Special by Panda: Dongwoo - I love your hoodie

Feel Loved by Infinite~

You were on a really really boring school trip at a castle.

The building was boring, the location was boring, people were boring.

You sighed. “When are we going to eat something? I´m hungry~”, you complained. Your friend turned around to you and shot you a pissed glare.

“Could you please stop spreading bad mood? This trip is cruel enough without your never ending complaining!”, she said and went with the others.

While you were walking with your classmates, some idiots teased you what made you even more irritated. Then, after two more hours of walking around, you finally took a break. Everyone sat down on a bench and ate lunch, so did you. You enjoyed your food and didn´t notice that someone was coming from behind. Suddenly someone put your hoodie on your head. Shocked you turned around, expecting to see another dumb classmate of yours but instead of that, you looked into the face of a stranger. You gulped down the last bite of your bread, unable to say anything.

The handsome boy just laughed and patted your head. “Who are you and what are you doing?!”, you finally said and put down your hoodie again.

He just smiled and replied: “My name is Dongwoo and I´m trying to get your attention!”.

This was straight and strange on the same time. Trying to get your attention? What the hell?! Your expression showed your thoughts and he started laughing again. Somehow you liked him but you didn´t knew him and that´s why you turned around again, stood up and went to another place.

You sat down beside your friend, who immediately sighed. “Coming to complain about the boooring location again?”, she said and crossed her arms. You shook your head.

“No, this time it´s because of-“, you broke up at the middle of the sentence because someone poked you in your waist. You jumped and glared behind you. Of course, it was Dongwoo who tried to tickle you.

“Because of me?!”, he said pouting. You looked angrily at him. Your friend just looked between you and Dongwoo.

“Ah, I understand! You have a stalker!”, she said with a wide grin on her face. When you wanted to explain it to her, she suddenly stood up and went away. You looked where she was going and noticed that no one of your classmates was here anymore. They were all gone and you had to go too. So you stood up and ran to her side.

“Wait! Where can I meet you?!”, Dongwoo shouted behind you but you ignored him. “Can I have your phone number??”, he asked and stalked up to you.

You were still ignoring him and walked even faster. He threw many questions to you but you always ignored him and tried to concentrate on the talking teacher.

“I will follow you until you love me!”, he whispered beside you. Okay, now he was getting creepy. You just walked away until he was some people behind you. After some minutes of walking, you thought this creepy guy would have finally stopped stalking you but then, someone grabbed your hoodie so that you had to stop. You immediately grabbed it and tried to push it forward to get some air.

“Argh! Let go of me!!”, you shouted and turned around when you finally got free again.

A smiling Dongwoo stood in front of you. “Do you want to kill me?!”, you asked him angrily. He started laughing like an idiot.

“Noo, I just wanted your attention!”, he answered then.

You just stared at him, wondering how someone can be that idiotic. Then, he suddenly began to sing. It didn´t sound that bad but you didn´t want to listen to him so you just walked away, acting like you wouldn´t know him. He jumped beside you the whole way to the bus but then, he had to stop when you entered it.

“Wait! Where is your hotel?!”, he asked but you didn´t answer.

You sat down in the last row of the bus and when you looked out of the window, you saw a pouting Dongwoo. You tried to ignore him but he jumped up and down in front of your window. He didn´t stop and the bus driver needed a few more minutes until he started, so you looked out of the window again.

When your eyes met Dongwoo, a bright smile appeared on his face. He made a phone with his hand and pointed on his pocket on the same time. You were confused and didn´t know what he wanted to say to you.

Then, you finally understood. Your hand immediately slipped into the pocket of your jeans and you really felt a little piece of paper in it. He slipped you his phone number! You wanted to show him that you found it but when you looked outside again, he was away and the bus started driving.

The entire rest of the week, you thought about Dongwoo. You didn´t know why but somehow you really liked this idiot. He was special and when you thought about his face, you noticed that he was pretty handsome. But you didn´t know him and at least he was just a stranger. After some days, you decided to text him a short message.

To: Dongwoo

Hey you ^^ do you still remember me?

You waited and waited and waited but didn´t get a message from him. Maybe he forgot you? But then, your phone finally rang and you grabbed it as fast as you could.

From: Dongwoo

Heeey my beautiful~ sure I remember you! How could anyone forget such a pretty face? PS: I missed you >.< heart

You couldn´t help but to smile at this cute SMS. He was just too cute. Fast, you wrote back and soon both of you texted each other a million times. You began liking him more and more, not just as a friend.

And then, he finally asked to meet you again. Luckily he didn´t lived that far away from you.

From: Dongwoo<3

Can we meet again please? I miss you so much… where can I pick you up? 

To: Dongwoo

Yeah you finally asked me!! smiley I miss you too…*blush* do you now the park in my city? I will wait for you at the entrance of it ^^

From: Dongwoo<3

Okay I will pick you up there tomorrow at 1 p.m :) I am looking forward to you ^^ heart 

You smiled the whole evening after receiving this message. You were pretty sure that this would be one of the best days of your life.

As you said, you waited at the next day in front of the park in your city. You wore the same hoodie like you wore at the day of your first met. It was exactly 1 p.m. but Dongwoo was nowhere to be seen. Patiently you waited on the bench, still smiling but he didn´t show up. The time went past by and it got late.

After one hour of waiting, you thought that he wouldn´t come at all and stood up again to go. You only walked a few steps and then someone grabbed your hoodie from behind and pulled you back.

You immediately knew who it was and whispered his name: “Dongwoo”

He hugged you from behind and you looked up to his face. Dongwoo was so much taller than you.

“Where have you been?!”, you asked but you couldn´t be really angry at him. “Ah…I wanted to surprise you with… this!”, he said, turned you around and showed you his pullover.

It was exactly the same hoodie as yours. You looked at him and smiled. He looked really cute in this hoodie.

“Do you know why I noticed you?”, he asked then and came closer to you. You slowly shaked your head when he grabbed your hands. “Because I loved your hoodie. First, I wanted to ask you where you got it but then, I saw your face and for me, it was love at first sight.”, he told you and now, his face was only inches away from yours.

You wanted to answer him something but his breath on your skin didn´t allow you to think. His nose slightly touched yours and you slowly closed your eyes, just to feel his soft lips on yours.


Special by: Panda :3

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Chapter 13: Awe~~ Well, I'll be waiting until you come back! ~<3
Chapter 10: No problem!!!! ^^ I love your stories, why wouldn't I upvote? Good chapter ~ I'm not really a fan of , but it was pretty good! however.... I cant imagine Sungjung doing such a thing. But hey, he is becoming a man right??? Lol . Anyway keep it up and I can't wait for the next! FIGHTING!!!!! <3
Chapter 7: Ahahahah!! I swear the look on my face when I read that the noodles she ordered were at another table, priceless. I laughed so hard!! I can only imagine how she felt.

Good story! Can't wait for the next. :))))
Chapter 6: Eeeeeeep!!! So cute!!!!! Sungyeol is such a tease~

I can't wait for the next one! Fighting!!! ^^
Chapter 5: Sorry* (damn it!!!)
Chapter 5: Wait* (Spretty.... using my phone.)
Chapter 5: New reader here!!! *Waves*
I love your oneshot stories! They are awesome and fluffy and b-e-a-u-tiful!!! Please update author-nim! I cant waut to read more! :D
K_AnExo #8
Chapter 1: So cute! ^_^