I'll Wait For You

A Silent Love, A Blind Love

A/N: There will be a slight pov change from Kai to Kris / and vice versa.

Enjoy the chapter! ^^


I've been a coward all these years; I couldn't express my feelings for Hyori. I was foolish to have kept it inside. In the end, it had only hurt me. 

I paced back and forth in the living room, worrying tremendously for Hyroi's safety. How could have I been so stupid? Why did I leave her alone for even a second? What if those goons had found her? Worried, I rushed out the door in search for her.

But as soon as I found her, I stopped dead in my tracks.  

I was too late; He already got there before I did.


Kris' POV


It had been hours since Hyori had left for the supermarket, and hours since I had last sent my men in search for her. What if something happened? What if... I couldn't bare to finish the thought. 


...what if Hyori decided to leave me? I shook the thought away, No, no... Hyori would never do that... I trust her... I trust that she would come back... 


But how could I be sure? 




Hours pasted. Soon, it was already late in the evening. 


"Young Master, you should go rest."


"Don't tell me what I should or shouldn't do," I snapped at the maid, " I'm not a child... I'll wait for her..." I said, my voice barely above a whisper. "....so please... don't say that... I beg of you... I want to be left alone." 


The maid looked unconcern, but regardless obeyed my wish, "As you wish, Young Master." 


Where are you, Hyori-ah? Why aren't you back yet? 


I looked at the clock hanging on the wall.


7:56 p.m  




9:42 p.m


I heard the front door open. Quickly, I rushed down the steps to greet her, only to be left diappointed. "Where's Hyori?"  I asked, eyeing the two men in black.


"We don't know, Sir. It seems to appear her ran off with another man." 




Enraged, I grabbed both men by their collars as I demanded for an explanation. 


"Didn't I specificlly order you to bring Hyori home?! Go find her... NOW!!!"


"Y-yes, S-sir!" 


The two men quickly scurried to their feet and raced out door.


"What are you all for you looking at?! Get back to work!" 




By each passing minute, I began to grow exasperated. "I promise I won't leave you,"  her words echoed in my head.


"You promised, but where the hell are you?!" 


I angrily slammed my hand against the wall as it caught everyone's attention. I was pissed.  


11:26 p.m. 



12:07 p.m


I paced frantically around the room.  Suddenly, I heard a loud commotion outside. 


"Agasshi, you're back! Where have you been? Young Master has been worried. " 


The sound of her voice made my heart race as I dashed for the door. " I-"   I yanked Hyori into a tight embrace as it had left her and everyone by surprise.


"Oh, my," the head maid gasped as she began ushering everyone inside, leaving the two of us alone.


"I was worried about you..." I whispered into her ear, "What took you so long?" Hyori shivered under my breath, "I'm sorry... I should have returned sooner." 


I slowly released my grip around Hyori as I looked into her eyes, "Promise me you won't ever leave me."


"I promise," she said absentmindedly as I watched her look back at the closed gates. 


"Is there something wrong?" I asked. 


Slowly, I followed her gaze.  


My face dakened.  I should've known...




I trailed closely behind Hyori, hoping she wouldn't take notice of my presence as I followed her through the darkness. It fascinated me that not once had Hyori bumped into a single lamp post nor had she tripped on a single piece of litter in the dark alley way.


After a few minutes of following her, I saw her stop; I couldn't believe the scene displayed in front of me: Another man holding Hyori tightly in his arms, planting a soft kiss on her lips.


I couldn't take it anymore; standing by the gate, I left the scene. Though losing my ability to hear her voice felt like hell, seeing her in the arms of another man hurt a thousand times more.


Tears formed as they fell, blurring my vision as I couldn't where I was going.  I thought you didn't love him, Hyori. I thought you only loved me... With a heavy heart, I walked away. Why did you lie to me, Hyori-ah? 




When I got home, I broke down and cried as I replayed the scene over, over again in my head. The image of Hyori in the arms of my most trusted friend broke my heart; his words echoing in my head.


Stay away for her … Hyori's mine.”


I tried drowning away the memories with alcohol and pills, but nothing seemed to work.



You're incapable of taking care of Hyori, you're only hurting her. If you know what's best for Hyori, move on. Leave and never come back.”  


You're nothing but a deaf oaf; Know your place!”


You have no purpose in Hyori's life. Face it. You're worthless.”



He was right...They were all right. I really was worthless...I had nothing to live for; I had already thrown everything away. And for what? For the thought of love? 


My old thoughts of suicide returned. With a rope tightly tied between my neck, I decided to die.




Stop!” I heard a sudden voice shout, Your life is my most beautiful gift.”  


My eyes widened; they were Hyori's words.



If you die, I will go through hell with you.”


You're not alone... You will always have me...

I love you, Kim Jongin.”



I stopped what I was doing. Thank you...  I thought as I pictured her smiling face,  Thank you for saving me...



Stepping down from the stool, I torn down rope from ceiling and threw it in waste bin. Taking the time to calm down and recollect my thoughts, I laid on the couch, taking out the photo I had fished out of the waste bin moments before.



Brushing away the broken pieces of glass, I smiled as I looked down at the photo in my hand. Tracing her figure with my thumb, I put it to my lips. 


Carefully, I pulled out two ringers that were hidden behind the broken picture frame. On the silver band were our initials engraved in golden letters:  KJ and CH”


If only she knew... would things be different?



Omo, Kris saw Kai! What was their relationship in past? 

Stay tuned and find out! 

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Chapter 23: pls updateeeeee!!! is beautiful story!!!! The kai can speak?
YuikoCassiopeia #2
Chapter 22: She's not blind anymore? How she read the letter?
Chapter 21: Luv this story. I'm a tad confused as to what role Tao plays but I can wait. XD
Lotuspassion #4
Chapter 20: I love this it's like Romeo and juilet well a little like it
ayemwhyyyy #5
Chapter 20: Omggggg, I hope Hyori notices!
Chapter 20: update soon
chunjoe1004 #8
I love this story !
ayemwhyyyy #9
Chapter 18: Kai, come on! Be a man and say/do something already!