
Flowers for Kyungsoo


I did it. I did it.

“I did it! Look Ms. Luna I did it!”

Everyone in the room including the two scientists clapped with joy. This was a big milestone to the experiment and Kyungsoo’s mental development. After just twenty days, Kyungsoo was able to finish the maze before Dubu. The small mouse seems to sense the positive atmosphere in the room as well, squeaking happily as Kyungsoo jumped and ran around the room.

I did it! I finally did it.

For once in his short life, the man finally felt what success feels like. Many times has he thought of giving up, that maybe, the surgery didn’t work and that he was still the same old Do Kyungsoo. From this proof, that idea is now irrelevant.

Ms. Luna’s short blonde hair bounced as she ran to give Kyungsoo a tight hug, “Oh, I’m so proud of my little Kyungsoo!” she was 10 centimeters shorter than him. Luna releases him and announces, “This calls for a celebratory lunch, my treat.”

Everyone cheers along with Kyungsoo shouting, “Can Dr. Kim Jongin come too?”

“Of course he can. I think you should personally tell him right now,” she suggests with a mischievous glint in her eye.

Kyungsoo lets out a heartfelt laugh, quickly patting Dubu’s head, and speeding out of the lab’s door.

Once at Dr. Jongin’s office, he makes an abrupt stop and firmly knocks on the door three times.

“Come in.”

Kyungsoo bursts through and almost tackled Jongin on impact. Tightly embracing the taller male, Kyungsoo childishly jumps up and down and shouts, “I did it! I-I beat Dubu in the maze!”

Dr. Kim’s eyes widen with surprised which quickly transferred into pride.

Softly nudging the over excited Kyungsoo, Jongin releases himself from the tight hug and pats Kyungsoo’s head. Over the past few days, he finds that it calms the other down.

“You are learning so fast, Kyungsoo-nim. I promise, in no time you’ll be ready for the presentation in a few months.”

Kyungsoo doesn’t really care about presentations. His attention was solely on how Dr. Kim Jongin was happily looking down on him with sparkling eyes and bright white teeth.

“Do you want to eat lunch w-with us?”



It was about 7:30 at night when Kyungsoo left the building. With winter drawing closer and closer, darkness consumes the city much quicker with only the street lamps lighting up the world. It’s cold and Ms. Luna had just sent Kyungsoo off with a backpack full of new math books. With ear buds in place, he listens to a woman’s voice talking about tidal waves and the pull of the moon’s gravity.  Kyungsoo didn’t quite understand what it meant yet but he knew Ms. Luna’s going to cover it the next day.

He clutched the backpack straps tightly and breathed in a cool breath of content. His cream colored scarf and cotton hat kept him warm as he walked a block down the street to the bus stop. Kyungsoo walks pass big glass business buildings with fancy doors and handle bars. Five stories, minimum. Many walked passed him but took no notice, too busy with their own life to pay attention to an adult male walking in zig-zags following the cracks of the cement down below.

The day’s events had given him a permanent smile on his face, a certain someone being the most part. Dr. Kim said that he was proud of him. He even patted his head. The only person who has ever done that was Yixing hyung. Lunch was absolutely amazing. Ms. Luna took them out to a Korean BBQ near the lab where they had the oiliest and most delishous meat Kyungsoo has ever had. Dr. Jongin sat next to him the entire time and they even talked. Jongin continues to talk in formalities which fustrates the other but honestly, speaking, he didn't mind at the same time. Maybe Jongin need some time to get comfortable with his subject. Kyungsoo wonders, maybe in the near future, they’ll be friends.

As the bus stop nears, Kyungsoo spots a few people already sitting on the bench. He doesn’t bother to make any conversations unlike how he would any other day. The man was too deep in his own thoughts to do so.

“…the sun also has an effect but smaller compared to the moon…”

After a few minutes of twirling his thumb and the constant tapping of his foot, the big green bus arrives with a soft whoosh.

He lets the ajumma who was waiting before him go first before following after and swiping his pass. He greets the driver with a bright smile and moves to the back, careful to hold on to the metal poles as the bus jerks forward. It was slightly populated since it was about time everyone headed home from work. Luckily, Kyungsoo finds a seat near the back. He takes off his ear buds and pulls out a purple flip phone and presses one and call.

Holding the phone close to his ear, he waits patiently for a reply.


“Hyung!” Kyungsoo says excitedly. He couldn’t wait to come home and tell Yixing about the good news.

Are you on your way home?

“Yeah, I’m on-on the bus right now,” Kyungsoo hears a light clatter on the other end. “Are you okay?”

I’m fine, just dropped the spatula. I’m making dinner.

“Oh ok,” a smile creeps onto his face, “and hyung, when I come home…I’ll have good news for you.”

That’s good to hear.

"I also had a really good lunch with Dr. Kim Jongin and everyone else today."


Kyungsoo sence that Yixing was a bit busy to talk to him so he decides to hang up first.“I'll see you soon, bye hyung!”

See you soon, Kyungsoo.

Kyungsoo puts away his phone and places one of the ear buds back on so that he’ll hear when the next stop arrives.

Just as he was about to drift off to dreamland, he feels a slight brush in his left side, the woman previously seating next to him by the window has stood up and left as the bus halted to a stop. Kyungsoo checks the street name. It was still quite far from the flower shop. A flow of people trickled in to replace the ones who had left. An older man than himself in a black cap and leather jacket situated himself in the empty window seat next to Kyungsoo. He happily scooted over for the stranger to be more comfortable.

The bus driver steps on the gas pedal and they regained motion.

Ring~ Ring~

Kyungsoo pulls out his phone once more to find a new text from Yixing. It was a picture of some Kimchi stew with a message: Hurry up and come home! Or I’ll eat it all myself~ Kyungsoo gasps and sends a short reply to the other:

That’s mean!

He plays with his small device and waits for a reply. It never came, but he didn’t mind. Hyung was probably showering.

After three stops, the man to his right taps his shoulder. He has been eying the smaller for quite a while now but Kyungsoo was too oblivious to notice. In a gruff voice, he asks, “May I use your phone? Mine died a while ago and I need to call my wife.” Being the kind person he is Kyungsoo wasn’t at all hesitant to hand the other his purple phone with a quick grin.

“Thank you,” the guy quickly dials a number and puts the phone to his ear as the bus slowed down for its next stop.

The stranger begins to speak to whoever was on the other line. Kyungsoo was trying to focus on the voice taking over half of his hearing, too busy to notice the man getting out of his seat and out of the bus.


A/N: Suprise~ Happy St. Pats Day Everyone^^ this took a while to write so I'm sorry I wasn't able to update any sooner. Next one will start off right were we left off so don't worry. 

HAPPY 100 SUBSCRIBERS~ honestly I would've never thought this many people would actually have any interest in this fanfic. It makes me really happy to know some people are taking their time to read this and I'm greatful for that *big group hug* You guys make my day^^

Please comment/sub/upvote~

Till next time^^




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Chapter 13: Where has this been all my life? I really like this fix and wish you'd update it
Emmazp18 #2
Chapter 13: ): (: godddddd
dojonginbutt #3
Chapter 13: Update please? :(
GoMinJi #4
Chapter 13: Dear goodness update this now
SnazzyApple #5
Chapter 13: Update soon ;---;
sunmilk #6
please, update!!!!!
SnazzyApple #7
Chapter 13: Finally, a update~
You got to go to BAP's concert? :o Lucky. Wow, you also draw very well.
Chapter 11: Awwh poor Kyungsoo :(
Uri_kaisoo #9
Chapter 12: Careful enough kyungsoo! Bad thief, stealing others belongings.
k0j3t4 #10
Chapter 12: Hope everything will get better for kyungie soon.