
Flowers for Kyungsoo



Progres Report Oct. 2

My name is Do Kyungsoo, I am 27 years old. Im not very smart but Docter Kim Jongin sed that after the surgery Ill be as smart as hyung. Docter Kim Jongin also told me that I need to write progress reports for him. He sed that it will help him see my develipment. That means it will help him see how I change from dumb to smart. Today Yixing hyung went with me to the big bilding. He talked to Docter Kim Jongin and and Miss Luna. I think they argewed over me. I started crying becaus I don’t like it wen hyung gets mad. It maks me sad. But then everything was ok after that. Hyung said I can hav the surgery as long as they promis Ill be saf. I no Ill be saf becaus Docter Kim Jongin is an expert at giving surgerys. I faled more tests today but it was ok becaus I no that I could pass them after I have the surgery. After that, we at together at the flower shop and then I gav a lilac to Docter Kim Jongin. I think he liked it. I dont no what else to say so Ill end here.



A/N: Hi again^^ so how I planned this story is that every other chapter would be a progress report from Kyungsoo and then a third person point of view. It's short and confusing but it'll be gradually longer soon. Thanks for all the new subscribers~ Comments are appreciated! 


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Chapter 13: Where has this been all my life? I really like this fix and wish you'd update it
Emmazp18 #2
Chapter 13: ): (: godddddd
dojonginbutt #3
Chapter 13: Update please? :(
GoMinJi #4
Chapter 13: Dear goodness update this now
SnazzyApple #5
Chapter 13: Update soon ;---;
sunmilk #6
please, update!!!!!
SnazzyApple #7
Chapter 13: Finally, a update~
You got to go to BAP's concert? :o Lucky. Wow, you also draw very well.
Chapter 11: Awwh poor Kyungsoo :(
Uri_kaisoo #9
Chapter 12: Careful enough kyungsoo! Bad thief, stealing others belongings.
k0j3t4 #10
Chapter 12: Hope everything will get better for kyungie soon.