Chapter 6

Wedding bells
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Here is another chapt!

Jaemintee asked for JaeMin and I tried to give her some, so here it is!

It's not really the best and I’m not satisfied for some reasons... (except maybe the end Xd)

But if I keep it longer, I don't think it'll be out any time soon.

anyway, this will have around 10 chapts only~ ^^


Enjoy and don't forget to feed the author in the comment section bellow! XD



                Suddenly uncomfortable under the other man's gaze, Jaejoong faked a cough to clear his throat and look away. Actually, it was quite pleasant to feel such interest from the man, but it was also very unexpected for him. Here he thought the guy just liked to tease and bother him, was he in fact like those kids bullying someone they liked? If he was, then, it might be funnier than he thought and he was clearly decided to not let the other one bully him for too long without reaction.


With this idea in mind, Jaejoong put on his best blank face and focused back on Changmin. A bit surprise and disappointed to the lack of indignation on Jaejoong's face, Changmin almost pouted. Almost only. Of course he wouldn't act so childish suddenly, but still, it made Jaejoong proud of his success.


“It's not your concern anyway,” Jaejoong said, trying hard to keep his voice as indifferent as possible.

“Who knows~” Changmin singsonged, the unsaid invitation easily noticeable.

“I know,” Jaejoong answered, particularly happy when he took glimpse of Changmin's surprise to the implied meaning of his words. “I've to find the groom, you're free to follow me of course, but don't bother me, please.”


Amused, Jaejoong allowed a chuckle and left Changmin there, standing. He wanted to play along this teasing game and he was happy he had enough constancy to do it this time.


“I've to say you're a very special human being, Kim Jaejoong.”

“I hear that a lot,” Jaejoong said with an apparent detachment yet with his eyes smiling.


Remembering the way easily after those days working here, Jaejoong walked through the garden to head the building Yunho where was getting ready. Changmin easily caught up with Jaejoong and they stopped in the alley. They started to fight again about some random matters, but the tone was lighter than it had been before. They even shared some very playful-yet-a-bit-painful punches on each other's arms, the way Jaejoong used to do it with some good friends.


It was so simple in fact, to get along with Changmin, Jaejoong noticed. It was playful and far from being suitable for two grown men, but this way, they could talk and laugh with each other. It was a bit weird of course, but not a displeasing kind of weird, it was a more surprising weird.


Since he decided to not take Changmin too seriously, not take his words at face value, it was way more comfortable to spend time with him. He was a jerk, for sure, but he seemed more than this. Teasing, bothering, yet intelligent and amusing, Changmin showed him suddenly so many sides he didn't expect before.


During those few minutes, Jaejoong believed he might have misunderstood him. Maybe there was some hope to this little thing he started to feel recently and that he tried to avoid so much. Changmin wasn't so bad after all. Maybe, it wasn't so hopeless.


As he started to think deeper about this, a middle aged couple walked toward them. Both were very well clothed, good-looking and charismatic and Jaejoong stopped to take a better look at them. They both bowed at turn politely toward him and stopped in front of Changmin.



“Changmin-ah~ Here you are!” The woman said.

“Mrs Jung~ I thought you were at your sit already.”

“Ow, Changmin!”

“Sorry Auntie~” Changmin said cutely and with a big smile.


Surprised, Jaejoong froze to watch them. Mrs Jung... then those two where probably the groom's parents. No wonder Hyewon used to say her husband was handsome, with such parents, it seemed to be genetic.


But the way Changmin was acting startled him. He was acting like a child, a bit mushy and clearly the opposite of the man he had had in front of him the last few days. Jaejoong didn't know if he should laugh or not.


“I forgive you,” the woman said.

“We were at our sit before, but we thought about having a walk since we still have plenty of time before the beginning. At our age, it's tiring to stay still without moving for too long,” her husband explained gently.

“We will be sitting long enough during the ceremony,” Mrs Jung added.

“You both so young looking, I can't believe one word,” Changmin answered between praise and amusement. “But if you want to escape together, you can look around, I won't tell Yunho,” he joked.


They laughed all together and Jaejoong contemplated them, eyes wide. Unable to believe the scene in front of him, he frowned unwillingly. Changmin usually so sneaky was acting a bit too sweet to be taken seriously, according to him.


Then the silence came back and Jaejoong straightened when he felt the gaze on him. Feeling a bit guilty for his inner thought, he lowered his head to avoid the couple's eyes.


“And who's that charming person?” Mrs Jung asked, looking at him.

“Oh the bride's best friend, Kim Jaejoong. He's also the her best man.” Changmin answered.


Jaejoong was even surprise to not hear a joke about him being the bridesmaid. He heard that so much since the beginning of this fateful week. He wouldn't have been surprised at all.


“Really?” Mrs Jung exclaimed. “Such a handsome man and very pretty too.”


Jaejoong bowed and denied politely with his hand.


“You're too kind Mrs Jung...”

“He is, indeed,” Changmin cut him off, talking gently to the woman, as if he did not hear Jaejoong talk at all.


Stunned, Jaejoong glanced toward Changmin who kept looking at him with an indescribable expression on his face. The woman smiled and patted Changmin's arms.


“So sweet. Take a good care of him.”

“I will auntie. He deserves it. Jaejoong is really nice person,”


Jaejoong half-gaped and tried to not flutter at this sentence. What was this? Why was he acting like they were close friends or even a bit more? He expected him to be a little more evasive, more... normal. But no, he was acting overly sweet, singsonged half of his sentences and was now giving away pra

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I tried to write the next chapt, but it's not satisfying >< HELP!


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AmyDick #1
Chapter 10: Changmin can be snarky and switch to be sweet in instant depends on who is the person changmin with at that time, in this case is jaejoong..
Chapter 10: Thank for the most nice and warm atory, author-shi. Love this fanfic ao much (////)
kyrakawaii #3
Chapter 10: Yuhuu
Thanks for making this sweet story
kyrakawaii #4
Chapter 4: Smack min's head against the wall?haha
So cute you two.
I always imagine this. If Jae always pouts around min, min must be cant help but teases him some more.haha
Bigeast88 #5
Chapter 10: Jae is a bit aggressive.. hihihi
Bigeast88 #6
Chapter 1: It's annoying.. half bold and half normal type..
Chapter 10: You made me feel for jaemin
Chapter 10: awwwwwwwwwwww so cute, the ending...and phone number tattoo just wow! so cute! so fluffy so precious T^T
mmm13579 #9
Chapter 10: Minjaeeee!! <3 I offer myself as the bridesmaid!!! *-* omg I love how there's no need for to make things tense in a good way...sorry can't explain it well, bad english. I really like the story!! Thanks for sharing ^^
Chapter 1: Ok... so I was rereading this... and there was a part where jae is like he is not marriage type. I know u have already written the epilog. But I was thinking may be u can write another short chapter where u can show jm in a relationship for a few years and then min proposes jae and he says yes... just to show that everyone is scared if wedding but when they get the right person they don't hesitate to say yes? Idk... just a suggestion