Can't Say I Love You

A Silent Love, A Blind Love

Note: This is still in Kai's point of view.

The faded lettering in gray will represent written note messages 

Please listen to:  (check descprition box for lyrics. It'll make a lot more sense!) 


Kai's POV

As I slowly regained my conscience, I began to open my eyes and stretch as I was now laying on a couch in the living room.

Doing so, I noticed the ache in my side had disappeared, as for my hand, it was no longer bleeding. With the scent of antibiotics lingering in the room, I lifted my shirt only to see that my cuts and bruises were carefully cleaned, medicated, and bandaged, whereas my hand was securely binded in a cast.

With a knowing smile, I got up from the couch and headed towards the kitchen only to find a familar figure in the room. From the sound of my footsteps, Hyori greeted me with a smile as she began to scribble a hand written messsage on a notepad.

Oh, you're awake! 

She turned the page.

I thought this is how we could communicate. Do you like it? 

Without a word, I didn't say anything as I grabbed her hand as I traced "Yes,"  with our intertwined fingers.

Receiving my message, she smiled.

I thought you would be hungry so I made us dinner. I hope you don't mind  she scribbled.  

I don't mind at all. How did you find your way around?  I signed.  She didn't reply. Instead, she put a finger to her lips, "It's a secret."

Confused what she meant, I was still standing in the kitchen until she grabbed my hand and led me towards the dining table to eat as the food was already prepared for us.


As we ate, Hyori began reminiscing stories of her childhood, the childhood in which we had both shared. 


Smiling at each said memory, I realized she was still the same Hyori I met years before; an ambitious head strong girl. Everything about her was still the same. She was still the same girl I fell in love with years ago.


Lending out her hand for me to shake, I was confused by her sudden gesture.


I never got a chance to properly introduce myself. My name is Choi Hyori. What is yours? 


Kim Jongin.


I couldn't tell her my real name.  I can't... she'd know.  Instead, I used my American name. My palms became sweaty as I wrote: Kai. 

I'm sorry Hyori-ah, forgive me... it's better this way...


Kai... that's a very odd name. I never heard of it. 


That's because it's American.   


Oh, were you born there? 




It was a lie.

I had lived in America for five years after my operation, but I didn't live, live there.


That makes sense. It's nice to meet you Kai.


As much as I was relieved that she believed my lies, I felt guilty for being untruthful to her. I wasn't ready to face her...Not after I had hurt her. Though I was hurting inside, it was nice to see her smiling again; her next question breaking my heart.


Forgive me for asking, but by chance do you know someone by the name of Kim Jongin?


My eyes widened.

I deeply regretted my answer.


No, I don't know him.


From the look on her face, I knew she was disappointed.




Desperately wanting to know the reason behind her words,  I signed:


Who is he to you? Do you love him?


Hyori looked shocked.


What she thought of me, I had to know.

What was I to her? Did she still love me?


My mind raced as I waited for her reply.  It was nothing like I had expected.



He's someone who's very dear to me...     

he was my first friend since childhood...  

I loved him so much... he means the world to me, but... 


I could tell Hyori was having a hard time answering my question. I couldn't bare to see her like this, but I had to know. 


But he's dead...

And I'm married...


Her words stung me.

One by one, I slowly began to crumble.  She thought I died? She's... she's married?

Tears ran down my face from the new found information.

I always thought I would end up marrying my best friend, but someone had already beat me to it. I guess her feelings weren't mutual. She never felt the same way.

My heart ached.

I was in denial. No, she can't be... she loved me... 

The thought of having Hyori taken away from me, frightened me; I couldn't bare to lose her. Not again.  

I tried to tell myself that it was all a lie, that I was hallucinating, that she still cared for me, but reality kept me from doing so when my eyes landed on the ring on her finger.  No, this is all a lie... This can't be happening...

Finally, my worst nightmare I had feared for so long was becoming a reality. 

Hyori had left me... 

She had already moved on... 

Torn, broken and in denial, for the first time in my life I felt happiness had betrayed me.

Why hadn't I noticed before? I'm so pathetic...   


Awwww poor Kai!  ><

Why is he hiding his identity?

Does Hyori still love him or has she finally moved on?

Please comment, subscribe, and stick around to find out. ^^

More will be revealed in the next chapter!

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Chapter 23: pls updateeeeee!!! is beautiful story!!!! The kai can speak?
YuikoCassiopeia #2
Chapter 22: She's not blind anymore? How she read the letter?
Chapter 21: Luv this story. I'm a tad confused as to what role Tao plays but I can wait. XD
Lotuspassion #4
Chapter 20: I love this it's like Romeo and juilet well a little like it
ayemwhyyyy #5
Chapter 20: Omggggg, I hope Hyori notices!
Chapter 20: update soon
chunjoe1004 #8
I love this story !
ayemwhyyyy #9
Chapter 18: Kai, come on! Be a man and say/do something already!