

As Yun and Kyung stepped into the recording room a happy chatting Minjee and Zico welcomed them. Minjee sat at the couch and Zico at the desk with the recording equipment. Kyung’s happy smile faded quickly. It should be him who sat there and had a good chat with Minjee and not Zico. Zico told him that it was only a onetime thing with Minjee and nothing will happen again, and Kyung believed him. Zico was his best friend after all. Actually he was more than a friend. Zico was like a brother to him.

Minjee shoot up as she noticed that Yun and Kyung already arrived.
“Yunnie Baby.” Minjee squealed and hugged Yun tightly.
“Yunnie Baby.” Yun heard Zico saying as she parted from the hug. “Can I call you that too?” Zico grinned.
Yun felt the heat in her cheeks and she smiled shyly.
“Tsk. No you can’t” Minjee said and showed him her tongue. “I am the only one who is allowed to call her like that.”
Zico laughed at Minjee’s cute reaction. “I was just kidding.” And Zico showed her his tongue too.

“We should start, shouldn’t we?” Kyung said with a light annoyed voice and brushed past Yun.
Besides Yun no one seemed to notice that Kyung mood suddenly changed again. Yun wondered what was wrong with Kyung and started to worry. What could be wrong with him? Was it maybe because of Minjee? Maybe Kyung felt the same for Minjee, Yun felt towards him. Maybe he did feel hopeless too, because it wouldn’t work out.

“Ok.” Zico turned to the recording equipment. “At first Yun, I am going to show you the music and Kyung could you please give her the lyrics!?”
Kyung was leaning against the door that was leading to the tiny room where they would start to record in a few minutes.
Kyung gave her the lyrics and Yun looked quick over it. It was a love song, but kind of a sad love song.
As Yun heard the melody of the song, she wondered if the lyrics would really fit with it, because the melody wasn’t that sad at all. But Yun loved the melody. If you heard it you wanted to start to sway to it right away.
“Your part is coming up now.” Zico told her.
Yun listened to the melody carefully and in her head she tried to sing her part matching to the melody.

“What do you think?” Zico asked her with a smile, clearly showed that he was proud of what he created.
“I like it.” Yun smiled back. “But will the lyrics match with the melody? The melody sounds so kind of happy and the lyrics are about the feelings after the break up.” Yun mumbled the last words.
She didn’t want to hurt Zico, because it seemed that he really really liked this piece.
She heard Zico faintly laughing. “Don’t worry. It will be alright.” Zico smiled, got up and patted lightly Yun’s head. Yun pouted at this action.

“Come on, Kyung.” Zico slapped his . “You are the first.”
Kyung didn’t say anything and it was really not typical for him. Kyung was always the one who talked way too much and told his friends jokes. Kyung disappeared into therecording booth, put the headphones on and fixed the microphone. At least he gave Zico a thumps up so he could start now.

After Kyung rapped his first verse Zico stopped him, pressed at a bottom and said “Do it again.”
But right after that Zico stopped Kyung for like six times and was a little annoyed too. “Seriously Kyung, what is wrong with you today? If you don’t want to record then go. I don’t want to deal with some emotionless here. Get your senses together and do it right. Seriously, I never saw you like that.”
But it was true Kyung totally rapped emotionless, like he wanted to get this done real quick. And especially Yun noticed that a lot.
His voice, his voice wasn’t right.

Kyung apologized, took a deep breath and started again.

“Whenever I see you, the sun shines down on my dark feelings and makes me look lively again
I'm not able to say what I want to today as I let you go again
I can't sleep at the thought of my mistake, I'm a fool for thinking I'd be okay
Today, no, even tomorrow, I won't be able to live without you

I'm comfortable with being just friends with you
But in reality, a corner of my room is littered with pictures of you
They remind me of our precious days together
and tell me to hold you back, I haven't forgotten you yet
The only one real love in my heart in this entire world is you
I'm sorry, could you please come back to me?
I want to hug you close to my heart again”

Kyung’s voice filled Yun’s ears with these words. She couldn’t deny who much she hoped he would feel like that towards her. That she wished that he would think about her as he rapped this piece. And another thing she couldn’t deny was that she was totally absorbed into his voice. Minjee nudged her with her elbow into her side, because she noticed that Yun wasn’t focus with her thoughts anymore. Yun turned her head towards Minjee and saw her best friend smiling cheekily at her. Yun smiled shyly and drove nervously her hand through her hair.

After that Zico was satisfied and Kyung could finally leave the recording booth. Zico got up and gave Kyung a clap on his back.
“I don’t know you like this.”
Kyung scratched nervous his neck. “I think it’s not my day.”
Zico nodded and disappeared into the recording booth. Zico didn’t do smoothly at first either, but with three tries he finished it.

Yun got up, it was her turn now. She already read her part hundred times, but she wasn’t sure if she really would pull it off or could display the emotion that was needed.
“Fighting.” Minjee cheered her on and put her fist into the air. Kyung and Zico smiled at her, but Kyung smile seemed half hearted it seemed his mood was still not the best. Yun bite nervous her bottom lip and went into the recording booth.

She put the headphones on, smoothed the paper in her hand and took a deep breath. With a nod she signaled that she was ready.
The music started and right after it she heard Kyung’s rap in her ears. She needed to concentrate, because right after Kyung’s rap her part would come up. But it was hard not be absorbed by Kyung’s voice. She tried to block out his voice, but it was impossible and her heart was beating way too fast.

After Yun sang the first two verses, she noticed that the music stopped.
“Yun it was great, but put more emotion into it, alright?” Zico smiled at her.
Yun nodded her head, but she wasn’t sure if she really could do that.
“Think about that Oppa from last year.” Yun suddenly heard the exciting voice of her best friend. And Minjee was right she should think about him. Yun was inexperienced with boys, relationships and whatever, but last year she nearly dated this one Oppa. They both knew about their feelings for each other, but they didn’t start to date, because he was about to went aboard. Even though these words were never spoken they both indirect promised each other to wait – it was only for a year after all. But soon after he left Yun was forgotten!

Once again Yun took a deep breath and started to sing with all these emotional she had towards him or better all these emotions she had once towards him.

“That you were happy with me, and that you missed me
That was all I wanted to hear
I'm able to withstand pain because I have you
So come back to me if you love me”

And Yun finished her part. Yun eyes were still closed and a huge smile spread across her face.
“Wow, Yun!” Zico brought her back to her senses. “That was awesome.” Yun put the headphones off and left with a smile.

As she came out of the recording booth they clapped and Yun bowed and said quickly thank you.
“But who is that oppa?” Kyung grinned at Yun. Yun blushed and looked down.
This oppa is no one. This oppa is the past. You, Park Kyung, you are the present, Yun thought and felt totally stupid afterwards.
They never would be more than friends. “No one worth to talk about.” Minjee answered for Yun.

Yun checked her watch and it already got late. “Do you have to leave?” Zico asked her. Yun nodded.
“Kyung, can you take her to the bus stop? I still need to talk with Minjee.”
Kyung frowned, but for Yun’s luck she didn’t see it, because she was busy gathering her things. If she had saw it she would start to worry again or even think that Kyung didn’t like her.

“Jiho, can I talk with you for a minute?” Kyung asked. Kyung and Zico left the recording room to have a little private chat.

“Can’t you take Yun to the bus stop? Give me some time alone with Minjee, you know why.”
“Yes. I know. And that’s why I want to talk with Minjee.” Zico gave his best friend a serious look, but it it changed to a soft look a few seconds later. Zico put his hands on Kyung’s shoulders. “Kyung, don’t be blind ok!?”
Kyung looked confused at him. He didn’t understand what Zico meant with this. Kyung raised an eyebrow at him and Zico continued.
“I think there is a great girl out there for you and it’s not Minjee. Maybe this girl is a lot of times around you. So please don’t be blind and run away from your luck.” Zico gave Kyung a light clap on the shoulder, gave him a half smile and went back into the recording room.
Kyung was totally confused. Why was Zico telling him that? Who was this great girl that he maybe was to blind for to see?



sorry, for the long long wait ;__;  but I can't find time to write during weekdays and lately I am out with friends at weekends. In like 2 weeks will start my exams so I will not writing then, but in about a month I will be on a 2 week break again and I try to write a lot :) sorry, that chapter is so freaking lame >___< but I felt like today and wanted to update that you didn't have to wait for another week. I hope you will still like it. the next chapter will be better I promise :)

thank you for the new subscribers and comments :) <333

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Chapter 13: Ugh! This story just made me love Kyung even more!
Chapter nine, I had butterflies in my stomach. xD
this was really nicely written, thank you so much for posting this ^_^ <3
HanJiMun #3
Chapter 13: WHAT THE HELL!!? How could you end this in that moment! What about Zico? Oh God, I'm dying T^T Btw love your story, I'm sick and sitting in home right now, and this story really made my day <3 Waiting for sequel ^^
ShinSeoRae #4
i love this story and i'll probably be reading the Zico sequel to this..^_^
ShinSeoRae #5
i love this story and i'll probably be reading the Zico sequel to this..^_^
Gawd this is good! Been searching EVERYWHERE for Kyung's bias. Gawd... I'm so in love with that cucumber... >/////////<
WHAA I love this story /hearts/ omg she is now with park kyung <3 my bias LOLOL~ omg thanks for writing this story ^~^ <3
fallingmeteor #8
This was SO cute T___T<br />
giggled the whiole time lol<br />
But still wanted U-Bomb to be together ;^;
good story!