Stuffed toys


Kyung was waiting for Yun. He got the order from Zico to pick her up for the recording. It kind of annoyed him. He actually hoped that Zico would pick her up, after he heard that Minje had something to do and couldn’t bring Yun to the recording, but Zico had still to prepare a few things in the studio. Kyung wasn’t annoyed of Yun, he liked Yun she was a nice and cute girl. He only hoped to be the one who would stay in the studio and maybe Minjee would arrive earlier than Zico and Yun and they could have some time alone. Lately Minjee and Kyung had barely some time alone and Kyung wondered how he should get her if it not change.

He already saw Yun approaching. She had her hair down and actually Kyung preferred if she wore her hair like that. Her clothes were cute like always. Her whole appearance showed her innocence. Sometimes Kyung wondered why Yun and Minjee were best friends their characters were totally different, but maybe that was the reason why they had such a strong bond.

“Sorry for the trouble.” Yun apologized and bowed a little.
“Tsk… you didn’t cause any trouble and you don’t need to bow.” Kyung smiled at her.
He had no problem with picking Yun up. He would do it anytime it was only bugging him that his plan was ruined. Yun smiled shyly.
“Come on.” Kyung said and signaled with his head that they should head to the studio now.

Yun was the whole time nervous before she arrived at the meeting point with Kyung. It wasn’t her first time alone with Kyung – it was the second time. But it was still to less time alone that Yun would be used to it and her hands wouldn’t start to sweat. The whole way to the meeting point she thought about, about what she could talk with Kyung that it wouldn’t be awkward between them, but she couldn’t think of anything. She was too nervous and as soon she thought about she would be alone with him her mind was blank. But right now it seemed the talkative Kyung didn’t know either about what he should talk about with Yun. And Yun was more following Kyung from behind than going next to him. She didn’t know why and when it happened, but after awhile she realized that she was going behind him.

Kyung was all the way flirting with other girls -showed them his greasy smile and his charm. Yun didn’t want feel like that, but she hadn’t control of the feelings towards Kyung. And these feelings made her feel hurt, that he didn’t see her in the same way she did. Even though she knew it from the beginning she couldn’t help to feel like that and some had the hope that maybe it would change if they spend more time alone, but still Yun was invisible. Yun chewed lightly on her bottom lip. Maybe Kyung didn’t even like her, because it seemed he didn’t notice or he didn’t care that Yun wasn’t going next to him. He didn’t even try to talk with her. Maybe he only had a bad day, but he was lively flirting with others. Maybe he realized her feelings and wanted to show her know that he didn’t feel the same way that he wasn’t interested. Yun couldn’t describe her feelings – all she knew that this feeling was worse.

Yun and Kyung reached a street without traffic lights. Kyung looked to right and then to the left and started to move, but Yun didn’t move an inch. A car was approaching, it was still far away, but Yun didn’t want to cross the street. Once a car hit Yun as she was driving on her bike. It wasn’t a serious accident she had a lot of luck and got away with a few bruises. But since then she was more careful than ever if she was crossing a street without traffic lights.

Kyung noticed that Yun didn’t follow him so he turned around and got back to the sidewalk.
“Why weren’t you going?” Kyung asked her.
“There was a car coming.” Yun said and pointed at the car that now drove by.
Kyung chuckled “It was still far away. It would have hit us.”
“I’m sorry.”  Yun bite her bottom lip. “But I am a little afraid of streets without traffic lights.”
“Come on.” Kyung smiled widely at her. “If you are with Park Kyung nothing will happen to you.”
And then he grabbed her hand, looked to right and then to the left and crossed the street with her.

As Yun saw the smile that Kyung had flashed at her she knew that all her worries were wrong and that it must be another reason that bugged Kyung. But Yun didn’t feel like she was in the place to ask Kyung if something was wrong or if something was bugging him. And actually she couldn’t think of anything right now, because her mind was blank. Park Kyung was holding her hand!

As they reached the sidewalk, Kyung let go off her hand.
“You see, nothing happened. With me you will be always safe.” Kyung smiled sweetly at her and started to walk again.
Even though Yun knew he was only polite and that this was his character, but she couldn’t help and felt her heart flattering.

This time Yun walked next to Kyung, but they still didn’t really talk with each other and right now Kyung seemed to be deep in thoughts, so Yun didn’t want to disturb him.

From the corner of her eyes she saw a shop with stuffed toys. She loved stuffed toys, especially Teddy bears and the shop had a lot of them. Without really thinking about it, she walked toward the display window of the shop.

Kyung noticed once again that Yun wasn’t walking next to him anymore, so he turned around and checked where she could be. He couldn’t help but smile as he saw Yun gluing at the display window of a stuffed toys shop. A 16 year old girl that was still mesmerized by stuffed toys. But actually he should have sense it beforehand, even her bag had the face of a teddy bear on it and some other stuff of her had such motives.

Kyung felt sorry towards Yun, because it seemed the most of the time that he ignored her. It wasn’t his intention, but he didn’t know why he behaved like that. He didn’t know why he was a butthurt right now that his plan didn’t work out. He shouldn’t let this out at Yun who was such a nice girl.

“Aren’t you too old for such stuff?” Kyung asked her.
Yun turned to Kyung and saw that he was leaning at the wall next to the display window and showed her his greasy smile.
She actually found it totally charming. Yun shrugged her shoulders and smiled shyly. “I can’t help it and still like it.”
Kyung let out a small laugh and pushed himself off the wall.

“I think it will only take 5 minutes and then we will be there. Should we going?” Kyung asked her with a smile. Yun nodded.

They both started to walk again and the awkward silence was gone. Kyung talked a lot with her. Kyung did the most of the talk and Yun didn’t mind it. After all she loved to listen to his voice. Yun laughed a lot and she hoped she will have more times like that with Kyung in future. She had feelings for him and these these feelings did sometimes some crazy to her, but it was still enough for her with being friends with Kyung.




the shortest chapter so far. actually it would be longer but i decided to cut it. Two reason: 1. seemed a good point to cut 2. too lazy to write more :D it's actually kind of late again and I wanted to watch 2PM show today too, because I hadn' t the time yet :// So school started and during weekdays I barely write, because no time and the time I have I spend on other things like tumblr :DD updates are going to be slow :o I'm sorry.

Thank you for the new subscribiers and comments :) they keep me going <333

subscribers and comments are love <33

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Chapter 13: Ugh! This story just made me love Kyung even more!
Chapter nine, I had butterflies in my stomach. xD
this was really nicely written, thank you so much for posting this ^_^ <3
HanJiMun #3
Chapter 13: WHAT THE HELL!!? How could you end this in that moment! What about Zico? Oh God, I'm dying T^T Btw love your story, I'm sick and sitting in home right now, and this story really made my day <3 Waiting for sequel ^^
ShinSeoRae #4
i love this story and i'll probably be reading the Zico sequel to this..^_^
ShinSeoRae #5
i love this story and i'll probably be reading the Zico sequel to this..^_^
Gawd this is good! Been searching EVERYWHERE for Kyung's bias. Gawd... I'm so in love with that cucumber... >/////////<
WHAA I love this story /hearts/ omg she is now with park kyung <3 my bias LOLOL~ omg thanks for writing this story ^~^ <3
fallingmeteor #8
This was SO cute T___T<br />
giggled the whiole time lol<br />
But still wanted U-Bomb to be together ;^;
good story!