
Flowers for Kyungsoo



Progres Report Oct. 10

I had the operashon yesterday. Yixing hyung was with me befor I went to sleep. Docter Kim Jongin was there to. They both wore blu masks and dresses. I lafed really hard wen I saw them. Then Yixing hyung told me to calm down and then they told me to breth into this clear mask. It smelled funny, kind of lik my derty socks. But I was rely scaird and I even had my lucky charm braslet with me. I thoht, wat will happin if Docter Kim Jongin messes up? I dont wanna die. Then I paniced a little. I thoht that I didnt deserv this surgery. But then hyung told me that I erned it. Miss Luna said that I was the most eger to lern. So then I told myself, Kyungsoo, your going to be alright. Hyung is thair for you, Miss Luna belevs in you, and Docter Kim Jongin is very smart so you can trust him. When I fell asleep, I dremt of picking lavenders in a huge feld. Wen I wok up, I had no mor hair! Poof! It was all gon. Thair was also these rely weard bumps on my head. Docter Kim Jongin told me that thair called “stitches”. It kind of like when you rip your pants and you fix it by using thred and a needl except its for your head. He told me that he will take it out wen my head hels, but then I sed, then my skin will rip open and Ill see my bran! He lafed at me and then I lafed too. I sounded silly and then he sed that stitches keep the skin together to help the skin not rip apart and wen he takes em out, itll be all better. So I didnt mind much about the chang this morning. But wen I wok up last night, I felt rely mad and sad. I didn’t know wat I was thinking but I remember crying a lot. I felt dum even tho I was suposed to be smart. How does this work? I dont get it? Then hyung told me that itll take time and that I dont need to worry. So I lisened to him and Im being a good boy. Rit now Im alone in a small room. Hyung had to go bak to the flower shop and Docter Kim just left a whil ago to go to work after giving me my brekfest. I had oatmeal and orange juise. I rely hat both of those things but like I sed, Im being a good boy so I at it all. Now I hav a tummy ak.



A/N: sorry if this makes no sence because even I don't get what the hell I"m writing. Please bare with me for now, the grammar will improve eventually. This is actually how I spell in real life without auto correct lol. Hope you like this horrible excuse of an update but yeah no school today cause of -1487393765927 degrees weather in the windy city. This weekend's gonna be hella busy with luner new year so idk when I'll be able to update. (High five to all da asians getting moneys WE WILL BE BROKE NO MORE!!!) 

Anyways, thanks for those amazing peoples who subscribed, upvoted, and/or commented. Hugs for all of you who are actually reading this.

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Chapter 13: Where has this been all my life? I really like this fix and wish you'd update it
Emmazp18 #2
Chapter 13: ): (: godddddd
dojonginbutt #3
Chapter 13: Update please? :(
GoMinJi #4
Chapter 13: Dear goodness update this now
SnazzyApple #5
Chapter 13: Update soon ;---;
sunmilk #6
please, update!!!!!
SnazzyApple #7
Chapter 13: Finally, a update~
You got to go to BAP's concert? :o Lucky. Wow, you also draw very well.
Chapter 11: Awwh poor Kyungsoo :(
Uri_kaisoo #9
Chapter 12: Careful enough kyungsoo! Bad thief, stealing others belongings.
k0j3t4 #10
Chapter 12: Hope everything will get better for kyungie soon.