Chapter 3

Stay With Me

Baekhyun lied on his back, staring at the smooth white ceiling above him. He inhaled deeply and tried to think about any good things that could come out of this. And to say the truth, there were more bad reasons than good ones.

He desperately felt like crying, but no tears would come out. He tried to calm down and relax by shifting to a more comfortable position and letting his hands roam underneath his cool pillow.

Baekhyun closed his eyes and let the silence sink in, breathing deeply and steadily when all of a sudden-


His bedroom door flew open; unintentionally, according to the look on Chanyeol's face.

Baekhyun shot up, vision still a little fuzzy from attempting to fall asleep. He sat up agitatedly and sighed.

"What now?" Baekhyun questioned with a tone of whining behind his voice.

Chanyeol avoided the question and pointed towards the door. "I did not mean to do that..." He said quietly, avoiding Baekhyun's deathly glare. "I, uh... just, um.. can I... can I come in?" He rubbed the back of his neck and risked glancing up at the older boy.

Baekhyun closed his eyes and let himself fall down on the bed, face hitting the pillow. Chanyeol took his blank reply as a yes and hesitantly slipped through the door. He quietly shut the door behind him and pursed his lips, looking around awkwardly.

"So, um, can I... sit down?" Chanyeol looked around only to find no chairs. He would have to sit on Baekhyun's bed. Baekhyun loudly inhaled and sat up again. He stared at Chanyeol and he started regretting ever coming in.

"I guess."

Chanyeol sat down on the edge of Baekhyun's bed and decided to just get down with business.

"Listen. I'm sorry if it seems like I'm intruding, but when your mom said I could stay here, she didn't say she had a son." He tried to explain as quick as possible without Baekhyun angry or anything like that. Baekhyun swung his legs over the side of bed so they were now sitting side by side.

Baekhyun shot him an 'are you serious' kind of look. "Well, that would of been some good information to know if you're gonna be living here." Chanyeol nodded in agreement.

Chanyeol got the feeling that Baekhyun wasn't feeling as hateful as did not too long ago. And maybe even possibly warming up to him. Chanyeol doubted it though.

There was silence for the next minute or so before Chanyeol finally spoke up. "Well, I just wanted to say sorry. You seemed kinda upset..." He reached over and automatically placed his hand on Baekhyun's shoulder without thinking. Baekhyun flinched, but didn't move away, before Chanyeol realized what he was doing. He removed his hand and instantly got up, eager to escape the awkward atmosphere.

Chanyeol forcibly laughed and headed towards the door. He reached for the door handle but was stopped when Baekhyun spoke.


Chanyeol turned around, watching the smaller boy as he stood up and walked closer to him. To be honest, Chanyeol felt kind of nervous but he wasn't sure why.

Baekhyun inched towards Chanyeol, glaring up at him. Chanyeol felt the urge to back away, having no clue of what Baekhyun was planning to do.

His back hit the door as Baekhyun continued to slowly creep towards him, his evil gaze still standing.

"Wha-What are you-" Chanyeol was pretty sure what he felt now was pure fear.

Before Chanyeol could finish his questioning, Baekhyun did the least expected.

He stuck out his hand and Chanyeol was as confused as ever. He looked back and forth between Baekhyun's hand and his face, waiting for something to happen.

Baekhyun motioned for him to shake his hand. Chanyeol raised an eyebrow. "Uh.."

Baekhyun smiled and his eyes turned into small crescents. Chanyeol couldn't help but stare. After a few seconds, his smile dropped and was a frown again. Chanyeol pouted and returned to reality.

"Are you gonna shake it or not?"

"Oh, yeah.." Chanyeol reached out and gripped onto Baekhyun's hand. He admits, it felt warm and soft.

"I wanted to apologize, too. For, you know. Earlier today." Baekhyun said, giving a half-apologetic look. He couldn't believe he was doing this but he knew it was going to have to done anyway.

"Oh. Okay. It's not that big a deal, but I accept your apology." Chanyeol smiled at him, and Baekhyun returned it. They let go of each other's hands and just stood there for a few seconds in silence. And the awkward atmosphere was back once again.

Chanyeol remembered something and decided to bring it up. "Wait, so what was that a while ago. When you were all giving me a creepy, evil glare while you were walking closer to me?" He raised his eyebrow out of curiosity.

Baekhyun laughed and Chanyeol felt slightly at ease again.

"I was just playing with you." He patted Chanyeol's shoulder reassuringly. "I don't hate you that much." Baekhyun happily sighed and turned to head back to his bed. "Is that all you wanted to say, Chanyeol?"

Chanyeol realized that that was the first time he'd heard him say his name.

"Um, thanks...?" Should he take that as a compliment? "And yeah. That's all." Chanyeol gave another smile before twisting the doorknob and slipping out of the room. Before he closed the door, he had an idea and slowly peeked his head inside and watched as Baekhyun was making his way under his blankets.

"Good night, Baekkie~." Baekhyun will probably hate him for using his nickname, but he just had to.

Baekhyun whipped his head around and giggled.

He giggled.

Chanyeol couldn't help but softly laugh as well as he slipped out of his room and smiled to himself.



It was already past midnight when Chanyeol heard the TV still on in the living room. He walked down the stairs only to find Baekhyun's mother sitting on the floor, back propped against the front of the couch. A box of tissues was laying next to her while in her hands was the small, broken figurine.

Chanyeol quietly walked closer to her and sat down beside her.

She looked up at him with red eyes, tears falling down her cheeks. To Chanyeol's surprise, she wasn't startled with him suddenly plopping down next to her.

He looked at her with caring eyes. "What's wrong, Ms. Byun?" She started crying even harder at his question and pulled out the broken pieces of glass she was holding against her chest. She just stared at them.

"It broke."

Chanyeol wasn't really sure how to react since the explanation basically was no help.

"Sorry if this seems a little insensitive, but what exactly is that?" He pointed to it. It was actually the ugliest figurine Chanyeol had probably ever seen. It was supposed to be a dog with two heads and had a flower in it's collar, but one of the heads was broken off.

"My husband bought it for me." Wow, Chanyeol thought, he must have really bad taste. Or maybe he was blind. "It was an anniversary gift. Ten years to be exact." Chanyeol noticed her clutching onto it even tighter. "But then all of a sudden things started going wrong. He started acting different; like he wasn't the same person whenever he came home. I heard rumors that he had been meeting up with some woman from work. At first, I thought it was just some stupid thing someone made up. So I confronted him about him and he didn't deny it. I-I was so shocked. And upset at first, like really really upset. Being together 10 years and all, you would think everything should be fine. But it wasn't... we argued and fought every day from then on and we both knew that we were quickly drifting apart. I couldn't take it anymore and I just... lost it. I was completely out of it. And Baekhyun was still a child. What upset me even more was that Baekhyun had to deal with all of this, too. And he was so strong through it all, but still; no kid should have to go through all that."

Chanyeol listened intently as Baekhyun's mother continued.

"It went on like that for months. And I think we both were becoming extremely tired of it. He started staying out longer and sometimes wouldn't come home for days. And of course I already knew what he was doing." She made a disgusted face. "Then one day," she exhaled slowly, "he came home and started packing. I didn't even bother asking where he was going; he just told me he was being transferred to America because of work, but it was so obvious he was lying. I just said okay and let him go. It was better for everyone that way. But we never did get a divorce. He just left... just like that."

Chanyeol was a little confused though. "But if he was like that to you, why keep it? Especially if it brings back so many bad memories.." Ms. Byun paused for a moment.

"Because I still loved him. Even though we fought and it seemed like he didn't love me anymore, I still loved him through it all. But I'm glad he decided to leave. I didn't want Baekhyun to grow up always having to be surrounded by all that." She had stopped crying now and shifted to sit more upright.

"Wow," was all Chanyeol say.

"Also, that's why we went to America." She looked down again. "He... he had a heart attack and-and they couldn't save him." Chanyeol stared at the floor, letting her finish. "Baekhyun and I went to his funeral." She looked up now. "But we also stayed a little longer for, y'know, vacation," she said playfully. Chanyeol was glad to see her back to normal again.

"But he was kinda a prick anyway, so..." She claimed, standing up and walking over to the TV to turn it off. The living room then turned dark. Chanyeol laughed and she smiled in response.

"It's getting pretty late." She chuckled, patting him on the back and making her way to the stairs. "We better get to bed." She smiled at him again, now half-way up the stairs before turning around again. "And thanks for listening, Chanyeol. You're a pretty good guy." This time she turned back and headed up the stairs without looking back. Chanyeol followed her, but stopped in front of guest bedroom.

He shut the door and smiled to himself. He finally felt welcome; like a part of the family.

Chanyeol jumped into bed and smothered himself in the blankets.





A/N Chapter 3 is doneee!! I promise, I was gonna put this up yesterday (I even typed out part of it), but I got a huge headache and had to lay down.

So just know that I probably won't update every day. maybe every other idk

Also, merry christmas!!!! (since I won't be here tomorrow)

Hope you liked the chapter ^^

sorry if it was a little angsty towards the end.

and once again......

thank you!


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Chapter 16: I really love this fanfic! When's the next update?~~~
Chapter 16: oh my
how could u write this while chapter on your phone?! I get so annoyed! LOL
this was great author-nim!! :)
wonder what will happen to the kitty ;___;
Chapter 15: oh my gawd.
Baekhyun be careful!
Silencerx #5
Chapter 14: Ohmy gooooooosssshhhhhhh, I think I'm in love~ Okay, first off, I'm really sorry for not commenting on the precious chapters. I found this story yesterday (AHEM. Because I read your amazing Hunhan 2 shot...cough* And had to see if you had any other amazing fics.) and I could not put it down. I took a break from reading for a while, but then my feels kinda took over and when I found this... I just power read it all in a sitting. 0.0 Ah gee. It's amazzzing! I especially love how the plot and the feelings in this are realistic- and not rushed or sloppy. It's really good. Like, when they do confess to each other... I think I might have a stoke...because how your building it up is soooo cute!!

Ohmygosh. And the mother. XD I seriously wish my mom was as beast as her. I can't even tell you how many times I've cracked up laughing because she was being awesome. Oh, and Sehun with the taco and penguin. Yeah, died there too. 'Just a little.' I convinced my sister to read that part, and she died as well. Lol. Ouuu, I also love how you depicted Luhans personality. Unlike most fics, he wasn't this fragile, soft character, which was a really good change for once. Kind of a relief, actually.

Well. I should stop rambling now... Thank you for making my day awesome, and I shall be anticipating the next chapter~ Flys away on magical unicorn* c:<
Chapter 14: LOOOL AWWE Baekhyun is too cute xD
hopefully they'll realize their feelings for each other sooon~~~ :3
Chapter 1: Friend, your fics are so great!!!! Why didn't this dang thing come in to my life a long time ago?? I love it already ^^
TheAlmightyJam #8
Chapter 13: Happy Birthday author-nim! I love reading your fics so please keep it up! Always stay healthy and don't strain yourself in updating. Health is always a priority! ;)
(yeah, im also very VERY excited for EXO's comeback *squeaaaaaal* >u<)
Chapter 13: Jin Bo is so creepy O.O
what is her problem?!
so.. she hates Chanyeol *obvi* but does she like Baekhyun? or does she hate him cuz she's talking like he's moving out of Korea again O.o
so weird LOL
thanks for updating author-nim! :)