
Flowers for Kyungsoo



Kyungsoo came in the next day just as restless as the other morning. 


The devil of an iPod was clutched tightly in his hand, ear buds securely wrapped around it. Angles this, tangents that, history of the Joseon dynasty, it made no sense. The woman’s voice—or was it that of a man’s?—is vaguely etched into his memory. He couldn’t comprehend the words which were being spoken at such a fast pace. He believed it would have been easier to understand if the person in the iPod spoke slowly like Ms. Luna or Dr. Kim Jongin. The concept of having a “separate brain” when you’re asleep is ridiculous, considering that he was awake half the time anyways. He couldn’t even recall dreams of his, how could he remember this gibberish that is considered smart people music?

He curtly greeted the woman at the reception desk and stomped towards the familiar square office. Dr. Kim Jongin wanted to remove his stitches today, making it a perfect opportunity for the two to discuss his predicament. His hair has grown about half a centimeter all around, the little stubs are starting to inch around the scar running down his skull. He tried putting lotion in the affected areas but that just ended up in disaster, (he ended up putting too much and Yixing had to clean up the mess he made in the bathroom).

But Kyungsoo didn’t forget about his goal to bring laughter to the other, but of course, the lack of sleep two nights in a row had slightly clouded his sense of judgment which is also the reason why he almost tripped down the apartment’s stairs, (thank God people invented railings,) and into a closed door.

Actually he did, in fact, walk straight into a closed door, Dr. Kim Jongin’s door.

“Ow…” Kyungsoo’s hand shot up to sooth his pulsing forehead.

Jongin must’ve accidentally interpreted the sound of Kyungsoo’s head making contact to his door as a knock and replied, “Come in.”

The shorter male flushed a bright pink and slowly opened the unlocked door, “Uh…hi. I just-just…the iPod,” words were stuck in his throat as he waved the electronic device around.

Dr. Kim gestures him over as if casting a spell on his body, forcing his feet obediently towards his paper filled desk, “Good morning, Kyungsoo-nim, we’ll talk about updating the playlists later. May I see how the cut is healing?”

Not exactly his plan but he’ll go along with it, “Yeah,” Kyungsoo slides the iPod into his sweater jacket pocket and takes the hat off his head to reveal black threads.

“You know what’s coming, just sit still and everything will be fine.”

Kyungsoo fiddles with his long fingers as Dr. Kim Jongin clears up his desk and prepares the instruments and various cotton pads and alcohol. A few moments pass with blank thoughts and little day dreams of running around in a field of purple lilacs; picking them, sniffing them, and arranging them to and fro into a glass vase.


“Huh?” he feels a soaked pad running down his skull, the smell of sweet vanilla fills his nostrils. Dr. Kim was standing behind him and seems to be cleaning his skin with soap and water. Maybe that’s why there’s a sink in his office.

He’s really close.

For some odd reason, the room feels a bit stuffier, maybe the heaters turned up a bit too much. Winter is coming pretty soon. Kyungsoo tightly clutches his cotton hat and tries to loosen the fabric around his neck.

“Dr. Kim Jongin, it’s too hot. Can you turn the heater down?”

A few drops of water drip down his neck causing him to shiver under the others touch.

“That’s odd; I didn’t even turn it on that high,” Jongin says as he takes another pad and soaks it with water at the sink. Looking at the thermostat to the right of the sink, he presses a button twice and heads back to his spot behind Kyungsoo. The scientist wipes away the last remains of vanilla scented soap and proceeds to dry his skin and add a layer of alcohol on top of it.

“Stay still. I’m starting the procedure,” Dr. Kim lightly runs two rubber fingers across the stitches and grabs the sterilized tweezers and scissors waiting on his desk.

Carefully holding the first knot up, he slowly wiggles it to loosen the thread up and skillfully snips and remove it. Tossing the strand into the trash can by his foot Dr. Kim then proceeds onto the next stitch. It felt odd but not that troublesome.

“Dr. Kim Jongin,” Kyungsoo speaks up to fill the silence.



“I don’t-I don’ t like the iPod.”

“And why is that.”


“I can’t sleep at night. The woman…the man…they talk too loud and fast and I don’t-I don’t get it.”


“Kyungsoo-nim, do you listen to it in a loud volume?”




“Have you tried turning it to a lower volume?”




“How about this, tonight I want you to try listening to playlist again but instead of putting it on high volume, put it to the last bar so then it’s easier to sleep. I’ll put more files into it today for you to listen to. Did you finish the first chapter of the History of Korea?”


“Uhh…I think so.”


“Good. After I’m done with this-“ snip, “you will continue your studies with Ms. Luna starting with math, then science, and reading. After that, we will begin your speech therapy.”

Snip. Snip. Snip.

“Dr. Kim Jongin, when can I go back to school? I want-want to see my friends.” Kyungsoo recalls the fond memories he’s made with his friends. It’s been about a month since he last saw them face to face. He called Baekhyun just a few days prior asking to see how he was doing. He was currently on a vacation with his partner in Paris.


“You’re not,” Dr. Kim cuts the last knot and carefully places the two instruments down, “You will learn here with Ms. Luna where there are no distractions.”

“But I want to see-“

“No Kyungsoo-nim, they are distractions and we need to get you ready for the presentation in a few months and you can’t even speak correctly.”

Jongin’s back was facing Kyungsoo. He registers the fact that Dr. Kim was upset due to his unusually raised voice and hurtful words, but for what? Him wanting to go back to school? The making him smile part of the plan isn’t really working out but this is surely ridiculous. Kyungsoo doesn’t like this side of his doctor.

“Please leave the iPod on my desk. You may pick it up at the end of the day,” and with that, Jongin lets out a grunt and dismisses Kyungsoo from his office.


A/N: Hello dearest^^ it's been a while and I apologize for that. Last week was a rollercoaster of stress with projects and tests and highschool aceptence letters and winter dances *sigh* I hope you enjoyed this chapter although it doesn't really go anywhere. Idk why this chap is kinda poopy but I promise more kaisoo in the future cross my heart. 

Anyways thanks for reading and please comment/upvote/sub<3

here's my tumblr if anyone wants to talk or someting^^ baekksoo




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Chapter 13: Where has this been all my life? I really like this fix and wish you'd update it
Emmazp18 #2
Chapter 13: ): (: godddddd
dojonginbutt #3
Chapter 13: Update please? :(
GoMinJi #4
Chapter 13: Dear goodness update this now
SnazzyApple #5
Chapter 13: Update soon ;---;
sunmilk #6
please, update!!!!!
SnazzyApple #7
Chapter 13: Finally, a update~
You got to go to BAP's concert? :o Lucky. Wow, you also draw very well.
Chapter 11: Awwh poor Kyungsoo :(
Uri_kaisoo #9
Chapter 12: Careful enough kyungsoo! Bad thief, stealing others belongings.
k0j3t4 #10
Chapter 12: Hope everything will get better for kyungie soon.