Chapter 5

Wedding bells
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Fiuuu sorry, it's kinda hard to deal with all the ff going on sometimes...

But I'm glad to have them all, so I do'nt complain.

Anyway, here's the new Chapt!

Hope you like it and don't forget to feed the author for more :D


Standing still under the entrance of the garden in a perfectly adjusted tuxedo and a smile plastered on the face, Changmin greeted each person warmly. At least warmly for him it was. After scolding him because he was scaring the invitees, Yoochun allowed him to stop smiling but didn't allow him to leave. Instead he told him to stay in the garden to help the ones who weren't used to the place and would need some indications.


Yes, today the wedding will be held and the long list of persons the couple invited were coming in one by one to the place they all spent a week to make as perfect and ideal as it can be for a wedding.


With the umpteenth sigh in three minutes, he refrained from glaring at the couple who asked him the way to the place the ceremony will be held and showed them the way.


Changmin growled. What was he? Domestic staff? He hated to be there, being nice with everybody and not knowing half of them. Why did he agree to be part of this masquerade? Oh Yunho, true. But still, why were people making such a fuss about things like that? It was barely day like any other and they would sign a contract to share their money, time, and kid if one suddenly popped out. Really, no big deal, he thought.


Well, it might be simple for him, he was doing this for Yunho and as weird as it was for him, Yunho liked those romantic things. Girls too. Oh and right this male-bridemaid seemed to like it too. Not that it made much difference in fact.


Thinking about the man, he saw him walk toward him and smirked. He didn't see Jaejoong since the day before. After his last remark, Jaejoong seemed to be uncomfortable and tried to avoid him. But something in his behaviour told him he wasn't against Changmin's teasing either. He was confident enough to guess when he caught somebody's eye. May he recognize it or not, he was pretty sure he didn't let the man indifferent. It wasn't one-sided either anyway. The man was way too pretty and fun to bother to stay impassible.


“Missing me yet?” he cast out loud to him with this usual teasing grin he kept for the older man.

“You wish,” Jaejoong snorted.


Changmin chuckled and nodded, amused, to show Jaejoong he didn't go along with his tough act. Without knowing it, Jaejoong had his own way to enlighten Changmin's mood with very few things.


Surprised and a bit fussy, Jaejoong made his tongue cluck against his palate loudly. Pulling a face, he crossed his arms against his chest and looked away for a short time. As he took a deep breath, he focused back on Changmin.


“I need you to... no let me rephrase this,” Jaejoong corrected immediately when he noticed Changmin's smile widen with his use of words, “WE need your help at the entrance door. I can't stay, I've something to take of.”

“What an excuse to talk to me...” Changmin said playfully.


But instead of his usual childish behaviour when he was confronted to Changmin's teasing, Jaejoong's eyes looked colder. Now that he looked at him more carefully, Changmin noticed he seemed quite preoccupied too.


“Listen, I heard there's a problem with Hyewon, so I’m not in the mood to deal with you,” he said.


His look was so seriously worried that Changmin didn't dare to anymore. Instead, came closer and nodded.


“Okay, where should I go?” he asked, turning seriously too.


Taken aback, Jaejoong observed him for a long minute, wondering if he didn't imagine the scene. Changmin couldn't simply have this caring tone and gentle reaction, just to help him. It wasn't like the man at all, he told himself.


But Changmin still stood in front of him, as implicated as a stranger can be in this kind of situation and titled his head, waiting for Jaejoong's reaction. Pushing all his thoughts aside, Jaejoong shook, his head and cleared his voice. He was almost touched by the attention, almost, but he had more important things to deal with for now.


“I... well just follow me,” he answered awkwardly, still a bit shocked by Changmin's sudden change of behaviour.


They walked toward the building and met there a blond man with a grey suit and cute-flashing smile.


“Hum, here,” Jaejoong said, never looking up toward Changmin. “Junsu will explain to you,” he told him with a sign toward the man standing in front of them. “I've to go.”


Cursing against his girlish teenager reaction, Jaejoong walked away. Changmin wasn't doing that for him, he rationalized. It was for his friend. Because if there was a problem with Hyewon, then it might be a problem with the wedding too and then his friend would be hurt. Yes, Changmin was doing this for Yunho, his best friend, he repeated to himself few times as he climbed the stairs.


Despite his attempts to convince himself, he recalled Changmin's sudden change and his caring gaze. Somehow it was as if he had been doing this for him, to help him, because he was caring for him... ah~ What a stupid idea Kim! He cursed out loud. No way, this wasn't like him at all. The only thing this man had been doing since they met was bothering him. There was no reason for it to change suddenly.


Already reaching the room Hyewon was in,

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I tried to write the next chapt, but it's not satisfying >< HELP!


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AmyDick #1
Chapter 10: Changmin can be snarky and switch to be sweet in instant depends on who is the person changmin with at that time, in this case is jaejoong..
Chapter 10: Thank for the most nice and warm atory, author-shi. Love this fanfic ao much (////)
kyrakawaii #3
Chapter 10: Yuhuu
Thanks for making this sweet story
kyrakawaii #4
Chapter 4: Smack min's head against the wall?haha
So cute you two.
I always imagine this. If Jae always pouts around min, min must be cant help but teases him some more.haha
Bigeast88 #5
Chapter 10: Jae is a bit aggressive.. hihihi
Bigeast88 #6
Chapter 1: It's annoying.. half bold and half normal type..
Chapter 10: You made me feel for jaemin
Chapter 10: awwwwwwwwwwww so cute, the ending...and phone number tattoo just wow! so cute! so fluffy so precious T^T
mmm13579 #9
Chapter 10: Minjaeeee!! <3 I offer myself as the bridesmaid!!! *-* omg I love how there's no need for to make things tense in a good way...sorry can't explain it well, bad english. I really like the story!! Thanks for sharing ^^
Chapter 1: Ok... so I was rereading this... and there was a part where jae is like he is not marriage type. I know u have already written the epilog. But I was thinking may be u can write another short chapter where u can show jm in a relationship for a few years and then min proposes jae and he says yes... just to show that everyone is scared if wedding but when they get the right person they don't hesitate to say yes? Idk... just a suggestion