Extra Chapter!


note: It's an extra chapter. It wasn't planned to be in the story. Thought would turn out nice, but it didn't. Actually don't want to post it. If you don't like it pretend like the chapter never exist :DDDD


Yun was sitting on her bed and was happily chatting with Kyung over the phone. You couldn’t erase the smile on her face. Most of the time it was still unbelievable that Yun was really dating Kyung. But who could blame her? It was only the second day of being in a relationship with him.

“You got pretty comfortable with me in just two days, didn’t you?”
Yun saw his greasy smile right in front of her and started to giggle.
“Why are you laughing?” Kyung laughed too.
“Just saw your greasy smile right in front of my eyes.” Yun laughed lightly.
Kyung let only out a small laugh. Yun closed her eyes and took all the confidence she had to say this.
“Yes, I am comfortable with you. Now you started to put all the attention on me, it’s not difficult to reach you anymore. I don’t know why…. I am just comfortable. You’re just giving me so much, only in two days.” Yun blushed and bit her inner cheek.
un got easily comfortable with Kyung. She could joke easily with him, laugh with him and talk with him, but she was still awkward to show her true feelings for Kyung. It seemed for Kyung totally naturally to show her his feelings 24/7. He texted her, called her and yesterday they met up for a short while and skinship was casual for him. But it wasn’t for Yun. Even though she knew Kyung hadn’t a problem with skinship, she was never sure if should take his hand or not or if she should go for it and hug him. Yun didn’t have the full confidence yet. A lot of times Yun was still acting shy, especially if Kyung was suddenly pecking her lips

“I know I was stupid. How could I be so blind and not see the beauty right in front me?” Kyung stopped her thoughts.
“But I am glad that I realized that I was a big idiot and now I have a wonderful girl by my side.” Kyung said gently. And Yun smiled shyly and blushed. “Tsk, you have nothing to say to your boyfriend?” Kyung pretend to be mad.
Yun giggled. “I am awkward.” Yun said quietly.
“I know.” Kyung said softly. “And that’s ok.” Yun smiled.
“Soon you can’t take your hands off me.”
“KYUNG!!!” Yun whined.
Why was her boyfriend such a greasy ert? Kyung laughed. “I am sorry, Yunnie. I just like you tease you.”

“I think we should hang up. I bet you are tired.” Kyung said a half hour later. “But I don’t want to hang up~”
Kyung said with a cute voice. “You are going to visit your Mom tomorrow, right? Then you need a lot of sleep.”
“Yea.” Yun said softly. She should check on her father. She nearly forgot it.

“Yun?” Kyung called her out after a minute of silence.”Hmm?”
“Can I come with you? I would like to greet your mother.”
Yun was at first shocked to hear it, but actually she liked the idea. She wanted that her mother would know who was making her so happy. And it would be an opportunity to introduce Kyung to her father.
“I don’t have a problem with it. I am going to ask Appa and then I am sending you a text, ok?!”
“Ok! Even though I don’t want to hang up, go to sleep. Goodnight.”
“Goodnight.” Yun said softly back and they both hung up.

Yun got up and went into the living room. Her father was like always sitting on the couch and the TV was .
Yun was slowly approaching him from behind. She was a bottle on the table and then she checked for more, but she couldn’t find any.
“Appa?” Yun asked quietly.
Her father turned around and smiled at her. “What’s wrong, sweety?”
Yun started to play with her fingers, she was so nervous to ask her father. He already knew that Kyung was her boyfriend, but still they were only going out for two days and she already wanted to ask her father if her boyfriend could visit her mother’s grave.
“Can Kyung, you know my boyfriend.” Yun bit her bottom lip. Yun looked down and said quickly. “Can he come and visit Umma’s grave with us?”
Her father let out a small laugh.
“I like the idea. I want to introduce him to you and Umma. Appa, I really really like him.”
Yun looked slightly up and for her surprise she saw her father smiling at her.
“If you want it then do it. And I want to get to know your boyfriend.”
“Thank you.”

Yun walked to the living room table and took the beer bottle. It was still half full. Yun poured the content into the sink, searched for other kinds of alcohol and poured them into the sink too. She was surprised and glad too that he actually one drank on beer and it was actually only the half of it.

Yun’s father heard how Yun searched for something in the kitchen and how she started to pour it into the sink. He smiled sadly.
He knew it was the alcohol he stored in the kitchen and he knew how much weight he actually put on Yun’s shoulders. He should take care of her and not the other way around.

He turned off the TV. “We should go to bed, shouldn’t we!?” He called out his daughter.
Yun nodded and dried her hands with a towel. Her father put an arm around and smiled. His little angel was really growing up.

Yun opened the door and Kyung stood fully dressed in black in front of her.
“Hey.” He smiled at her and kissed lightly her cheek.
“Hey.” Yun smiled shyly.
“Are you nervous?” Kyung asked her with his greasy smile and got hold of her hand. Yun nodded.
“Aren’t you nervous?” Yun whispered. Kyung shook his head. Why wasn’t he nervous? Shouldn’t he be more nervous than Yun? Yun was totally afraid that her father wouldn’t like Kyung.
“Let’s go. Let’s meet your father.” He smiled encouraging at her. Yun only swallowed her salvia hard.

They both stepped into the living room, where her father was waiting, still holding hands. Kyung let go off her hand and bowed. “Hello. I’m Park Kyung. Nice to meet you.” Yun’s father walked towards them and put out his hand.
“I’m Im Nam Kyu. Feel free to call me Nam Kyu.” Yun’s father smiled warmly at Kyung. They both shook hands

They sat together and talked before they headed to cemetery. Yun’s father and Kyung got along quite good and Kyung really started from the beginning to call her father by his first name. Yun was just glad that her worries were all false.

They were quiet in the car only a few times a few words were spoken. Kyung totally understood why the atmosphere was a little tense. It wasn’t just an ordinary day. Today was the death day of a wife and mother.
Yun’s father had still a hard time to accept the death of his wife even though it was sixteen years ago and silenced his pain with alcohol.
And there was Yun, his girlfriend, who constantly thought it was her fault that she took her father’s happiness away, but totally forget that she was her father’s happiness.

Yun looked out of the window and Kyung took her by surprise as he suddenly grabbed her hand and hold it tightly. Yun wasn’t looking at him, but a small smile spread across her face and didn’t leave till the drive stopped.

They entered the cemetery and as they stopped in front of the gravestone Kyung stopped the silence.
“I hope it doesn’t sound rude, but can I say my prayers at first? I have actually a lot to tell her.”
Yun’s father only gave him a gesture that he should go ahead. Yun and her father gave Kyung a little private space.

At first Kyung said his prayers and then he kneeled down and bowed. Even though they gave him private space Yun could hear every word of what he said.

“Hello my name is Park Kyung. I am the boyfriend of your daughter. Actually I am the idiot boyfriend of your daughter, because at first I couldn’t see the beauty of the daughter you gave birth to. But now I am here and I know what I have. I am going to take good care of her. I am going to make her happy. I think once awhile I will make her cry I think we can’t prevent it such things happen in a relationship and I am already sorry for it. It may seem exaggerated, because it’s only the second day of going out, but I think I like her for a quite while now, but I didn’t realize it. And…and I think I am pretty serious about Yun no… I AM serious about her. I want to take all her doubts about herself away. I want to make her endless happy. And I want to have the approval of her mother and father and then I can start to make her happy. Thank you so much, I am not going to disappoint.”

Kyung stood up and as he turned around. A crying Yun stood in front of him. Kyung hugged her and wiped her tears away.
“Why are you crying?” He asked and kissed her forehead. Yun only looked at him and more tears streamed down her cheeks. Those words. Yun was so happy. Not even in her dreams she would have ever thought that Kyung thought about her like that.
Yun hugged Kyung tightly. “I am just happy.” Yun whispered.

The words of her father were still in her mind: You got a great guy. He is serious about you. He just came to introduce himself and get approval to become your boyfriend from an already decreased woman. Get hold of him, he is going to make his words true. He reminds me of himself as I met your mother.

Kyung smiled. He won’t fail to make her happy.

As Yun said her prayers to her mother, Kyung and Yun’s father had some time alone.
“You are really serious about her, right?”
“Of course.” Kyung smiled. “I realized my feelings late, but everything I learned about her the past month I already know she is good for me and I am going to properly love her.”
“It’s only the second day, but I notice that Yun is changing. She is smiling more. I know that I play huge part in it why Yun is the way she is. Yun has a lot of doubts about herself and I am not making it easier that she has to take care about her drunk father. I am sorry that you had to see me in this state.”
“I am not judging you and I don’t think that you are bad father.” Kyung smiled warmly at him.
“I think we are going to get along well in the future.” Yun’s father put a hand on Kyung’s shoulder.
“You are reminding me so much about myself.” Kyung and Yun’s father both laughed.

After a few minutes of silence Yun’s father said.
“I am going to stop drinking and will get a therapy. I already but too much weight on Yun’s shoulders.”
“That’s great.” Kyung answered and was really happy that her father finally realized his problem and it couldn’t continue like this.

They were already back and they both lazed around on her bed. Kyung’s body nearly used all the space on the bed and Yun was only sitting on the edge of it, still leaving a lot of space between them. She was still unconformable to be on the same bed.

“What are you doing after summer break?” Yun suddenly asked and woke up the nearly asleep Kyung. Kyung smiled lightly through half open eyes. Yun thought about it a few days ago. What would they all do after summer break!?
“I am going to college studying mathematics and helping Zico out with his club.”
Yes, Yun already heard of the Zico’s idea of his own club. “He doesn’t want to go to college?” Yun asked surprised.
“He is going to college. Of course studying music, but he is doing it for his mother. College isn’t his first propriety. Actually he wants to work and earn the money for the club. Jiho said he will properly drop out after the first year. We all said that we are going to help him. He has this idea for a long time now. But let’s talk about something else we have still summer break. Let’s have fun.” And with these words Kyung started to tickle Yun.

But before Yun would die of laughter, Kyung stopped. Somehow Yun managed to be on top of Kyung. They both gazed into each other eyes. It was Yun’s chance and she wouldn’t be shy and awkward now. She was his girlfriend after all.

Slowly she leaned forward and without hesitation she put lightly her lips on his. As she noticed that Kyung kissed her back, she immediately pulled away. Yun sat straight on her bed again and didn’t dare to look at Kyung. She was awkward and embarrassed. What was she thinking? She couldn’t casually to do like Kyung.

Kyung put gently his arm around her stomach and put his chin on her shoulder.
“You allowed to do it. So you don’t need to be embarrassed and I don’t dislike it.” Kyung let out a small laugh and his breath was gently tickling her neck. Yun sighed and smiled lightly. Kyung was right there was no reason to be embarrassed, but she couldn’t help it. She was so inexperienced and who knows what Kyung already did.

Suddenly Kyung gently turned Yun’s face towards his. Yun was caught of the guard. She smiled shyly.
Kyung smiled back and leaned forward. Gently he kissed her lips.
His kissed had always the same effect. His kissed were so wonderfull and Yun didn’t want that he would stop to kiss her.
Why was she too shy to kiss him? She loved his kissed. Afterwards the pepper-mint taste of his kisses would linger for hour and if it left it felt like the biggest lost. Of course, Yun caught her herself craving for his kisses a few times already. She didn’t want to be shy anymore and miss out on his soft lips.

Kyung deepened the kiss and carefully he slipped his tongue into . Yun wouldn’t panic even though she wasn’t sure if she was a good kisser. She just wanted to enjoy it. They both slowly and carefully discovered each other mouths.
But then the door opened.

Quickly Yun pulled back and covered with her hand. Her father just caught her making out with her boyfriend.
Yun looked shyly down.
“Oh I am sorry. I should have knocked. I am not really used it yet that you have a boy over.” Her father chuckled. “I just wanted to say that I am going out.”
Yun nodded and slowly started to look up. Her face must be in a deep red, because her face was burning.
“Bye Appa.” She said quickly and actually was glad that her father would go now and that she didn’t have to face him for awhile. Why did he had to see it?
“Goodbye Nam Kyu.” Kyung shouted happily, not slightly showing that he felt embarrassed.
Yun bet that he wasn’t embarrassed at all. Yun’s father winked at him.

Yun hid her face into Kyung’s shoulder. “Gaaww. So embarrassing!” She whined.
Kyung laughed, her hair and kissed her head. “Sooner or later it would have happen.” Kyung chuckled.
“Later would be a lot of better.” Yun mumbled into his shoulder. Kyung could only laugh about the cute reaction of his girlfriend.

Kyung lifted up her head and asked. “Where did we stop?” Of course, the greasy smile wasn’t missing. Yun hit his shoulder and her face was burning again. Kyung leaned in and kissed her. Through the kiss he started to tickle her.
She laughed into the kiss, but still continued to kiss him. Yun put her arms around his neck and kissed him harder.



I seriously don't like the chapter. If you don't like please pretend it never happened :DDD I was thinking about not to post it but I had already written over a page and thought no, you are not going to trash it now :D write this crap, post it and ruin your story :DDD the next will be the final :p Don't expect much it will be only a short chapter to give it some kind of ending :) Sorry, for taking so long with updating, but I am extremly busy -___- I try to update the final soon but now I am going to watch No.6 :) thank you so much for reading <3333 I love you all

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Chapter 13: Ugh! This story just made me love Kyung even more!
Chapter nine, I had butterflies in my stomach. xD
this was really nicely written, thank you so much for posting this ^_^ <3
HanJiMun #3
Chapter 13: WHAT THE HELL!!? How could you end this in that moment! What about Zico? Oh God, I'm dying T^T Btw love your story, I'm sick and sitting in home right now, and this story really made my day <3 Waiting for sequel ^^
ShinSeoRae #4
i love this story and i'll probably be reading the Zico sequel to this..^_^
ShinSeoRae #5
i love this story and i'll probably be reading the Zico sequel to this..^_^
Gawd this is good! Been searching EVERYWHERE for Kyung's bias. Gawd... I'm so in love with that cucumber... >/////////<
WHAA I love this story /hearts/ omg she is now with park kyung <3 my bias LOLOL~ omg thanks for writing this story ^~^ <3
fallingmeteor #8
This was SO cute T___T<br />
giggled the whiole time lol<br />
But still wanted U-Bomb to be together ;^;
good story!