The first meet up


Yun was in this bar again. It was the first time that they hung out for real, but it was not only Minjee, Zico and Kyung. The other friends of Zico and Kyung were around too. Right next to Yun sat Yukwon and besides him Minhyuk, they both tried to talk with her a lot, because the most of the time Yun felt left out, because she was too shy and the most of the time they talked about topics where Yun couldn’t say anything to it. On the right sat Zico, Kyung and P.O. On the left Minjee, Jaehyo, Taeil and Hana a friend of Minjee. Minjee was talking all the time and had no problems to befriend the new people. Even though Yun didn’t speak a lot, they were all nice to her and didn’t ignore her – ok beside Minjee’s friend, but Minjee’s friend was never really fond of Yun. Actually Yun enjoyed their presence a lot. They were all so nice and fun people and Yun enjoyed too listen to their conversation, but she wished she could talk more too.

“Are you alright?” Yukwon whispered to Yun. Yun nodded and smiled at him.
“Really? You don’t seem comfortable.” Yukwon gave her concern stare. “Actually I enjoy it a lot.” Yun smiled at Yukwon.
Yukwon let out a chuckle. “You are weird. I already like you a lot.” Yukwon smiled at her with a beautiful eye-smile and took a sip of his beer. Yun felt that she blushed and smiled back. “Do you want a sip?” Yukwon asked. “No. Thank you, I don’t drink.”
“That’s good. Stay this way.” Yukwon gave her brotherly smile. Yun didn’t want to ever start with drinking, because she always saw what alcohol did with her father. And maybe she was the same and everything what was bothering her, would come up and she would ignore her surroundings. She didn’t want to ignore precious people.

Minhyuk put an arm around Yukwon and said. “But I want a sip of your beer.”
“Tsk.” Yukwon said playfull. “You have your own beer.”
“But I want yours right now.” Minhyuk smirked, snapped his beer away and took a ship.
“This was an indirect kiss, you know.” He winked at Yukwon.
“You are a er, you know.” Yukwon laughed and took his beer back.
Yun noticed something was strange about these two. She wasn’t sure if it was only bromance between them or if they both were gay, but it wasn’t like Yun was against gay people.

They were all in the middle of a conversation and suddenly Yun heard her name. Her head turned into the direction her name came from – Minjee. “Yun can rap too. Actually she memorized all the lyrics of your songs.”
Yun’s eyes grew wide. Why did she tell them that? Now they must think she was a totally freak. What should they think about a girl that memorized all their songs? Seriously she knew all the lyrics of their songs and she could rap them too – without having problems.
“Oh really? That really cool.” Zico said with a huge smile. “Do you mind to rap something with me?”
“M-M-Me?” Yun stuttered and pointed at her herself. “Yes.” Zico laughed at her. All the eyes were on Yun and Yun felt totally uncomfortable. How should she find the courage to rap in front of people she only got to know? Yun wasn’t even sure if she could even rap that good, even though Minjee was always praising her a lot. “Which song do you like?” Kyung asked and smiled supportive at her.
Yun’s heart… Yun couldn’t even describe how her heart was feeling right now. “Rose colored glasses.” Yun said shyly.
“Ahh… no song with me in it?” Kyung shouted and pouted at her. Yun smiled a small smile and looked slightly down – she hoped nobody noticed how hard she was actually blushing right now.

“Yun said even though your face reminds her of a cucumber, she thinks you are cute.” Minjee said to Kyung.
“MINJEE!” Yun shouted and stood up. “YAH!” Kyung shouted too. “I don’t look like a cucumber!”
Yukwon pulled Yun by her waist and made her sit down again. “We don’t need to get all the attention on us.” He said with a smile.
“I’m sorry!” Yun whispered and hoped that her heart would stop beating so hard – it felt like it would jump out any minute.
Actually Yun thought her feelings towards Kyung were only admiring, but she couldn’t stop thinking about him, she couldn’t stop her heart from beating too fast if he was looking at her or he did talk with her and she was way too excited to see him today.
Yun had to accept the truth – Yun had a crush on Kyung. And know they would all know right? This was way too embarrassing.
Yun gave Minjee a questing look and Minjee only smiled and winked at her.

“Your face looks like a cucumber.” Taeil said and the rest of the group agreed.
“WHAT? And you tell me this now after all those years of or friendship?”
“We thought you knew this. I mean it’s obvious.” P.O said and gave Kyung a brotherly clap on the shoulder.
Kyung only looked stunned at his friends. And Yun couldn’t stop thinking about how cute he looked right now.
“And she likes your voice a lot, Kyung. But I already told you this.” Kyung only nodded, still shocked about this information about his face.
“Ok, let’s stop here. Kyung accept that you have a cucumber face and hey she called you cute! So get over it.” Zico said to his friend.
“Of course, I am cute.” Kyung got back to his old self and smiled a greasy smile. “I bet Minjee thinks I am cute too.” Kyung winked at her and Minjee said only a playful disagreed. Yun looked at her hands. The feeling she had right now. No, she didn’t want to feel it.

“Rose colored glasses? Let’s go.” Zico smiled. “Don’t be shy.” Zico must have noticed how Yun body tense up.
“We are your friends so you need to feel embarrassed.”
Yun looked into the faces of the other and they all nodded and smiled at her – besides Hana, but Yun was used to it. They already called her their friend? Yun smiled a small smile.

“Everybody's saying that we should get back together” Zico started.
Yun looked at her hands again and then she joined Zico at first with a quiet voice, but then she dared to rap louder.
“And everybody's saying that we meant to be together
Everybody's saying how the love was so damn perfect
And I ain't never seen a bit of it, don't think it's worth it cuz
They ain't been through the things that you put me through and
They ain't seen all the things that I've seen in you
and they ain't never cried the tears you made me cry
So, they can't be the judge cuz,
They don't know what I know
They never seen that part of you
They know the lies I know the truth
They say stay I say go
They never seen our scars before
They think our love is beautiful
Cuz everything's beautiful when you're looking through rose colored glasses
Everything seems amazing when you see the view
In rose colored glasses
Take'em off ...”

Zico’s eyes grew wide, because he was surprised how well she pulled off the rap and how amazing she sounded. After the chorus they both stopped. And all round them started to cheer. “GUYS KEEP THE VOLUME DOWN!” Sunny shouted from the bar. They all bowed slightly. “, Yun! That was so amazing.” Zico praised her with a wide smile and the other nodded. “Thank you.” Yun said shyly.
“Which rappers do you like?” Kyung asked her. “Hanhae, Mino, Verbal Jint, Dok2 actually a lot.” Yun scratched her neck.
“And Amercian rappers?”
“Drake, Nicki Minaj, Eminem, Kayne West and Jay-Z. But I prefer Korean rap more.”
”She can rap Nicki Minjai’s Superbass too.” Minjee added proudly. “What? That is super fast.” Yukwon said.
“You need to show us or we won’t believe Minjee.” P.O said. Yun took a deep breath, if she would mess up now it would be super embarrassing.

“I said, excuse me you’re a hell of a guy
I mean my, my, my, my you’re like pelican fly
I mean, you’re so shy and I’m loving your tie
You’re like slicker than the guy with the thing on his eye, oh
Yes I did, yes I did, somebody please tell him who the F I is
I am Nicki Minaj, I mack them dudes up, back coupes up, and chuck the deuce up
Boy you got my heartbeat runnin’ away
Beating like a drum and it’s coming your way
Can’t you hear that boom, badoom, boom, boom, badoom, boom, bass
Yeah that’s that super bass
Got that super bass boom, badoom, boom, boom, badoom, boom, bass
Yeah that’s that super bass
Boom, badoom, boom, boom, badoom, boom, he got that super bass
boom, badoom, boom, boom, badoom, boom, he got that super bass”

Everyone looked at amazement at her, because no one expected that Yun had such a singing voice and could pull off such a rap without mistakes. Zico and Kyung looked at each other and then nodded.
“Yun? You know, Kyung and I have there a song, but we didn’t found vocals that fit yet. Would you like to be featured in it?” “Come on, Yun do it.” Minjee smiled at her and Yukwon poked her with his elbow into her side, to signal that she should do it. “I think it’s alright.”
“That will be awesome.” Zico looked daydreaming up to the ceiling. Kyung clapped a few times Zico’s shoulder and nodded. “Yes, it will be awesome.”

Yun checked the time and noticed how late it already was and she didn’t want to imagine in which state here father already was.
Yun stood up and grabbed her bag. “I am going now.” “Already?” Minjee pouted at her.
Yun nodded her head and smiled apologizing at Minjee. “Are you staying, Minjee?” Kyung looked cutely at her and Yun looked at away.
“Yes.” She heard Minjee saying. Yun already noticed that Kyung paid a lot of attention towards Minjee. Even though she didn’t tell Minjee about her crush on Kyung yet, she felt Minjee knew already. Yun knew her best friend. Minjee may be an out-going girl and liked boys way too much, but she wouldn’t go for the boy Yun liked, no matter if he was interested in Minjee.

Yun waved at them and the others bid farewell to her. “Minhyuk and I will walk you to the bus stop.” Yukwon said and stood up.
Yun waved her hands in front her in disagree. “You don’t need to.”
“It’s already late and dangerous for a girl and getting fresh air would be nice too.” Yukwon and Minhyuk smiled at her.
In the end Yukwon and Minhyuk walked Yun to the bus stop.

Minjee came back from the restroom and bumped straight into Zico. Zico put his arm around Minjee’s waist to steady her.
But suddenly Zico’s hand wandered under Minjee’s T-shirt and gently her back. “Hey, Minjee.” Zico said teasingly into her ear.
“Stop that Zico.” Minjee tried to push Zico away, but his grip was strong for her. Even though she didn’t want it she couldn’t stop to feel a shudder at Zico’s touch. Minjee checked if some of her friends saw them, actually if HE saw them. Zico bite lightly into her earlobe.
“I am only teasing you. That won’t happen again between us.” And then he let go of Minjee, smirked at her and left for the restroom.
She hoped no one saw them, because she actually laid an eye on someone and what would he think of her if he knew what happened to her and one of his friends?



I am not that happy with this chapter ;__; I hope you liked it. and thanks for the comments <33 :) and it's nice to hear that some of you can see theirself in Yun :p I am sometimes like Yun too :)

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Chapter 13: Ugh! This story just made me love Kyung even more!
Chapter nine, I had butterflies in my stomach. xD
this was really nicely written, thank you so much for posting this ^_^ <3
HanJiMun #3
Chapter 13: WHAT THE HELL!!? How could you end this in that moment! What about Zico? Oh God, I'm dying T^T Btw love your story, I'm sick and sitting in home right now, and this story really made my day <3 Waiting for sequel ^^
ShinSeoRae #4
i love this story and i'll probably be reading the Zico sequel to this..^_^
ShinSeoRae #5
i love this story and i'll probably be reading the Zico sequel to this..^_^
Gawd this is good! Been searching EVERYWHERE for Kyung's bias. Gawd... I'm so in love with that cucumber... >/////////<
WHAA I love this story /hearts/ omg she is now with park kyung <3 my bias LOLOL~ omg thanks for writing this story ^~^ <3
fallingmeteor #8
This was SO cute T___T<br />
giggled the whiole time lol<br />
But still wanted U-Bomb to be together ;^;
good story!