

Yun sat on her bed and stared at the teddy bear which was placed on her nightstand. Pictures from yesterday’s night came back and her lips still remembers Kyung’s touch. She had butterflies in her stomach, but it was bittersweet at the same time. She would see Kyung today. How should she behave around him? She had definitely not the courage to ask him what this kiss yesterday meant. Yun wasn’t sure if she could handle it, if he would ignore her.

Yun sighed and looked at the songtext in her hands. She got a message from Zico two hours ago that she should memorize the songtext of Navi’s I love you. They wanted that Yun would perform with them today. But Yun just wanted to rumple the songtext into a ball and throw at Zico’s head. Why this song? You and I, we just friends. I.Love.You, Yun read one of the first lines.
“Gaaaawwhh, why Zico?” Yun whined and fell frustrated on her bed. The song just fitted with Yun’s emotions. A few days ago Yun was just fine with being friends, because she already accepted that Kyung was unreachable, but after this kiss everything was so confusing.

As Yun left her room, to finally meet up with her friends, her eyes caught the current date on her calendar. Two weeks and her summer break would be over. So many things happened in this break and somehow a lot of things changed in Yun’s life. Yun wondered what will happen when school starts again. It was Minjee’s and Yun’s last school year and the others graduated this year. What were they up to? Would they start go to university? Would something change about them? Would they start to go their own ways and would quickly fall apart like they found each other? Yun didn’t know, because they never talked about it. But they still had two weeks! Yun smiled sadly and left to meet her friends.

Yun was the last one who arrived in the club. Everyone was already busy with setting up the stage and other things for today’s night. Yun quickly waved at her friends and then she disappeared in the backroom. She left her bag in the room and as she wanted to go back, Kyung passed her. Yun’s heart started to beat fast. What should she do? Her hands got sweaty and she didn’t know where to put them. Yun avoided his face and just wanted to pass him.
“Hey.” Kyung said softly next to her. Yun looked slightly up. Kyung was smiling at her. “Hey.” Yun whispered back and tried to smile.
He didn’t ignore her, but still Yun didn’t know how to act around him.
“Yun!” Zico called her. Yun was relieved. Zico helped her out of an awkward situation.

Yun appeared in front of Zico who was playing around with the sound system and lighting. “Did you practice the song?”
“Yes.” Yun nodded and smiled.
“Sorry, for telling you so late.” Zico smiled apologetically.
“I used to listen to this song a lot of times before so it wasn’t that hard to memorize.”
“Glad to hear. Can you go up on stage and sing a few lines?”
Yun nodded. She was already on her way to stage, but then she turned around. “Who is going to sing with me?”
Yun wanted to know, because it would be better to know from the beginning if it would be Kyung, because she could prepare herself then and would not panic on stage.
“Me and Kyung.” Zico smiled at her, but Zico’s smile gave Yun a strange feeling. Wasn’t the rap part to short for two people?

Yun left the stage and right away she had Yukwon’s arm around her shoulder. “Sweety, I think we should have a talk.”
Yun only looked confused at him. Yukwon was leading to a table where Minhyuk and Minjee were already waiting. Both looked eagerly at her and the smirk of these two already annoyed her.
“Sooo you had a date with Kyung yesterday!?” Yukwon started as they reached their two friends.
“He only wanted to cheer me up. I just had a bad day.” Yun whispered and looked down at her hands.
“But he was so happy to finally leave with you. You two were holding hands as you were leaving. Doesn’t seem like only wanting to cheer you up.” Minhyuk smirked at her. Yun sighed and shrugged her shoulder.
“I don’t know.” She bit her bottom lip. “He kissed me.”
“WHHHHHHHHHHHAT? HE DID WHAT?” Minjee shouted and neared flipped the table. Yukwon and Minhyuk only laughed at her.
“Calm down, Minjee. Kyung is around, you know.” Yukwon patted Minjee’s shoulder and was still laughing.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” Minjee ignored the boys who laughed at her.
“I am confused?” Yun answered and sighed. “I don’t know what he wants. I don’t understand his actions.”
Yukwon put his hand over Yun’s. “You are our friend. Kyung wouldn’t screw with you. He knows you are not that kind of girl so it wasn’t meaningless. You should have seen his eyes as he took your hand.” Yukwon smiled at her.
Yun bit her lip. “But why should he have suddenly interest in me?”

For Yun it didn’t made sense at all. Just a few days ago he liked Minjee even though it wasn’t that noticeable anymore like in the beginning. But Yun hadn’t the confidence in herself that he, Park Kyung, would really start to like her, because Yun didn’t fit him at all.

“Who said you are allowed to do this?” Kyung said with a playful smile to Yukwon and laid his arm around Yun.
Yun looked confused up to Kyung and he only smiled at her. Yun heart beat fast. Why was he still acting this way?
“We are going to see us later.” Kyung messed up her hair and left with a huge smile.
Yun pouted and fixed her hair. And her three friends were only smirking at her.

They finished Letter and Yun was still on stage, because their next song would be I love you. Yun was curious how they would split the rap. “Yeah, Girl. You and I, we’re just friends. I.LOVE.YOU” Kyung started and winked at Yun.
“Guys, have fun with this cheesy love song. I am going to leave these two lovebirds alone.” Zico winked at Yun and left the stage.
WHAT? LOVEBIRDS? Yun nearly forgot that her part was coming up and missed a little of her first line. Her singing was shaking at first, but she got quickly hold of herself again.

Sometimes Yun looked at Kyung. She was surprised that Kyung wasn’t all around her. He just walked on the stage, cheered the crowd on and gave Yun a lot of his heart warming smile. And Yun put through the whole song her true feelings in it.

“At first it was familiar and convenient to acknowledge you as a friend~
But as time passed things changed” Kyung started to rap and walked towards Yun. He took Yun’s hand and drew her closer.
“Before I knew it You were changing to me bit by bit
Honestly I started to want you too
I was kinda scared
Since it'd be awkward for me to tell you
Since i was afraid we'd grow apart
You still don't get my feelings do you? You probably don't know
When you sitting in front of the mirror, you're probably laughing, thinking about me
Don’t worry, You’re One of a Kind to me
Since I've become you're other half~
You’re already my amazing Sunshine~”

They both stayed like that as Yun was singing her last past. She looked Kyung directly into the eyes and sang her last part.

“For as long as I’ve kept it inside
My heart's full with these feelings~ I love you
And it feels like it’s about to pop~

I love you love you love you
I love you love you love you
You know you know I love you”

Kyung’s face came closer, he was still holding onto Yun’s hand and then he kissed lightly her forehead.
The loud cheers were just like a whisper to Yun’s ears. Her heartbeat was the loudest song on this stage. What was happening here?
It was so confusing. Yun wanted that it would never stop, but on the other hand she only wanted to run away, because she didn’t understand it.

Yun was the last who came, but the first who would leave. Yun couldn’t stand it anymore. Kyung’s smiles everywhere and they weren’t even greasy ones. 5 times now he messed up her and if they passed each other their shoulders would always lightly brushing against each other. KYUNG WAS EVREYWHERE!!! And it should stop. Yun decided to go not only because of this. The other reason was like always her father. There were only 3 days left till the death-day of her mother and her father must be already in a horrible stage. Yun felt bad that she would go, because there was still a lot to do.

She bid farewell to her friends and before she could leave the club, she heard: “Yun, wait. I am going to take you home.” Of course, Kyung! Yun turned around and smiled at him. “You don’t need to. There still a lot to do.”
“They will be fine without me.” Kyung smiled. “And I don’t want that you go home alone.”
And no one complained that he would go they all pretended that they didn’t hear him. Yun only smiled and they both left.
Maybe Yun would find the courage to tell him that he could stop this act. Their date was long ago over.

They both went in totally silence to Yun’s home. Yun tried to get the courage, but whenever she was looking at him that courage faded and her tummy started to tinkle, because she had to think about their kiss. Why was Yun such a hopeless case?!

Yun was caught by surprise. Kyung back hugged her and rapped softly into her ear

“Today I’ll confess my love
I’ll gain courage to express my feelings for a quarter
The one wish I have in life is to have you
Hurry and run into my arms child
You’re really pretty and even if I do see you, I still miss you
All of mine is yours and what’s yours is yours
I won’t say any more of these cliché sayings
I love you and I want to feel like I included everything”

“Kyung, wh-hat are you doing?” Yun whispered.
“I think I am getting madly creative when I am around you.” She heard Kyung chuckling behind her.
Yun turned around, release herself out of the back hug and placed a hand on Kyung’s chest and pushed him lightly away.
“Stop! Please stop.” Yun whispered and avoided to face him.
Kyung laughed and Yun was confused by his reaction. Kyung placed his hand on her chin and made her to look up.
“You don’t get it, don’t you?” Kyung smiled. “Can you please stop to ignore my tries to get your attention? I thought you liked me?!”
For the first time today Yun saw his greasy smile. What did he say? He knew that she liked him? Yun was speechless.

Kyung’s face came closer. “I confessed two times today, but you only ignore me and want me to stop.” Kyung laughed lightly.
“I like you, Yun. I like you a lot.” Kyung whispered as he was only an inch away from her lips.
Before Yun could realize what Kyung just had said – he kissed her softly.

As they pulled apart Kyung smiled. “I am not fooling around. Please believe me.”
Yun only nodded. Did he really say he likes her? Kyung pulled Yun into a hug and held her tightly. “Would you like to be my girlfriend?”
Yun nodded, buried her face into his chest and clutched tightly his T-shirt.
A smile appeared on Kyung’s face as he noticed that Yun hugged him tightly back.

Im Yun was Park Kyung’s girlfriend. It was so unbelievable for Yun. He really liked her.

Kyung cupped Yun’s face in his hands.
“I have more confidence in yourself, Yun.” Kyung smiled and kissed her softly once again.

“Yun, you are mine.” Kyung said with a greasy smile as he pulled back.
“You are an idiot, Park Kyung.” Yun mocked him and hid his shoulder. They both laughed and embraced each other tightly.
“We are going to have a lot fun.” Kyung whispered with a laugh into her ear. Yun snuggled her face into his neck.
“Yea.” She whispered back with a smile.



sorry for the long wait -___- but i wrote 3 days on the last chapter and I was totally unmotivated to write after it :o sorry, it's so crappy but I had really no ideas for this chapter besides the end :o I had the whole time something else in the mind, but as I checked my notes for the story I noticed it doesn't fit with it so I needed a new idea ;____; just came up with this crap. 2 more chapters and it's the end :/// thank you so much for the comments and for subscribing :3 <3

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Chapter 13: Ugh! This story just made me love Kyung even more!
Chapter nine, I had butterflies in my stomach. xD
this was really nicely written, thank you so much for posting this ^_^ <3
HanJiMun #3
Chapter 13: WHAT THE HELL!!? How could you end this in that moment! What about Zico? Oh God, I'm dying T^T Btw love your story, I'm sick and sitting in home right now, and this story really made my day <3 Waiting for sequel ^^
ShinSeoRae #4
i love this story and i'll probably be reading the Zico sequel to this..^_^
ShinSeoRae #5
i love this story and i'll probably be reading the Zico sequel to this..^_^
Gawd this is good! Been searching EVERYWHERE for Kyung's bias. Gawd... I'm so in love with that cucumber... >/////////<
WHAA I love this story /hearts/ omg she is now with park kyung <3 my bias LOLOL~ omg thanks for writing this story ^~^ <3
fallingmeteor #8
This was SO cute T___T<br />
giggled the whiole time lol<br />
But still wanted U-Bomb to be together ;^;
good story!