Special: Precious Moments Part 2

Feel Loved by Infinite~

Happy 4th Anniversary Infinite and Inspirits!

The figure came nearer and finally you saw who it was. Hoya smiled shyly at you and walked faster when he saw that you recognized him.

Soon he was on your side and immediately hugged you tight. You breathed in his scent and hugged him back what made Hoya really happy.

“How are you? Went your day good until now?” His voice sounded worried at first but when you answered him that you were fine and the day was really enjoyable until now, he felt at ease.

Hoya then stopped hugging you, looked for some minutes at you proudly and then grabbed your hand. His hands fitted perfectly with yours and they felt really soft. You followed him to the spot where you and Woohyun threw rocks before.

A blanket was spread over the ground and soon he put out little snacks from his basket. You sat down beside him and saw him carefully unboxing the delicious looking food and spreading it over the blanket.

“Can I help you?” You asked him and he nodded in approval, so you two could eat faster. When the food was ready to be eaten, Hoya lifted up a delicious piece of meat. He mentioned for you to eat from him and you opened your mouth with blushing cheeks.

But before the food landed in your mouth, something run between you and Hoya and then the food in his hand was gone. In the next moment you could see how Hoya stood up and ran after a dogg who had the meat in his mouth.

Hoya cursed after the dog and chased him but the dog was faster than him. You could only watch and began to laugh about the adorable scene in front of you.

After some time of chasing, Hoya came back breathless and angry. He sat down and glared at you who were laughing at him and his cute act. But his face turned into a gentle expression and he reached out his hand.

“You have something there…”

His finger brushed against your lip and when he took his finger away, he it. That made you speechless and you saw his cheeky grin at your reaction.

“Let’s eat before the food gets stolen again!” Hoya happily began to eat the food and did like nothing happened but deep in him he squealed in happiness. You just watched him wordless and that scene left your heart irritated.

The delicious food was gone after an hour and you two cleaned up. When you two stood up to walk, something rustled in the bushes and you got curious.

It was like someone whispered your name and just when you wanted to turn to Hoya to say that you wanted to look at it, Hoya was gone. He disappeared like all the others and you already got used to it somehow.

“Come here….”

That voice called you again and normal people wouldn’t go when they would hear something like that but you felt that you needed to go. You entered the bush and everything happened too fast.

A hand grabbed you and another one held your mouth closed. You wanted to scream and got so shocked that you thought you would get kidnapped now.

“Finally you found me! It’s just me so don’t worry sweetie~”

That voice sounded playful and manly at the same time and his touch was really gentle for a kidnapper. Finally he let go and you turned around to see another familiar face in front of you.

Sungyeol was laughing and sometimes mumbled words like “you are so cute” or “I scared you?” between his unstoppable laughing. You only shook your head and waited for him to stop laughing and gladly he did so.

“Sorry that face looked so cute and funny at the same time I couldn’t resist” Suddenly he cupped your cheeks and adored you from a nearer angle.

There you saw how handsome he got after all these times you knew him. His eyes twinkled and somehow gave you a feeling of safety. But what took all of your hair was his hair. It looked so soft that you really wanted to through it, but you didn’t.

“Come on! We need to have fun together!” He helped you up and together you two ran to the next bus station.

When the bus came, you two took a seat side by side. Your eyes suddenly felt heavy but you tried your best to stay awake. Sungyeol saw that, chuckled and leaned your head on his shoulder.

Before you could even protest, your eyes closed and you drifted to dreamland for some minutes. Meanwhile Sungyeol felt proud of himself when you saw how peaceful you looked while sleeping and smiled all the drive long.

With a soft on your cheek you woke up and saw that the bus stopped. Sungyeol over your cheek to wake you up and managed to do so. You yawned and looked around to only see a big Ferris wheel outside.

The both of you got out and you saw that the Ferris wheel belonged to the amusement park were you two started walking to.

“Let’s ride that together!” Sungyeol shouted when he saw a rollercoaster and you just chuckled at his behavior. All day long you two drove every single rollercoaster in the amusement and every minute with him was great. You had so much fun and felt like a little kid again.

Slowly the sun was going down and you two stopped to ride anything. Sungyeol brought you candy floss and you two ate it together. The sweet thing melted in your mouth and you enjoyed the taste so much, that you didn’t notice Sungyeol forming a beard on his face with the sweet thing. When you looked up you finally saw him and let out a loud laughter.

That laughter made him laugh too and until tears escaped your eyes.

When you finally calmed down, he cupped your cheeks again and looked deeply into your eyes.

“I hope you had fun, sweetie? It’s time for me to say goodbye but we will see each other soon”

With that Sungyeol caressed your cheek for the last time, winked at you and walked away leaving you alone in the middle of the amusement park.

Loneliness greeted you and your face looked really sad. Suddenly someone bite off a piece of your shared candy floss with Sungyeol and you looked up with the hope that Sungyeol came back.

But another handsome face stopped you from thinking about him. He was just staring at you and you stared back, until he began to speak.

“I think you know what is coming now?”

Myungsoo held out his hand and you took it with a thankful smile. He looked like a prince with his white blouse and you couldn’t help but melt every time when you saw his dimple.

You two didn’t took the bus when you left the amusement park. He walked slowly on your side and sometimes glanced at you with a mysterious smile that made you nervous. After some time of walking you heard waves from the distance and just then you smelled the sea air.

So Myungsoo was bringing you to a sea?

You got your answer when Myungsoo suddenly walked in sand and held your hand tightly to not lose you. Near the water you saw a small light and when you walked nearer you recognized it as a campfire.

He sat down around the campfire and you did the same. It was a romantic atmosphere and you thought it couldn’t get any better but the next thing changed your mind.

Myungsoo took out his guitar and looked at you wanting your attention.

“I want to sing and play you something…”

His hands softly over the guitar strings and a soft melody came out that matched perfectly with his smooth voice.

I love you, I love you

the words that I can’t bear anymore

my trembling heart

the words that I kept hiding in my heart


Just like the sunshines that glaringly shines on me when the morning comes

You, who’s always shines like sunshine

Yeah, that’s what you are for me

Sometimes I don’t even know why

My heart feels like enjoying this

I can’t stop smiling in front of you

Just smiling like a fool

The whole time he played and sang these lines your heart didn’t stop beating like crazy. You even felt moved and a tear escaped your eye that landed on your cheek.

When Myungsoo stopped playing he noticed the tear and wiped it away with his thumb.

“You’re so beautiful today no wonder everyone was so awed from you…I want to say something to you” Myungsoo shifted closer and his dimple appeared again that melted your heart for the hundredth time.

“I know there are so many guys outside that are fighting or you but…in front of you is another man fighting for your heart” He closed his eyes and when he opened them again you saw his feelings getting stronger and clearer for you.

“I just know that this feeling for you is right. I love y-“

Before he could finish his sentence, mumbles could be heard and both of you turned your heads to the same side to see all of the boys coming to you.

Sunggyu and Woohyun sat down beside you while the others sat around the campfire just like you. From the corner of your eyes you saw Myungsoo pouting and you felt bad.

“Did you already miss us? Finally we are together again” Sunggyu brushed away a strand of your hair and you shivered at his gentle touch. The familiar scent of Woohyun lingered in the air again and when you looked around, you saw all the boys smiling lovingly at you.

One by one greeted you and you remembered all the beautiful times you shared with them today. But one of them got your attention because he only appeared now in front of you. Sungjong eyed you and when he saw you looking at him, he flashed you an angelic smile.

All of you began to talk about the day and the boys started to competition who had the best time with you. Suddenly Sungjong stood up went to your side.

“Can you come with me? I will show you something great” He whispered into your ear and followed him upon hearing that he wanted to show you something.

The two of you walked a little bit away from the other boys who were still competing against each other.

Sungjong lied down in the sand and patted the space next to him. You lied beside him and automatically looked up to the sky. There you saw the beautiful stars shining so brightly and the soft sound of the waves made you speechless.

“You know you are just like these stars up there for me. I watch them every day, admire their beauty and wish that they would be mine. But I can’t reach for them and they are so far away from me…” His voice saddened and you felt the sudden urge to hug him but only gripped his hands tighter.

“That’s not right! I’m here right beside you and you can reach out to me. I’m something you can touch and will always be there for you” You hoped to give him with that and looked at him with smiling eyes.

Sungjong turned his head to the left and now his face was just in front of yours. Slowly a smile appeared and he came nearer until his lips gave your cheek a light peek.

“You’re the best! I think we need to go back or these idiots don’t stop quarrelling”

Back by the campfire the boys were awaiting you and you saw all the hope and love in their eyes that you didn’t know who to look at first.

Just then a loud noise in the sky took all of you attention and you saw colorful lights in the sky. Fireworks in all kind of shapes and colors filled the sky and you all watched it in awe.

That day was the most beautiful day in your life and you didn’t know why they all spend such a great time with you today. But what you definitely knew was that every one of them gave you precious moments that you won’t forget.

As soon as the last firework colored the sky in red and yellow, a hand slipped around yours. The warmness of these hands made you smile and you could tell who it was from your heart beating that gave you the feeling of being loved by someone special.

And who that special person was, knows only you.


Finally the Oneshot ended (It was longer than I thought O.O)! I really hope you liked that idea and it was enjoyable to write this special Oneshot^^ By the way I changed the picture of the foreword because it's time for "Summer Feelings" (The Special Oneshot is the first for this theme) ;) There is even a Trailer on progress for this Oneshot collection and when it's finished i will put it into the foreword too and you can watch it^^

Like always, thank you for everything my readers and enjoy the upcoming stories!

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Everyone check out Infinite's new MV 'Last Romeo'! It's so amazing *_*


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Chapter 13: Awe~~ Well, I'll be waiting until you come back! ~<3
Chapter 10: No problem!!!! ^^ I love your stories, why wouldn't I upvote? Good chapter ~ I'm not really a fan of , but it was pretty good! however.... I cant imagine Sungjung doing such a thing. But hey, he is becoming a man right??? Lol . Anyway keep it up and I can't wait for the next! FIGHTING!!!!! <3
Chapter 7: Ahahahah!! I swear the look on my face when I read that the noodles she ordered were at another table, priceless. I laughed so hard!! I can only imagine how she felt.

Good story! Can't wait for the next. :))))
Chapter 6: Eeeeeeep!!! So cute!!!!! Sungyeol is such a tease~

I can't wait for the next one! Fighting!!! ^^
Chapter 5: Sorry* (damn it!!!)
Chapter 5: Wait* (Spretty.... using my phone.)
Chapter 5: New reader here!!! *Waves*
I love your oneshot stories! They are awesome and fluffy and b-e-a-u-tiful!!! Please update author-nim! I cant waut to read more! :D
K_AnExo #8
Chapter 1: So cute! ^_^