
Flowers for Kyungsoo


Two days later was a Saturday. 


The last of the autumn colored leaves holds on to dear life by grey branches. The sun decides to come out from shady clouds that morning but bring cold winds along. Early risers hide behind warm hats and jackets as they walk past the closed flower shop. Kyungsoo wakes with cold toes and a cold nose. He forgot to shut the windows the night before. A good half inch of hair has grown in the span of a month. The man sits up and runs dry fingers through the strands and proceeds to rub sleep from his eyes. He acknowledges the bad taste on his tongue but stays in bed for a few moments to gather his thoughts.

Kyungsoo dreamt of odd things the night before. Dr. Kim Jongin was there, for sure. They were in an endless grass field. It was a warm day and they were holding hands, walking aimlessly toward the rising sun. He spotted a lilac bunch and showed the other male. Jongin picked one from the group and sniffed it. They we’re both smiling, but once Kyungsoo laid a finger on the delicate flowers, its purple petals began to wilt and die.

And here he is now; clearly upset from killing off what he believed was the prettiest flower there ever was. He knew that it was only a dream, but it left an uncomfortable feeling in his stomach that bothered him more than the morning breath.

Kyungsoo slowly moved his warm blanket to the side and walked over to the opened window. After making sure it was locked, he grabbed a grey sweater that was slung over the chair by his textbook filled desk. Kyungsoo slipped through the fabric with ease, grabbing a math textbook before leaving his bed room.

He peaked out into the living room to see Yixing stirring his steaming coffee while catching up on morning news. His hyung said a quick good morning before refocusing on the TV screen. Kyungsoo gave him an invisible smile before heading into the bathroom at the end of the hall. He placed the textbook down on the closed toilet seat and began to run cold water onto his face.

After his breath smelled of artificial mint and his skin feels clean, Kyungsoo left with the 300 page book in hand. By then, Yixing had already prepared a cereal breakfast for the two, “Sorry, but nothing fancy for today.”

While shoving spoonfuls of sweet milk on his mouth, Kyungsoo catches up on his multiplication facts that Ms. Luna had just taught him the other day. Hyung tells him stories of a fatal car crash that morning and such. The temperatures are continuing to drop and Yixing reminds him that he might need to restart his second job at the café a few blocks down to help support them through the colder months. Even with Kyungsoo’s new income from the lab, it might not be enough to help them through the winter and Kyungsoo, for the first time, understands that.

“Hyung, I want to try looking over the shop,” Kyungsoo declares.

Yixing stops midway from eating, and a gentle dimple appears on his right cheek, “Are you sure, Kyungsoo? Do you think you’re ready?”

Kyungsoo knew he was hinting towards his growing knowledge and he was confident that shortly, he’ll be ready to fully take over when his hyung needed it.

“C-can you teach me today?”

“Sure,” he says patting Kyungsoo’s damp hair.




The flower shop was usually quiet. Some days go by where no one comes in while Yixing was busy working hard on a project for one of his customers or when he doesn’t have a project to do at all and he’d be dozing off in the back. But today was a bit different. After unlocking the entrance and turning over the “closed” sign to “open”, Yixing returns to Kyungsoo’s side and shows him how to work the cash register. Time to time when he lends the shop into Kyungsoo’s watchful eyes on a quick errand, no one would enter so there was no need to teach him. He showed the younger how to work each button and a notepad to do easy math if needed. In the middle of showing him their small stock of flowers and vases, a light dig was heard from the front.

There were some feet shuffling and a familiar voice was heard, “Kyungsoo-ah!”

Once they reached the front, a happy pair greeted them.


Baekhyun dropped his bags and fully extended his arms in which Kyungsoo hurriedly ran into. Yixing and Chanyeol exchanged hugs as well.

“I haven’t seen you since you left the school,” Baekhyun exclaimed.

“I’m s-sorry, but I got really busy,” Baekhyun frowned from that answer. Kyungsoo remembers that he wasn’t allowed to tell anyone about his surgery yet. His hat was covering the evidence of what he’s been through the past month. Baekhyun used to be a student at the same night school as Kyungsoo but he “graduated” many years before. Now he was an assistant teacher there. Chanyeol came from behind him and patted Baekhyun’s back. “Hi Kyungsoo, how’ve you been?”

“Good! I missed you guys,” he says sincerely.

“I missed you more,” Baekhyun stated as Chanyeol pulled him so that he was hugging the other’s back. Yixing invited them to sit down in the back to have a quick chat but they rejected.

“We’re actually in a hurry,” the shorter of the two says.

“What do you need?” the oldest asks.

“A nice bouquet of lilies, please, the pink ones?”

Yixing quickly goes around the tables of flowers before picking out a fresh bunch and wrapping them in the back. While he was busy, Baekhyun and Kyungsoo catches up from their long period of being separated. Today was the pair’s anniversary and they wanted to pick up a nice bouquet to light up their dining table. This time, Kyungsoo doesn’t fail to notice their interlocked hands and the kind smiles they’d give to each over once they’ve locked eyes every so often.

It filled his chest with such happiness to see his friends so content. The first time Kyungsoo met the two, he thought that they were just friends. Baekhyun later explained that they were “dating”. Back then, Kyungsoo couldn’t understand the meaning of a lovers’ relationship. He soon learned through their looks and the way they interacted with each other that it was similar to one of a married couple. He’s seen that in the movies he’d watch with Yixing hyung. Usually a female and a male would hug and kiss in those stories, but he thought that Baekhyun and Chanyeol weren’t that different. It was just that they were both men.

Yixing came back from arranging the lilies, handing the flowers with a small note attached saying, “Happy Anniversary!” He left Kyungsoo to figure out the pricing, pressing various buttons to enter in the cost of the lilies and the amount of money Chanyeol had handed to him. Yixing proudly watched from behind as Baekhyun and his giant stared in awe. Kyungsoo handed back the correct change with an accomplished grin on his face.

“Whoa,” Chanyeol breathed, “I didn’t know you could do that Kyungsoo.”

He smiled a triumphant smile and explained, “Hyung taught me how t-to do it this morning.”

“And you’re stuttering lessened too,” Baekhyun noticed. The smile was replaced with a soft blush.

“I’ve been practicing…”

The couple left as quickly as they came with the sound of the bell. Kyungsoo was slightly jealous with how openly the two displayed their affections. He knew it was wrong for him to feel this way towards his best friend and his boyfriend, but was it wrong to wish that Jongin and him would become more than what they were now? He wondered how it’d be like for them to be “dating”, to have someone, what people say, love you. Kyungsoo still hasn’t been able to grasp the meaning of love. And he was willing to find out soon enough. 


A/N: Umm hi? 

Sorry for the long wait (it's been a freaking month and im sorry orz) but they don't call it writer's block for no reason. All of my creative juices has gone to another story I've been working on so I'm sorry if this chapter makes no sence.


On another note, I went to BAP's Concert in Chicago Merrillville about a week ago and let's just say Zelo is ruining my life and I hate him. Ugh it was the best day ever like I was able to give my fanart to them and like a free banner and album from a very kind fan.






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Chapter 13: Where has this been all my life? I really like this fix and wish you'd update it
Emmazp18 #2
Chapter 13: ): (: godddddd
dojonginbutt #3
Chapter 13: Update please? :(
GoMinJi #4
Chapter 13: Dear goodness update this now
SnazzyApple #5
Chapter 13: Update soon ;---;
sunmilk #6
please, update!!!!!
SnazzyApple #7
Chapter 13: Finally, a update~
You got to go to BAP's concert? :o Lucky. Wow, you also draw very well.
Chapter 11: Awwh poor Kyungsoo :(
Uri_kaisoo #9
Chapter 12: Careful enough kyungsoo! Bad thief, stealing others belongings.
k0j3t4 #10
Chapter 12: Hope everything will get better for kyungie soon.