
Eunji turned to Hikari,"Well, I better head out to get some knowledge of who I am and the place around me."

"Good idea." Hikari smiled in approval as they both walked out of the bedroom door.

The minute she stepped out, dropped open. The house was huge! Her bedroom was located on the third and top floor. There was a long corridor which was decorated with a beautiful aquarium. Eunji and Hikari walked (and flew) past the fish while taking in the expensive atmosphere. When they finally reached the stairs to the ground floors, they were in awe. The railings were tinted silver with golden tips. They passed everything while wondering how the real Eunji had been living such a luxurious life all along.

"Hey Dad, where's Junhong and Jongup?" Eunji asked her 'Father' brightly, still encouraged by Hikari from just now.

Her Father looked at her with a strange look, and put his hand on her forehead. "Are you alright?", he asked.

Eunji was puzzled,"Yeah of course I am!" 

"Well you're not exactly the type to be cheerful, at all." Her Father said, scratching his head.

She cleared and removed her smile from her face,"Oh! I mean- where's everyone?" 

"What do you mean?" Her Father asked, giving her a confused look.

Eunji tried to play along with her character in the current world by being cold,"My brothers of course."

Her Father's eyebrows furrowed,"Eunji, you have no brothers. You're the only child." 

Eunji tried to compose herself,"Oh right. Sorry, I'm feeling a little unwell." 

"Get the maids to bring you to the family doctor." Her Father replied, continuing to read his newspaper.

Eunji thought to herself,"I don't have brothers?" 

Hikari looked at her with a shocked face and signalled for her to go out to the garden. 

Eunji scurried back to her room and quickly asked Hikari,"Are they totally not in this world, or are they still somehow related to me?" 

"I-I'm not sure...I mean you're my first human I was assigned to help in my entire life so-" He confessed.

"Wait, what?! So you're saying that you don't know what you're doing?" Eunji glared at him.

"Well I didn't actually say I did." Hikari bargained, not daring to look at her.

"Oh my gosh, seriously." Eunji sighed, how will she ever get out of this world and back to her own?

Hikari looked to the floor,"Okay fine, I'm sorry for acting like I knew what I was doing. I didn't want to seem like some pathetic newbie." 

Eunji felt bad for awhile. Afterall, without Hikari, she wouldn't be able to understand what was going on. 

"It's okay. Just be truthful from now on alright? We're buddies, and we're going to help each other right?" She smiled at Hikari, patting his back with a little force.

Hikari's dark face immediately lit up as he grinned back at her,"Yeah! Great buddies!"

Eunji cheerfully grinned and asked him,"So I think I would still have school here right?" 

"Probably, yes! And considering the state of your expensive house, it's probably quite a prestigious school." Hikari replied.

Before Eunji could reply, a maid came into her room and told her,"Sir told me that you needed some medicine?" She was holding some pills and a cup of water.

"Oh! No no! I'm totally fine, see!" Eunji bounced against the walls and jumped on her bed to show her that she had a lot of energy.

The maid stood there looking at her awkwardly,"Um. Well. I'll leave it here, you should take it." She placed it on the side table, and tried to back away quickly.

Eunji stopped her before she could head out. She asked,"Which school do I go to again? I don't bother remembering names that don't matter." She tried to keep up with her mean image of that world so that nobody would be suspicious.

"Kingscross College of the Arts, Miss." The maid replied, trembling.

"Tha- i mean go away." Eunji nearly forgot about her image.

The maid quickly scurried out, leaving Hikari and Eunji.

"You're right, it does sound great." Eunji turned to Hikari, switching back to her usual cheerful self.

"But she said College of the Arts, that means you specialise in a form of art. I wonder what?" Hikari said.

"Maybe visual arts, like in my real world!" Eunji's face lit up.

"We'll see tomorrow." Hikari stared at a different direction.

"How do you know when school starts, your magical powers?" Eunji chuckled, doubting him.

"No. Your calendar." Hikari pointed to a calendar that was sitting on her side table. It had marks that wrote 'school' beside it, on the weekdays.

"Oh." Eunji awkwardly cleared .

"Well, you should check your phone for contacts and memories!" Hikari suggested.

"Right!" Eunji exclaimed, looking all over for her phone.

When she found it, her eyes widened,"Wow, this is one expensive phone." 

Scrolling through the messages, photos and contacts, it seemed like she had a boyfriend. The contact was named,'Him', but all he ever sent her was "Good Morning" and "Good Night".

"Hmm, Daehyun in this world is pretty conservative." Eunji cringed. 

"How do you know your boyfriend's Daehyun." Hikari teased.

"Who else would it be, my brother?" Eunji glared at him jokingly.

"That could happen." He joked.

"I would kill myself." Eunji played along.

Eunji! Wake up! Wake up!" Hikari jumped on her, attempting for the hundredth time to get her up for school.

Eunji finally tossed over and grunted,"What?"

"You're late for school!" Hikari jumped on her.

"What?!" She screamed, tossing her blanket across the room. She stumbled across the room, changing into her uniform (which she forced Hikari to cover his eyes) and brushing her teeth in less than a minute. She immediately rushed out with her bag, but she bumped into somebody. He was tall, but he looked a lot like...

"Yongguk?!" Eunji shouted in shock,"What are you doing here? Doesn't school start in like a minute?!" 

He looked equally shocked, as he cleared his throat and said,"Miss, your breakfast and ride to school is ready. I see you are up early today?" 

This wasn't the Yongguk she knew. The guy she knew was extremely laid-back, had no manners and was crazily fun. This man standing in front of her was stiff, polite and boring. But most importantly, why is he her maid?!

"Ummm." Eunji grinned awkwardly,"I need a moment." She said, slamming the door.




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Ooooh I like this a lot
JungDeYa #2
Chapter 10: Loool. she's still awkward with Youngjae ahahaha.
I'll wait for more Daeji though! I want to read about her struggles of being with Daehyun in this new and switched world!
Chapter 10: Kkkk guess she's still awkward with Jae being her bf and all XDD
That_Inspirit #4
Chapter 10: Youngjae is sweet! I bet he likes Eunji in the real world too!
Chapter 10: Thanks for updating. T_T I guess Eunji isn't a good actor...
Chapter 9: Yeeaaaaayyy I'm dying to know Youngjae's secret ;_;
JungDeYa #7
Chapter 9: Omg, more updates now, yayyy. *bows to author-nim's dad * I really like your story, thanks for updating c:
Chapter 9: Love this story...^^ palli update author-nim..
That_Inspirit #9
Chapter 9: ERMIGOSH I love this story! Haha best idea ever if you ask me! Update soon!
Chapter 9: LOL haha Eunji must be really miss his DaehyunTT