Feel Loved by Infinite~

Hello everyone, here's PanShi!


We're sad to tell you this but the Oneshot Collections will be on Hiatus for awhile :/

The reason for this is that we have the other stories that we wanted to finish first and also we will be on vacation soon where we don't have time and a chance to write.


But don't worry, as soon as we are back we will write the Oneshots ;)

We hope you understand and please don't leave us! You're the reaosns we continue to write and why we came so far ♡

Thank you!

Wish you all a happy summer and great times!!

With many Love, PanShi


Enjoy the weather and see you soon!

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Everyone check out Infinite's new MV 'Last Romeo'! It's so amazing *_*


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Chapter 13: Awe~~ Well, I'll be waiting until you come back! ~<3
Chapter 10: No problem!!!! ^^ I love your stories, why wouldn't I upvote? Good chapter ~ I'm not really a fan of , but it was pretty good! however.... I cant imagine Sungjung doing such a thing. But hey, he is becoming a man right??? Lol . Anyway keep it up and I can't wait for the next! FIGHTING!!!!! <3
Chapter 7: Ahahahah!! I swear the look on my face when I read that the noodles she ordered were at another table, priceless. I laughed so hard!! I can only imagine how she felt.

Good story! Can't wait for the next. :))))
Chapter 6: Eeeeeeep!!! So cute!!!!! Sungyeol is such a tease~

I can't wait for the next one! Fighting!!! ^^
Chapter 5: Sorry* (damn it!!!)
Chapter 5: Wait* (Spretty.... using my phone.)
Chapter 5: New reader here!!! *Waves*
I love your oneshot stories! They are awesome and fluffy and b-e-a-u-tiful!!! Please update author-nim! I cant waut to read more! :D
K_AnExo #8
Chapter 1: So cute! ^_^