Yun the awkward one!


WARNING: ty long chapter!! Sorry, I hope you will still like the story :)

Yun stood with her best friend Minjee in front of a bar in Hongdae. Today was the day for ‘You will love me more than before, because of my surprise’. Yun wasn’t sure about that surprise anymore. What a great surprise should be in a bar. Yun knew her friend liked to party and everything, but Yun didn’t know that Minjee was hanging out in such bars in Hongdae. The bar didn’t look really appealing from the outside. Yun feared only to see the worst creatures there – these ones you didn’t want to meet on a dark street.

Minjee fixed the bow clip that Yun had clipped in front of her messy bun and said “I can’t wait to see your reaction. I am so happy that it worked out.” Yun only eye her happy friend strangely. “Don’t make that face, Yun.” Minjee laughed and gave her a clap on her shoulder.
But still Yun couldn’t erase her doubts.

A group of boys passed the two girls. The boys whistled as they passed Minjee. Minjee ignored them, but it was no wonder that she drawn the attention to herself. She was gorgeous. Especially today, she wore skinny jeans, a strapless top and her short hair was lightly curled. And Yun? Yun was the invisible one like always. Yun wore skinny jeans, a white shirt with a panda print on it and a black sweater. Actually it was still warm enough to take the sweater off, but Yun knew she would feel uncomfortable without it. Today she wore her glasses, because her eyes were itchy from her contacts.

“You are ready?” Minjee winked at her. “Minjee.” Yun rolled her eyes.
Minjee smiled at her, took her hand and they both got into the bar. The inside of the bar was totally different than Yun expected.
The bar was totally neat. The waiters looked all friendly and there were no creatures you didn’t want to meet on a dark street.

Yun looked through the bar and as her eyes landed on the people who stood at the bar – she saw him. She saw the guy with the cucumber seized face. Her heartbeat gone faster. Minjee tugged her on her arm and leaded her through the bar. Yun still hadn’t a clue about what the surprise could be. The girls made their way to the bar to the direction of… WAIT! WHAT? The cute cucumber faced guy and the taller guy next to him with the short brown hair and a cap on his head. They weren’t going to them right? But they were walking straight into their direction. Yun noticed that her hands started to sweat and her heartbeat didn’t seem to slow down.

The cute cucumber faced guy looked up and as he saw Minjee, he lifted up his hand and waved at her. Minjee smiled and waved back.
So… So… They were really going to meet them? Yun didn’t get the surprise. She didn’t even tell Minjee about him. Yun didn’t feel like it was really that important to tell Minjee. They stopped in front of them and Yun totally felt like running away. She didn’t really know why. She only felt so damn uncomfortable and awkward.

“So these are Zico and Kyung.” Minjee pointed at first at the taller guy with the cap and then at the cute cucumber faced guy.
THESE GUYS WHERE ZICO AND KYUNG? She stood in front of her favorite rappers? And the cute cucumber faced guy was Kyung – Kyung the one with the voice who made her heart flutter? Yun looked with wide eyes at Minjee – she even forgot how to breathe.
“You love me right?!” Minjee laughed and pinched her cheek. Yun got back to her senses and she was sure Zico and Kyung thought now she was a completely a freak!

“Hello, I’m Yun.” Yun said with a quiet voice and bowed.
She heard Zico chuckle and now she really wanted to hide behind Minjee’s back. Did he make fun of her?
“Do you make fun of Yun?” Minjee said playfully and raised up her fist. Zico smiled and shook his head.
“No, of course not! I expected to meet a second Minjee.”
“I told you that she is a cute girl.” Minjee pouted playfully at him.
“All the girl says that her friend is cute.” Zico smirked her and took a sip of his beer bottle.
You could already see that these two were kind of close.

Zico put his beer bottle aside and greeted Yun. “I’m Zico. Nice to meet you.” He bowed lightly and smiled at her. Yun smiled awkwardly back. “I’m Kyung. Nice to meet you too.” He bowed lightly too and flashed a greasy smile at Yun.
“YAH!” Zico raised up his voice and slapped Kyung on his shoulder. “You don’t need to scare her with your greasy smile at the first meeting.” “Girls like my smile.” Kyung said and winked at Yun. Yun didn’t know how she should react, but she felt the heat in her cheeks.
Right now, she wished that she had Minjee’s personality and could say something funny and everything wouldn’t be so awkward.
Yun searched in her head what she could say now, but there wasn’t anything that wouldn’t make the situation less awkward.

“I’m sorry that we can’t hang out any longer.” Zico broke the short silence. “But we have a gig tonight and we have to leave now.”
Yun listened to what Zico, but had her eyes were only on Kyung. She still couldn’t believe that his guy was Kyung. That this Kyung was her Kyung, ok it wasn’t her Kyung scratch that, but it was Kyung who made her heart flutter with his voice. Kyung played with a coaster and in his hands and he must have noticed quickly that eyes were on him, because he looked up and as he meet Yun’s eyes he smiled at her. Yun turned quickly her head away and blushed. Yun was lucky that they would leave now, because that was so embarrassed that he caught her as she was looked at him.

“But Yun?” Zico talked directly to her and Yun raised her head up and looked at Zico. “You were never that one of our gigs before, right?”
Yun only nodded her head. “Do you guys want to come? The gig starts in 30 minutes so you can stay here and then come to the club across the street.”
“Should we go, Yun?” Minjee asked her and Yun only nodded and smiled. It seemed like Yun wouldn’t be able today to say a word and actually she felt dumb that she was only able to nod her head. But she was excited really excited to them live for the first time.

Zico took the last gulp of his bottle and then they started to make their leave. As Zico passed Minjee, he smirked and said to her.
“I know that you will come.”
“ZICO!” Minjee hissed and slapped his shoulder. Zico only laughed and Kyung… yes Kyung seemed to ignore this situation.
“Tell Sunny that I will pay our drinks later and I get you into the club for free.”
“Zico, you don’t need to that.” Minjee said as the she and Yun sat down at a table.
Kyung turned around and said with a smile “We should do that to our biggest fan.”
“I need something to throw on you. You’re such a grease-ball.” Minjee laughed.
“But you like that, Minjee.” Kyung said and drove with his thumb ily over his bottom lip.
Yun wished she could be that close with these two too, but she was sure Yun wasn’t the kind of girl that they would like to hang out a lot. Today Yun really wished she was more like Minjee.

The half hour they had to wait, Minjee told her about how she met them here in this bar and that today was actually the second time that she met with them. Yun wondered how they actually could be that close already. Minjee was really good in making friends fast and getting real close with them. Yun only had a few friends and the most of the time she only hung out with Minjee.

They really got in for free and now they stood more in the back, but had still a good view on the stage. Yun and Minjee didn’t want to go further to the crowd in front of the sage – ok Yun didn’t want, because she didn’t want to get squashed in the coward and that super tall people would stay in front of her and she couldn’t see anything. The gig began and Zico and Kyung came on stage with two other guys.
After a few songs Yun recognized that the two other guys were Hanhae and Mino. These were two other rappers Yun enjoyed listen to. The crowd loved the boys and Yun enjoyed the gig to bits and actually regretted that she never went to a gig of them before. They were live more amazing than on their tracks. Zico and Kyung started to rap Turn around and as Kyung’s voice reached her ears her heart skipped a beat. Yun’s eyes only followed Kyung. Kyung flirted a lot with the crowd during the song and Yun’s heartbeat didn’t want to slow down. Secretly she wished she would stand in the first row and Kyung would only look at her.

As the gig ended Yun was still stuck in her amazement. Yun couldn’t describe what she was actually feeling right now, but she knew that was the most amazing night in her life. Even though she only stood quietly in the back she had rapped all their songs in her head.
“Ok, let’s go.” Minjee said and interrupted Yun’s thoughts about the gig.

“Did you like it?” Minjee asked Yun as they were outside and on their way to the bus stop.
“Yes. I loved it. It was totally amazing!” Yun couldn’t hide her excitement anymore. Minjee smiled at her.
“As Kyung started to rap I thought my hear…” But Yun stopped, because she realized what she nearly said and Kyung and Zico walked towards their direction and they didn’t need to hear that Yun wanted to say that her heart nearly burst as Kyung started to rap.

“We thought you two didn’t come.” Zico shouted towards them.
“We stood in back and enjoyed peacefully your performance.” Minjee answered as they both stood in front of us.
“Kyung was really disappointed that you weren’t in the crowd. He wanted to flirt with you during Turn around.” Zico laughed at Kyung.
Kyung only smiled his greasy smile again and said. “I have plenty other chances to flirt with Minjee.” Minjee rolled her eyes and laughed. And here it goes again, Yun felt totally awkward and out of place. She wanted to talk with them too, but she didn’t know how. She could say something about their gig, right? But didn’t let her speak and she only stood there quietly.

“We are going now. We see us around.” Minjee waved at the two and Yun only smiled awkwardly.
“We are going to walk you to the bus stop.” Zico said and started to walk with them. “You don’t need too.”
“Girls shouldn’t walk alone on the street in the night. It’s dangerous.” Kyung flashed a flirty smile. Minjee only rolled their eyes.

“So did you like it?” Zico asked Yun as they nearly reached the bus stop. “Yes. I liked it.” Yun nodded and smiled. “No. IT WAS AMAZING!”
And immediately Yun blushed. Zico only laughed a little.
“I’m glad you liked it and that we didn’t disappoint you. I hope you will come and see more gigs.” Yun nodded excited. “I will.”

They reached the bus stop and Yun and Minjee sat down at the bench.
“Come home safe and we see us around, alright?” Zico said and they were about to leave.
“Yes, call me and I will come over.” Minjee said. They waved at each other and Kyung and Zico started to leave.
After a few steps Zico turned around pointed at Yun and shouted. “I want to see you too the next time, Yun.”
Yun smiled and waved at him. They really wanted to hang out with her? Yun’s smile grew wider at this thought.

“Thank you, Minjee.” Yun said quietly as Kyung and Zico were far away that they wouldn’t hear them anymore.
“That’s what I am for right!?” Minjee smiled and laid her arm around her best friend.



Thank you for subscribing and comments :) <333 I hope I didn't disappoint with this chapter .___. It came out so ty.

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Chapter 13: Ugh! This story just made me love Kyung even more!
Chapter nine, I had butterflies in my stomach. xD
this was really nicely written, thank you so much for posting this ^_^ <3
HanJiMun #3
Chapter 13: WHAT THE HELL!!? How could you end this in that moment! What about Zico? Oh God, I'm dying T^T Btw love your story, I'm sick and sitting in home right now, and this story really made my day <3 Waiting for sequel ^^
ShinSeoRae #4
i love this story and i'll probably be reading the Zico sequel to this..^_^
ShinSeoRae #5
i love this story and i'll probably be reading the Zico sequel to this..^_^
Gawd this is good! Been searching EVERYWHERE for Kyung's bias. Gawd... I'm so in love with that cucumber... >/////////<
WHAA I love this story /hearts/ omg she is now with park kyung <3 my bias LOLOL~ omg thanks for writing this story ^~^ <3
fallingmeteor #8
This was SO cute T___T<br />
giggled the whiole time lol<br />
But still wanted U-Bomb to be together ;^;
good story!