Chapter 4

Wedding bells
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I don't plan to stop this fanfic, but after some things I explained in a blog post, I'm thinking again and again about some things, and I don't know if I'll keep it this way.

Anyway, Here is the chapter.

special thanks to jaemintee for her neverending support an cheers ^^



“I can’t believe it!” Jaejoong cried out for the hundredth time.


Blood literally boiling, Jaejoong was trying to control himself without a lot of success. Taking many of the wide ribbons from the wall, he put them in a box with anger and almost threw everything down the floor.


“What happened?” Junsu asked him.
“Gosh I really can’t believe it!” Jaejoong grumbled again.


Amused, Junsu tilted his head and crossed his arms on his chest as he waited for his friend to cool down a bit.


“If you could explain, I would understand better Jaejoong.”
“How can he do that to me???”
“Do what?”
“He's impossible! There's no way I'll spend two days sitting beside him!”
“Beside who?”
“Let’s change the seats Junsu. You'll stand near Hyewon and I'll stay on the other side as far as possible from this guy!”
“What guy?” Junsu asked again lazily.
“That Changmin!” Jaejoong exclaimed. “He's impossible!”
“Changmin? Oh! Yunho's best man.”
“Exactly! He's really … rah I can't even find the word!”


As he was rambling again and again against Changmin, Jaejoong kept walking back and forth around the room.


“Keep cool Jae, it's not a big deal.”
“It is!”
“Well, he looks decent for me. A bit fierce but nice.”
“You don't know him! He's horrible, really!” Jaejoong insisted.
“Because you do?” Junsu smiled.
“I'm serious here! I’ll make him pay!”


The younger man frowned a bit, lost, but after years with Jaejoong and Hyewon, he learned how to forget about their crazy understandable talking.


“In fact, you told me the same about Geun Seuk and if I’m not mistaking, you two are buddies now...” he started and made a short stop to think, until a slight smirk appeared on his lips. “Well at least you were, until you both began to...”
“That's completely irrelevant,” Jaejoong cut him.
“Until you both started to fool around a bit too much and he couldn't tell if he was straight any more.” Junsu continued teasingly under Jaejoong's glare.


Outraged, Jaejoong frowned and threatened Junsu. If his eyes could kill, Junsu would be dead already, but hopefully he was giggling, way too happy to be able to tease his good friend.


“It doesn't matter, like I said, that's irrelevant.” Jaejoong repeated.
“It might be, but you can't tell me your behaviour looks similar.”
“It's not similar AT ALL!” Jaejoong said insisting on the last two words.
“If you say so... ”
“I don't know what you're talking about, but I agree with Junsu.” Another voice said behind them.
“What are you fighting about?” She asked.
“We're simply talking about this guy Jaejoong is attracted to.”


Without a word, she raised an eyebrow, surprised and send a knowing look toward Jaejoong.


“I'm not attracted to anyone.” Jaejoong contested with a pout.


Holding back a chuckle, she looked back toward Junsu to silently ask for more details.


“Yunho's best man. He can say whatever he wants, he's interested.”
“I never said anything like that!” Jaejoong protested again.
“But you keep talking about him.” Junsu retorted.
“Because he keeps bothering me and I can't stand him okay?”


Jaejoong's voice was sharp and it stopped both friends. They looked at each other worryingly, wondering if they had been teasing too much and if they didn't do a mistake. A bit guilty, Junsu bit his lips.


“I'm sorry.”


Jaejoong opened his eyes and walked toward his friends to put an arm around each of them.


“No, I’m sorry, I’m a bit tense and I shouldn't talk like that, but really, this guy is playing on my nerves.”


Hyewon eyes saddened and she leaned toward her best friend.


“You know, I hope you two can bear each other. He's an important friend of Yunho, it would be sad if you and him are in bad terms.”


They didn't move for a while and Jaejoong released his grip from them both to pat on Hyewon's head. With a nod, he offered a reassuring smile.


“It's not so bad. I’m not very fond of him, but we're not really fighting or anything.”


Not really convinced, Hyewon nodded too.


“It's okay Jaejoong, I know it's not possible to be friend with everybody,

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I tried to write the next chapt, but it's not satisfying >< HELP!


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AmyDick #1
Chapter 10: Changmin can be snarky and switch to be sweet in instant depends on who is the person changmin with at that time, in this case is jaejoong..
Chapter 10: Thank for the most nice and warm atory, author-shi. Love this fanfic ao much (////)
kyrakawaii #3
Chapter 10: Yuhuu
Thanks for making this sweet story
kyrakawaii #4
Chapter 4: Smack min's head against the wall?haha
So cute you two.
I always imagine this. If Jae always pouts around min, min must be cant help but teases him some more.haha
Bigeast88 #5
Chapter 10: Jae is a bit aggressive.. hihihi
Bigeast88 #6
Chapter 1: It's annoying.. half bold and half normal type..
Chapter 10: You made me feel for jaemin
Chapter 10: awwwwwwwwwwww so cute, the ending...and phone number tattoo just wow! so cute! so fluffy so precious T^T
mmm13579 #9
Chapter 10: Minjaeeee!! <3 I offer myself as the bridesmaid!!! *-* omg I love how there's no need for to make things tense in a good way...sorry can't explain it well, bad english. I really like the story!! Thanks for sharing ^^
Chapter 1: Ok... so I was rereading this... and there was a part where jae is like he is not marriage type. I know u have already written the epilog. But I was thinking may be u can write another short chapter where u can show jm in a relationship for a few years and then min proposes jae and he says yes... just to show that everyone is scared if wedding but when they get the right person they don't hesitate to say yes? Idk... just a suggestion