream was clearer than it had ever been, and it actually made sense."

"You're becoming a Dreamer now, Your Highness."

"What?" Kangnam's eyes widened. "But I'm 12 years old, powers don't develop this late."

"You're right," The Dragon nodded, "powers don't come this late. Usually."

"Then why is this happening to me?"

"It's very rare that a second or third ability develops this late, but it's not impossible, neither is it dangerous. Your spirit must be opening up again and a spirit of Dreaming is merging with yours. That's why your fever is so persistent, your body is busy fusing with another spirit. You get dizzy because your body is sometimes overwhelmed. And the black stuff you spit out is just the physical proof that this is happening deep inside you."

"So I have nothing to worry about?"

"Nothing, Your Highness. But do you care to tell me about this dream you had?"

"I dreamt about the Christening Ceremony."

"Do you know who it was?"

"No, I don't. But there was something odd about it."


"I didn't see any Water or Dark Beings."

"None at all? You must be a Dreamer of the past. That's rare."

"What's with all this rarity, and why is it happening to me?"

"Only time will tell."

"But why weren't there any Shadows or Water Beings in the Christening that I saw?"

"You must have dreamt about a time before the Light Beings and the Shadows signed a peace treaty, about twenty years before you were born."

"They were at war?"

"Prince Kangnam, you need to talk more with your people," The Dragon shook his head. "Before you were born, the Shadows planned to overthrow the Lineage of Light, and managed to get the Water Tribe on their side."

"But we're all at peace now, aren't we?"

"You shouldn't be so naive, Your Highness. Have you ever thought to ask why I'm way out here while the sick people are in the city? They don't want me to be a part of their society. Discrimination is a very palpable thing, Prince Kangnam. You're the only one who hasn't treated me like I'm unworthy of respect or recognition, and I've been seeing patients from the city for nearly forty years."

"I swear I'll change all of this when I ascend to the throne," Kangnam growled.

"That's very respectable, Your Highness," The Dragon sighed. "But I'm afraid that your nobility is something that's not present in your people."

"Jiyong, I'll do my best."

"Thank you, Your Highness. I'm afraid that is all I can say."

Kangnam thanked the Dragon for seeing him and gave him the envelope filled with enough money to compensate for his time. Although the doctor refused the payment, Kangnam left it by the doorway for him to find.

A spark of the desire to change for the better illuminated Prince Kangnam's soul. He would do his best to do what's best for his people.

All of them.

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superkpopp #1
I love it <3 Write mooore
happyhippo #2
New reader here! Awesome! :D
Chapter 10: I knew it!!! I KNEW IT!!! But ugh this made me cry nevertheless. Poor Kangnam!!!
Kris' reason is total crap too... just because others wouldn't accept doesnt make it right >.< UGH that's sickening!!! But Kangnam's continued love for him... *sobs*

This is a beautiful *sad* story. <3 I want an epilogue of him being crowned and the water and shadow beings there and cheering!!!
Chapter 9: OH my gosh don't kill Kangnam *clicks next with sick feeling in stomach*
It's Kris isn't it.
Chapter 8: WHA??? Even Hankil won't tell him??
Chapter 7: ... so how is Kris involved?? Was he the man in the cloak? YAH I am so CURIOUS!!!
Good for you, Kangnam, stadn up for what's right!!! Poor Bommie, why was he rchild killed??? YOU'RE DRIVING ME CRAZY!!!! lol
Chapter 6: "I want to build a united world, free from the pains of discrimination, and safe from the destruction that hatred brings." *sobs* Oh poor naive child. It will never happen while people live >.< He has such a good heart though <3
Um... am I the only person who doesn't think Bom is attractive?? LOL
Choking him... HAVE to read the next chappie!!!
Chapter 5: this chappie is so full of foreboding. So I am guessing Tiffany is involved in the murder of the child, I wonder if the cloaked figure is Suho. But then there is the WHY??
Update soon ;) I can't wait for more!!!
Chapter 4: WHOA so the dream is somehow connected to Hangil's family??? ... and the plot thickens!!!!
And yay Hangil made his appearance!!.... as a twelve year old OTL =D
Good job for standing up for the Water and Shadow Beings, Kangnam... but why do I feel that will be your downfall??? *sobs*
Chapter 3: OH so Minzy is in this you are throwing the characters at us thick and fast!!
I like the young boy's style and confidence but I worry he may taking on more then he can chew.
What is the past telling him....I wonder what his future holds....I hope it isn't carrots...(LOL just kidding)
I am loving this so much, he seems so wonderful and innocent....when does it get taken one ever stays that adorable -_-