
Flowers for Kyungsoo



Progress Report Oct. 18

Last nite; I remembered, about Dr. Kim Jongins present. I put them in, my, ears and when Yixing hyung asked me wair, I got it I said Dr. Kim Jongin gave, it to me but it doznt have any music! It just has songs of, people talking, about smart, things. Hyung said ok, and patted my head? When I went to” bed I couldnt sleep, at all.’ The dumb, iPod kept me: up all night and I didnt even understand it. I need, to talk about’ this with, Dr. Kim Jongin; tomorrow /when I come bak to the big bilding. Now, I just wok up. I am super, cranky to. 



A/N: yay for double update~!



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Chapter 13: Where has this been all my life? I really like this fix and wish you'd update it
Emmazp18 #2
Chapter 13: ): (: godddddd
dojonginbutt #3
Chapter 13: Update please? :(
GoMinJi #4
Chapter 13: Dear goodness update this now
SnazzyApple #5
Chapter 13: Update soon ;---;
sunmilk #6
please, update!!!!!
SnazzyApple #7
Chapter 13: Finally, a update~
You got to go to BAP's concert? :o Lucky. Wow, you also draw very well.
Chapter 11: Awwh poor Kyungsoo :(
Uri_kaisoo #9
Chapter 12: Careful enough kyungsoo! Bad thief, stealing others belongings.
k0j3t4 #10
Chapter 12: Hope everything will get better for kyungie soon.