Chapter 4

One Little Letter

Stopping in his tracks, Sungjong looked from afar at the school gate.

What if he rejects? What if he decides to ignore me? 

A small frown appeared as he thought of the various answers Myungsoo would give. He had stayed up all night thinking about it, sometimes smiling brightly while sometimes simply just crouching in a corner, sobbing. His brother had thought he had finally went crazy, and had pushed him out of the room after some time. 

Feeling the strong thumping of his nervous heart, Sungjong took a deep breath as he slowly started walking. 

Calm down, Lee Sungjong. He's just going to answer you, and you're going to accept it, whether you like it or not. 

Thinking of the replies he would hate to hear, Sungjong stopped once again.

"Sungjongie?" A familiar voice asked and looking up, Sungjong found Niel at the gate.

"Oh hi, Niel." Sungjong said as he flashed a smile, clearing his thoughts.

"Do... Umm... Let's not go to school today." Niel stuttered out, grabbing Sungjong's hand as he did so.

"Why not?" Sungjong asked as he loosened his hold, giving Niel a confused expression.

Eyes darting, Niel paused for a moment before replying, "Umm... Because... because my leg's injured!" 

Taking a look at Niel's leg, Sungjong gave him a doubtful look before holding his arm.

"Then I'll help you in." 

"No, no my leg's not injured... Ah, I burnt myself just now! Oh it hurts!" Niel screamed as he pointed to his arm. 

Pulling his sleeves up, Sungjong found nothing.

"Niel, I can't just skip school like that. Besides, I have to meet... someone important." He muttered as he started making his way into the school. 

"Wait Sungjongie! Just come with me! Just for today, please?" Niel exclaimed as he held on to Sungjong again, unwilling to let him go.

Starting to get frustrated, Sungjong pushed his hand away.

"I really can't, Niel. I'll do it any other day, but not today." 

As he walked away, Niel watched on with worry, and hesitating, he followed Sungjong in. 



"Sungjongie, accompany me to the toilet, please?" Niel asked as he trailed behind.

"I have to get to the classroom, Niel. Lessons are going to start soon." Sungjong replied as he hurried on.

"But-" Niel said before stopping, his eyes widening as Sungjong turned and went into the class.



The sight that greeted Sungjong left him startled. Instead of the usual chattering and laughing, a crowd was standing in the class silently, all surrounding the teacher's table.

"He's here." "That kid's going to get it." Mumbles and whispers could be heard as Sungjong entered slowly, trying to see what was going on.

The crowd parted and in the middle, Sungjong could see Myungsoo, the one he had spent his whole night thinking about, the one he had admired his whole school term, the one he had loved since his first day. A smile had appeared on his face, and still unable to comprehend the situation, Sungjong looked on in confusion.

That was when he noticed a familiar looking piece of paper in Myungsoo's hands. Opening the clover decorated paper, Myungsoo diverted his gaze to the paper, and with a deep breath, he started reading it.

"Dear Myungsoo-sshi, I..." 

Recognizing the familiar paper and content, Sungjong froze as he looked on, now oblivious to Myungsoo's words.


Tears welled up in his eyes, which blurred his vision. Glancing around the room, Sungjong could make out the different expressions of his classmates, some of pity, while others of disgust. Looking back at Myungsoo, his tears fell, and with a broken heart, Sungjong ran out of the class, bumping into Niel, who had not dared to run after the heartbroken boy.


Out of the school, Sungjong continued running, his tears streaming down his face, staining his shirt with droplets of water. Finally reaching a small hidden area behind a block of houses, he sat down and buried his face in his knees, letting his tears fall fast and freely. The salty taste of the tears did not help as Sungjong recalled the bittersweet feelings he had, and once again, more tears poured out.

"Why... Why..." Sungjong cried out between sobs and the horrible memory returned, with a sharp image of Myungsoo when he had started reading out his letter.






A/N: I'm so sorry for not updating in quite a while! /begs for forgiveness/ And updating with such a short chapter as well.. /sighs/ School's been making me busy and tired, but I'll try my best in updating! :) Thank you for being so patient with me! /dances/ Hehehe! 

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Going on a semi-hiatus for a while (even though I already am). School has been taking its toll on me, and I'm so tired, thank you for understanding!


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rei_zha #1
Chapter 9: Update please....i really like your story^-^
Junie_Jjang11 #2
Im your 100th subscriber author-nim!!! Yeayyy *throws confetti*
Junie_Jjang11 #3
Chapter 9: Please dont tell me you abandoned this story already author-nim. Update soon, will you? Jebal T_T
Chapter 9: Eonnie update pleas3!
I can't wait amymore =(
Chapter 9: Woah !!! i love it (*-*)
I hope you'll update soon (^-^)
Chapter 9: Update soon :)
Chapter 9: I want to see myungie will do to fix the mess he made
Chapter 9: awww eonnie please update soon !!!!!
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3
i love ur ff!!
Chapter 9: Finally you update it ^^ cute hamster? Hahaha... yes, he's cute ouo
Looking forward to the next chapter :)
lemonboy #10
Chapter 9: Yeaa~ an update! Thanks~ plz updat