Chapter 3

Wedding bells
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Here it is! As the proof of my good will and a present for my lovely readers/commenters still following, here is another chapt :D

Thanks for reading, hope you’ll like sneaky Changmin ;)

Comments are love <3



            The next day, Jaejoong was trying to make the table plan the best way possible. Before, he and Hyewon had spent hours thinking about this, trying to put everyone at the right place without being completely satisfied. Hyewon had insisted that she wanted the most precious person in his life around her. The problem had been how to place him and Junsu by her side without pulling aside Junsu’s girlfriend, a girl he had spend a year with in high school without really talking to her.


Finally, Jaejoong gave up his place to Junsu and Hyewon convinced him to stay near Yunho who had only his best friend next to him. He wasn’t so convinced by the idea, but at least he would have a good occasion to get closer to his best friend’s husband and make up for lost time with the man.


He didn’t know if it would work, but since they couldn’t add people in front of the newlyweds for people to be able to see them the whole time, he didn’t have much choice. 


He took in his hand the name tags and put them at their respective places. In the middle, under the main lights, where he added the wedding bells, were the couple and their parents by each side. Then Junsu and his girlfriend would be near Mr and Mrs Lee and he would be at the other side. He was supposed to sit next to Changmin, Yunho's best friend, a guy he never met, right near the family of a man he didn’t know at all. This wasn’t exactly the most exciting option, but he couldn’t change it now.


Also, even if he didn’t confess this detail to Hyewon yet, he wasn’t so happy to be by Yunho’s side of the table. Not only because he was afraid of being alone – even if he was far from being the lonely type of guy – but mostly because his short encounters with the groom had not exactly been perfect.


When the man left the day before, Jaejoong had spent the end of the afternoon mentally cursing about him. How did he dare saying his bells were ugly? Seriously?! It was a precious sentimental item of course, but objectively speaking, there was nothing ugly about it. It was usual for weddings and he really couldn’t get what was wrong with this very-tall, sneaky and bothering man.


“Jaejoong!” A voice called him, taking him out of his thoughts. “The florist is outside with the command.” Junsu said from the entrance door.


Jaejoong blinked, turning away from the table and looked at Junsu incredulously.



“The florist is outside and asks for the one in charge, I guess it’s you, isn’t it?” Junsu explained with a smile.

“The florist?!” Jaejoong exclaimed. “How come he's here already?? Wasn't he supposed to only come early tomorrow morning?”

“How should I know? You’re the one who deal with him.” Junsu shrugged. “I’ll go back to the garden.” He added and left.


Leaving the basket with the name tags on the table, Jaejoong walked out. After hours taking care of everything inside, he got blinded by the light outside. Contrary to what he and Hyewon feared, the weather was wonderful. Bright sun and slight breeze, they couldn’t have better for the occasion. Jaejoong hoped it wouldn’t change until the end of the week.


Sometimes, the way he thought about the wedding and the dedication for it preparation made him laugh at himself. Hyewon was almost his sister and he really wanted the best to make this day the best of her life, he reasoned. This was also why he had to know why the florist suddenly decided to come with the flowers earlier than planned.


Decided, Jaejoong reached the small truck full of flowers of different types with light, uncluttered combination of pale colours. With a frown, Jaejoong walked closer and checked through the window the truck’s inside. Troubled, he turned toward the conductor who had a receipt in hand and greeted him with a polite yet cheerful smile.

“Here are your flowers sir. The ones for the tables and the gates will be delivered tomorrow morning, as schedules.” He explained, looking at his paper. “Can you pl

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I tried to write the next chapt, but it's not satisfying >< HELP!


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AmyDick #1
Chapter 10: Changmin can be snarky and switch to be sweet in instant depends on who is the person changmin with at that time, in this case is jaejoong..
Chapter 10: Thank for the most nice and warm atory, author-shi. Love this fanfic ao much (////)
kyrakawaii #3
Chapter 10: Yuhuu
Thanks for making this sweet story
kyrakawaii #4
Chapter 4: Smack min's head against the wall?haha
So cute you two.
I always imagine this. If Jae always pouts around min, min must be cant help but teases him some more.haha
Bigeast88 #5
Chapter 10: Jae is a bit aggressive.. hihihi
Bigeast88 #6
Chapter 1: It's annoying.. half bold and half normal type..
Chapter 10: You made me feel for jaemin
Chapter 10: awwwwwwwwwwww so cute, the ending...and phone number tattoo just wow! so cute! so fluffy so precious T^T
mmm13579 #9
Chapter 10: Minjaeeee!! <3 I offer myself as the bridesmaid!!! *-* omg I love how there's no need for to make things tense in a good way...sorry can't explain it well, bad english. I really like the story!! Thanks for sharing ^^
Chapter 1: Ok... so I was rereading this... and there was a part where jae is like he is not marriage type. I know u have already written the epilog. But I was thinking may be u can write another short chapter where u can show jm in a relationship for a few years and then min proposes jae and he says yes... just to show that everyone is scared if wedding but when they get the right person they don't hesitate to say yes? Idk... just a suggestion