Little private party


the block b members don't have their real age in this story :p Taeil/Jaehyo = 19 Kyung/Zico/Minhyuk = 18 Yukwon=17 P.O=15

Yun and Minjee sat on Yun’s bed and ate choco-cookies. Minjee let herself feel down on the bed and laid now flat on her back.
Minjee sighed. Yun looked down at her friend and frowned. “Yun, I never told you till now.” Minjee hide her face behind her hands.
“Hmm… yeah… understandable, then you wouldn’t tell me now.” Yun best friend and got poked from Minjee into her side.
Minjee got serious again. “I was kind of afraid to tell you, because you admire him so much.”
Yun frowned again at Minjee. What was she was about to tell her? And it didn’t happen often that Minjee acted like this.
“Spit it out. I don’t understand why you are acting like this.” Yun smiled at Minjee. Minjee took a deep breath.
“ISLEPTWITHZICO!” Minjee said fast and with closed eyes. Yun let her choco-cookie fall. “YOU DID WHAT?”
Minjee got up and grabbed Yun’s hand. “Oh my god, Yun. I am so sorry. I knew I shouldn’t have done it, but…but you know he has this bad boy feel that I actually like a lot. So it happened. It won’t ever happen again!”
Yun wasn’t hurt or anything. Why should she be hurt about this? Only because she admired him? It was only the fact that Minjee slept with someone that shocked Yun so much.
“Aish..” Yun said and hide her forehead with her hand. “I always forget that it wasn’t your first time. I am not angry. Why should I be angry? I don’t love him or anything.” Minjee put a hand on the spot where her heart was and sighed relieved.
Her relieved face was quickly replaced with a smirk. “Because you love Kyung.” Y
un body stiffed. “I don’t love Kyung.” Yun said way to fast. “But you have a crush on him.”
And then a pillow landed on Minjee’s face and she fell back into the bed. Minjee threw a pillow at Yun too and it hid the back of her head. They both laughed.

“We should get ready, shouldn’t we?” Yun asked Minjee as she checked the time. Zico and Kyung had a gig today. Yun and Minjee would watch it again and then they would all hang out at Zico’s. Yun was already excited to see them perform again and feel once again that amazing feeling. She remembered that she would soon record a song with Zico and Kyung, she felt like screaming out in joy again.
The day Zico asked her she nearly screamed out her excitement as she reached home, but it was already too late and her father was once again drunk.

Yun wanted to get off from her bed and pack some things into her bag that she would need today, but Minjee reached out and hold her back as she hold onto Yun’s shirt. Yun plopped back onto her bed. Yun turned around and looked worried at Minjee as she saw that Minjee was nervously biting her lower lip. “What is wrong?”
“I might like Jaehyo!” Minjee confessed.
“Don’t you like guys with the ‘bad boy’ feel? Jaehyo is far away from having the ‘bad boy’ feel! But what is wrong in liking him?”
“I know, but I can’t stop thinking of him and it was so nice talking with him.” Minjee put out her phone and showed Yun the last message of Jaehyo. “And we are texting a lot, but only normal stuff. I didn’t even hint yet that I have interest in him, because of Zico. I mean what should he think about me? I slept with one of his best friends, because the chemistry was right.” Minjee sighed. “Maybe he already knows it or he will know soon. I don’t know why I am so afraid, but I don’t want him to think bad about me or that I am girl like who will go after him to do the same.”
“Then talk with Zico. And everyone has once their weak moments and I am sure he wouldn’t think bad about if you even though if he would know about you and Zico.” Yun stuck out her tongue at her best friend. “You are maybe not the innocent one anymore, but it doesn’t mean that you are bad and aren’t loveable anymore.”
Minjee hugged Yun. “I love you, Yun.”

“Yun, don’t tie your hair up.” Minjee said as Yun was about to tie her hair up. “Why?” Yun asked irritated.
“Because I like it if you don’t tie your hair up. You lately tie it up a lot and I bet Kyung would like it too if you don’t do it today.”
Yun only smiled weak at her friend. But Kyung likes you, Yun thought quietly.

Yun and Minjee were about to leave the house, but her father stopped her. Her father was still sober, it was not the time yet for him to start drinking.
“Are you already leaving?” Her father was asking the two girls with a smile. “Yes.” Yun answered. “I won’t be back late.”
“You are going out a lot lately, Yun.” Her father smiled, liking the fact that Yun was not staying at home the whole time like she sometimes used to. “Enjoy your summer break. The next school year will be hard.”
“We will Mr. Im.” Minjee smiled at Yun’ father and waved at him. Yun waved too and then they made their leave.

Minjee noticed that Yun’s mood changed and knew why. “It will be ok.” Minjee rubbed Yun‘s shoulder.
“I always feel so bad when I leave and I know he will be drunk when I am back.”Yun looked down.
But she knew even though she would stay at home it wouldn’t prevent her father from drinking. “I am always afraid something will happen!” “You come always home early to check up on him and I think even though he blocks out his surroundings he knows that you are still around and that you need him. So he won’t do anything dangerous.” Minjee laid an arm around her friend. She understood the fears of her friend, because Minjee saw it several times with her own eyes how Yun’s father behaves when he was drunk, but she was totally sure that even at this state Yun’s father knew that he was a daughter to take care of and that he loved uncontrollable. Yun smiled sadly at Minjee.

Once again Yun and Minjee stood in the back as the gig started, but then Yukwon, Minhyuk, Jaehyo and P.O showed up.
“Why are you watching from here? Come with us to front.” Yukwon smiled at them. “We are fine watching from here it’s not crowed.”
Yun answered. Yun eyes wandered to Minjee and then to Jaehyo – their eyes glued at each other. Yun giggled.
“Why are you giggling?” Yukwon asked and laughed at her cute reaction.
“Ah… don’t mind it.” Yun smiled and poked Minjee with her elbow in her inside and smiled at her. Minjee only bite her lower lip.

“Come on.” P.O suddenly grabbed Yun’s arm and dragged her towards the crowd. “No. I am fine there.”
“Ah come on!” P.O smiled at her. “You can enjoy it the best in the first row.”
Yun couldn’t say anything anymore, because they were already in the crowd and made their way to the first row.
“Where is Taeil?” Yun asked. “He is performing with them today, because the singer couldn’t make it.” She suddenly heard Minhyuk’s voice clear in her ear. He was so close to her that his breath against her neck let shivers ran down her spine.

Now they stood in the first row and she heard everyone complaining around them.
“Isn’t it a little bit rude to squeeze ourselves into the first row?”
“We are VIP’s.” Yukwon said. “Wait a minute.”
And then Yukwon, Minhyuk and P.O turned around, waved and smiled to the people around them and everyone shut up and enjoyed the performance again.
“Didn’t I tell you we are VIP’s?” Yukwon smirked at her. Yun looked around, but couldn’t see Minjee and Jaehyo.
“Where are Minjee and Jaehyo.”
“I think they decided not to come with us.” P.O said. P.O deep voice still surprised Yun, because he was youngest – he was only 15.
“Actually Jaehyo must know that they will miss something. Kyung and Zico performance to see in the first row are always the best.” Yukwon smiled at Yun.

“Why are you only standing there and watch?” Yukwon asked after awhile. “Huh?” Yun turned confused her head towards Yukwon.
“When you watch performances like this you have to do this.” Yukwon chuckled at her, raised up her hand and waved it back and forth.
After Yukwon let go of her arm, Yun still did the move and Yukwon joined her. Yun smiled shyly at Yukwon.

And Yukwon and P.O were right -it was more amazing to watch it from the first row, because you really saw them up close. You could catch details that you couldn’t see from the back. It was more amazing than the first time, because she took here with her friends and supported the guys she admired the most. As Yun heard Taeil’s singing, goosebumps ran over her whole body and tears started to form in her eyes. Taeil’s singing was voice was so beautiful that Yun wondered why they did choose her for their song.
“Why didn’t they choose Taeil instead of me?” Yun shouted towards Yukwon. “Because they need a girl.” Yukwon smiled back.

Now they were all in Zico’s apartment. His mother and brother were out to visit his grandmother so he was alone for a few days.
So now they are going to have some fun or like Zico called it ‘their little private party’.
Yun sat with P.O and Taeil on the couch and the rest sat shattered on the floor or other chairs they found in the apartment.
Hana was here too, she joined them after Zico’s and Kyung’s gig was over.
“My brother was so nice and brought us some alcohol for the few days.” Zico shouted from the kitchen and then came with glasses, beer bottles and other bottles with alcohol in the living room and put them on the table.

Besides Yun everyone took a beer even P.O. Yun gave him a clap on the shoulder. “Why are you drinking? You are only 15.”
“Noona, I am not going to drink much.” P.O smiled cutely at her, but Yun wasn’t satisfied with it.
“Why are you letting him drink?” She asked into the round. Yun felt protected over him, because he was so young and such a cute guy.
They shouldn’t encourage him to drink. But actually Yun should have asked everyone why they were drinking, no one of them were legal yet, but maybe it was because they all seemed more mature and P.O had still these childish vibes.
“He only drinks like two beers so don’t worry Yun.” Zico smiles at her.
“I never saw that face on Yun and I never thought she would have the courage to tell us off like that.” Yukwon smiled at Yun and leaned his head against Minhyuk’s shoulder. Immediately Yun blushed.

They laughed and talked a lot. They had a lot of fun and played some games and after awhile actually everyone was wasted, but not Yun, because she never thought about to lay a finger on alcohol. P.O snuggled himself against Yun and whispered “Noona.” And then he felt asleep. He didn’t drink only two beers and he drank some shots with other boys too. Yun patted his head. A drunk P.O was kind of adorable.

The first started to make out with each other. Hana sat on Taeil’s lap and they both each other faces. And Yun was really surprised, because Hana seemed always to be after Zico. Yukwon and Minhyuk played some game that Yun didn’t know, but suddenly Yukwon cupped Minhyuk’s face in his hands and started to kiss him. Minhyuk drew Yukwon closer and the next second they both laid on the floor and Minhyuk hovered over Yukwon. They were still kissing each other and Minhyuk’s hand wandered under Yukwon’s shirt and then Yun saw that his hand wandered lower and WAIT WHAT?? disappeared in Yukwon’s pants. Yun looked immediately away. Why was she looking so long in first place? Now Yun had her answer it wasn’t bromance that was going on between these two.

Yun’ eyes caught Zico laying on the floor and talking something about that he was the Jamaican beggar and suddenly burst into a rap.
Yun started to giggle – drunk Zico was extremely funny. Zico turned around and must have seen Yukwon and Minhyuk, because he started to shout. “YAH! No gay on my living room floor.” Minhyuk and Yukwon both stood up and left the apartment.

Yun’ eyes searched for Minjee and she found her sitting in a corner with Jaehyo – talking. Her drunk giggle was heard in the whole room. But Kyung was nowhere to see. Yun started to panic maybe he was so drunk that he passed out. Yun wanted to get up and search for him, but then he walked through door and didn’t seem drunk at all. Yun’s heart calmed down.
“Seems that we are the only ones who a sober.” Kyung smiled at her and put his empty beer bottle on the table.
“It seems so.” Yun said shyly back.
Kyung sat down besides P.O. “I don’t really like drinking and someone has to watch over them.” Kyung laughed and pointed through the room. Yun let out a small giggle.

Yun checked out the time and it was already 10PM and actually she wanted to leave at 9PM. She totally forgot the time, because she had so much fun with them.
“I have to go now. Can you help me with P.O?”
“Of course.” Kyung stood up and helped Yun to lay down P.O on the couch without waking him up.

Yun straight out her jeans and took her bag. “Ok, I am leaving now.”
“I am going to bring you to the bus stop. It’s already too dark outside.” Kyung took her bag. Yun could only nod.
It was her first time to be alone with Kyung. She already felt her hands sweating. But she knew she shouldn’t be too exciting about it, because today she saw again how Kyung tried to get Minjee’s attention all the time. It was hopeless. Kyung wouldn’t like her back, but still she couldn’t stop her heart from feeling like this.

They left Zico’s apartment and the first thing they saw was Yukwon being pressed against the wall.
“You don’t have to see this.” And Kyung covered his eyes with his hands. Only because of this little touch, Yun felt the butterflies in her stomach – no it was a firework exploring in her stomach.



Thank you for the comments you left and new subcribers :) <33 comments and subscribers are always love <3  interested in ubomb? check my ubomb onshot 'Elevator' out :p And I started a new story with Yukwon as the main 'Finding the way home!'

and I wanted to clear something up in the last update, but forgot :DD HOW DID THEY GET BEER IN THE BAR WHEN THEY ARE NOT EVEN LEGAL YET? because they know Sunny and are really close with her and let them drink one or two beers and they always sit in a corner in the bar where actually no one can see them :p so they can't get caught :p But P.O doesn't get beer there, too young our little friend :DDD

I hope you liked the chapter :)

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Chapter 13: Ugh! This story just made me love Kyung even more!
Chapter nine, I had butterflies in my stomach. xD
this was really nicely written, thank you so much for posting this ^_^ <3
HanJiMun #3
Chapter 13: WHAT THE HELL!!? How could you end this in that moment! What about Zico? Oh God, I'm dying T^T Btw love your story, I'm sick and sitting in home right now, and this story really made my day <3 Waiting for sequel ^^
ShinSeoRae #4
i love this story and i'll probably be reading the Zico sequel to this..^_^
ShinSeoRae #5
i love this story and i'll probably be reading the Zico sequel to this..^_^
Gawd this is good! Been searching EVERYWHERE for Kyung's bias. Gawd... I'm so in love with that cucumber... >/////////<
WHAA I love this story /hearts/ omg she is now with park kyung <3 my bias LOLOL~ omg thanks for writing this story ^~^ <3
fallingmeteor #8
This was SO cute T___T<br />
giggled the whiole time lol<br />
But still wanted U-Bomb to be together ;^;
good story!