Chapter 9

One Little Letter

"Hey!" A shout, followed by a rush of footsteps greeted Sungjong as he made his way into the school.
"Hey." Sungjong replied nonchalantly as he glanced over to find the familiar face staring at him intensely. 
"Well?" Sungyeol questioned as they walked on, his eyes bored into the side of Sungjong's collected self. 
"Well what?"
"Are you still going to keep ignoring me?" Sungyeol asked as he tried blinking a few times without the younger noticing. 
"Well, as long as you keep up that weird staring. You're actually pretty good company." Sungjong replied as he gave the older a pointed look before proceeding through the hallways and making a stop at his locker.
Pausing in his steps beside Sungjong, Sungyeol gave the younger a look before saying, "Well, that's nice of you. Considering how you had been so mean the other day and treated me-" 
"Except when you talk about irrelevant things." Cutting off the older of the two, Sungjong pushed the locker shut and marched away. 
"And now you're back to being just plain rude!" Sungyeol called out loudly in frustration as he watched the younger leave. 


"Wait, you're in my chemistry class?" Sungyeol asked incredulously upon spotting Sungjong in his newfound seat. 
"Yeah. Why not?" Sungjong replied with a strange look. 
"I mean, you're two years younger than me." Sungyeol continued as he gestured towards the younger, then to the class of people surrounding, a clear sign that he was shocked.
"Well, it wouldn't surprise me that someone had to conveniently take classes a level lower than his own level because he was just that good at studying, whereas a certain someone could easily take classes higher than his own level because he got in the school for some random reason." Sungjong began. "And I don't only take chemistry classes with you. In fact, I take the same math, literature, history, geography... Wait, not geography. You take geography classes with my level." He continued, giving a small grin to Sungyeol, who was slowly turning red in the face. 
"How did you know?" Plopping his bag down on his desk, he found, not at all that surprised anymore, that Sungjong was seated right next to him. At least I can copy his notes or something.
"Dongwoo hyung told me yesterday." 
"Friendly, isn't he?" Sungyeol half grunted, thinking about his revenge on the other later. 
"And really nice." Sungjong nodded as he went back to his books. 
Snorting, Sungyeol tiredly pulled out his messy textbooks. "Hmph. Well." 
"Well what?"
"Well nothing." 


Placing his books neatly in his locker, Niel was half surprised to find Myungsoo standing beside him once again when he shut the locker. Returning a piercing stare to the apologetic look the other was giving, Niel turned to move away, only to be called once again.
"Wait!" Myungsoo cried out. "Please." He continued in a softer tone. 
Niel let out an irritated sigh before he turned around with an equally irritated look. "What do you want now?" 
"Please. Can you tell me where he is?" The words almost came out like a whisper as his eyes desperately searched Niel's.
"Why should I?" Niel replied, clearly confused as his tone dropped.
"I have to find him." 


"Hey guys, what's up?" A cheerful bumbling figure, accompanied by two other familiar faces appeared amongst the busy corridor as Sungyeol and Sungjong made their way to the canteen. 
"You!" Sungyeol shrieked before launching an attack on Dongwoo by hopping on the older's back and falsely attempting to strangle his neck. 
"Wha-what did I do?" Dongwoo choked out as he started smacking Sungyeol's hands away.
"Why did you have to tell him about me having classes below my level?" He asked as he proceeded to tickling. 
"Wa-Wait! He would have found out anyway! He's taking the same classes as you!" 
"He wouldn't have known about me taking geography with the freshmen!" Sungyeol retorted as he locked the shorter's head under his arm.
"Wait, you're taking geography with the freshmen this year? I didn't know it was that bad." Woohyun remarked before laughing out while pointing a finger at the enraged youth. 
"Let me go! You stink!" Dongwoo exclaimed from his uncomfortable position.
"Never! Look at what've you done! And I don't stink!" 
Glancing at the trio behind them, Sungjong and Hoya shared a smile before continuing to make their way through the crowd. 


"Where's Hamster Gyu?" Dongwoo questioned as they settled down, keeping a wary eye on Sungyeol who shot back a look.
"He said that he had to tend to some matters. Apparently, the head of the student council gets to settle administrative matters for the school too. What an honour!" Woohyun sarcastically voiced out in a singsong manner. 
"The school must be lacking in staff right now." Hoya pointed out.
"And I bet it's because of people like him." Sungyeol uselessly added on, throwing another glare at Dongwoo.
Letting out a sigh as Woohyun watched Dongwoo throw his hands up in confusion, he directed his attention towards the smiling boy who was enjoying the show. "Sungjong, which school did you come from?" 
"The one in the next neighborhood." The younger replied as he chewed on his sandwich. 
"Oh, my cousin used to attend that school. She always came by to pick me up, not because she actually liked to, but because she could see the other guys from our school." Continuing on in a high-pitch voice, Woohyun imitated, "'An all-boys school is so cool!' She would gush over them until I manage to persuade her to leave." He shuddered slightly at the thought, and shaking his head as if to clear the thoughts away, Woohyun said with a wide smile, "Glad she graduated. I wonder what she would have done seeing you." 
A slight tinge of red crept to Sungjong's face, and prodding his cheeks with a laugh, Woohyun got up and ran off after announcing, "I'm going to go find my cute hamster!" as Sungyeol mumbled a little more than loudly how he wasn't cute at all.



A/N: Another slow slow update... I'm just so sorry right now I can't even... I hope you guys can forgive me, after this update? /looks at you with Puss in Boots' puppy eyes/ No, I'm sorry, just. /gets bricked/ I hope you enjoyed this update, and please comment! :) Thank you for all the support so far! I love each and every one of you :D /rubs swollen face/ 

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Going on a semi-hiatus for a while (even though I already am). School has been taking its toll on me, and I'm so tired, thank you for understanding!


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rei_zha #1
Chapter 9: Update please....i really like your story^-^
Junie_Jjang11 #2
Im your 100th subscriber author-nim!!! Yeayyy *throws confetti*
Junie_Jjang11 #3
Chapter 9: Please dont tell me you abandoned this story already author-nim. Update soon, will you? Jebal T_T
Chapter 9: Eonnie update pleas3!
I can't wait amymore =(
Chapter 9: Woah !!! i love it (*-*)
I hope you'll update soon (^-^)
Chapter 9: Update soon :)
Chapter 9: I want to see myungie will do to fix the mess he made
Chapter 9: awww eonnie please update soon !!!!!
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3
i love ur ff!!
Chapter 9: Finally you update it ^^ cute hamster? Hahaha... yes, he's cute ouo
Looking forward to the next chapter :)
lemonboy #10
Chapter 9: Yeaa~ an update! Thanks~ plz updat