Chapter 2

Wedding bells
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Hi guys~ Sorry for the endless time I took to post this chapter OoI didn’t realize it myself… and here I come with a quite short chapter. Well at least shorter than what I thought.

Good thing is now you know that I didn’t forget this ff and it might be a bit longer than what I thought at first. Yes supposedly it is a good news and I promise I’ll do my best to not forget it for months without a word >_<

No worry for JaeMin Shippers, I’m not forgetting any of the on-going ff I have with them (I’m not forgetting any of my ff anyway).

Oh and be careful with the use of Yunho’s name here. This is following Jaejoong’s pov and he’s mistaking him and Changmin.

Okay so here is the chapter, I hope you’ll like it enough to forgive me?

Comments are love <3



When the unknown man came closer without a word while Jaejoong gaped for a whole minute, his eyes glued on him. Yunho? The Yunho? The description he had from his best friend fit the man well: brown hair, dark powerful eyes, slender, classy, handsome... He was even taller than what Jaejoong thought. However, he didn't seem as gentle as what he imagined it when he heard Hyewon. She used to spend hours telling him how sweet her soon-to-be husband was when he was talking and how soft his eyes were. In his opinion, Yunho’s eyes were fierce and had this hint of teasing, almost mocking that he didn’t like much, but he would never tell this to Hyewon.


Pushing his thoughts aside to focus back on the tall man, Jaejoong tried to gather himself. The tall man was still looking at him, his smiling eyes showing how fun Jaejoong's shocked expression was for him. The groom in front of him chuckled slightly before he took a grip on himself, not even trying to hide his amusement as he talked again.


“Not that I want to interfere because I heard from Hyewon you're the one who's supposed to take care of this...” He began, gesturing toward the colourful decoration with a disapproving look. “But actually, I think white is more suitable for a wedding.”


He ended his sentence and looked back at Jaejoong who looked almost shocked by his remark, as if he just suggested they should torture baby kitten. Amused by the older man excessive reaction, a smirk appeared on his lips as he waited for a sharp answer.


“What? But white is very... plain!” Jaejoong retorted almost offended.


With a frown, he crossed his arms on his chest and glared at the tall man. Their eyes met and the groom didn't seem as amused any more, but not scared or guilty either. Jaejoong got caught by his eyes and found himself unable to stay offended. Those eyes had something enthralling and he couldn’t convince himself to look away. He felt stupid, but he also wished for a moment to get lost in those eyes and contemplate the man forever.


How he understood Hyewon's compliments about the man, now. Even though he seemed a bit too teasing, he had this strong aura you could only get attracted by. As he was admiring him, once again, a smirk appeared on the handsome man's lips, followed by a shrug.


 “Well, I guess you wouldn’t do anything to disappoint her” The man said after a while, his voice sounding weirdly like an accusation in Jaejoong's ears. “And you know the bride better than I do anyway.”


Jaejoong wasn’t sure if it was meant to be a compliment or a threat. Of course, he knew Hyewon like nobody else, but could he really say he knew her more than her future husband do? The way they knew her was different and Jaejoong wouldn’t dare to say his choices would be better for Hyewon than her husband’s. Doubtful, he bit his lips and looked at the decoration again.

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I tried to write the next chapt, but it's not satisfying >< HELP!


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AmyDick #1
Chapter 10: Changmin can be snarky and switch to be sweet in instant depends on who is the person changmin with at that time, in this case is jaejoong..
Chapter 10: Thank for the most nice and warm atory, author-shi. Love this fanfic ao much (////)
kyrakawaii #3
Chapter 10: Yuhuu
Thanks for making this sweet story
kyrakawaii #4
Chapter 4: Smack min's head against the wall?haha
So cute you two.
I always imagine this. If Jae always pouts around min, min must be cant help but teases him some more.haha
Bigeast88 #5
Chapter 10: Jae is a bit aggressive.. hihihi
Bigeast88 #6
Chapter 1: It's annoying.. half bold and half normal type..
Chapter 10: You made me feel for jaemin
Chapter 10: awwwwwwwwwwww so cute, the ending...and phone number tattoo just wow! so cute! so fluffy so precious T^T
mmm13579 #9
Chapter 10: Minjaeeee!! <3 I offer myself as the bridesmaid!!! *-* omg I love how there's no need for to make things tense in a good way...sorry can't explain it well, bad english. I really like the story!! Thanks for sharing ^^
Chapter 1: Ok... so I was rereading this... and there was a part where jae is like he is not marriage type. I know u have already written the epilog. But I was thinking may be u can write another short chapter where u can show jm in a relationship for a few years and then min proposes jae and he says yes... just to show that everyone is scared if wedding but when they get the right person they don't hesitate to say yes? Idk... just a suggestion