Chapter 3

One Little Letter

"Hi Sungjongie!" Niel called out as he ran towards Sungjong, who was by his locker.

"Hi Niel." Sungjong said with a smile as he placed his books in the locker. 

"So?" He asked, giving Sungjong a you-did-it-didn't-you look. 

Shaking his head slightly, Sungjong opened his mouth, and when he was just starting to speak, he was cut off immediately.

"I knew it! I knew it!" He said loudly as he stomped around angrily.

Noticing the glances from the other students, Sungjong quickly closed his locker and covering Niel's mouth with one hand, he dragged him away with the other.

"Shhh... Don't be so loud! Let me speak first!" Sungjong said when they reached a quiet corner.

"I'm sorry... But do you have any sweets on you right now?" Niel asked as he looked at Sungjong's pocket strangely.

"Why? Do you want some?" Sungjong asked, surprised by Niel's question. 

"No, it's just that your hand smells like lemon candy." He replied, and looking up from his pocket, Niel quickly added, "Now back to the topic." 

Sweeping his hands shyly to the side, Sungjong answered, "He went out of the classroom immediately." 

Smacking himself on the head, Niel exclaimed, "Then just give it after school!" Noticing Sungjong's hesitant expression, he immediately continued, "If you don't, I shall stand at the school gate and won't let you leave till you do." 

About to reply, Sungjong looked up at Niel once more, only to be cut off again.

"No buts, no nothing! Zip!" Niel said as he started walking away.

"But-" Sungjong said as he hurried to catch up.

"I said no buts!" Niel replied, marching straight on.

Sighing, Sungjong stopped and turned around, walking back to his classroom. He had tried his best, but it had not work. 

I should think of better excuses in the future. 

He had lied to Niel, but how could he explain the nervous thumping of his heart as he neared Myungsoo, the thumpings that had grown stronger and stronger, until he was sure everyone could hear it? How could he explain the warmth he had felt on his cheeks, the warmth which soon grew to a fire, until he was sure it would burn him? 

The bell went off, and hurriedly, Sungjong dashed back to class. 




Please... Please don't ring.... 

Sungjong looked at the clock on the classroom wall with a pleading look. The minutes seemed to move faster than usual, and with each silent strike, Sungjong felt as if he could hear a loud thud. 

3, 2, 1... 

The bell had of course went off, and with it, delighted cries and shouts of joy were heard. Not from Sungjong though. He had let out a soft groan, and getting up from his seat, he saw a familiar figure outside. 

"Give it" Niel mouthed as he ran towards the gate. 

Turning around, Sungjong glanced at Myungsoo, only to find him packing his things as a few girls surrounded him. 

"Do you want to go to the new cafe?" "Oppa, do you want to eat?" The girls chattered excitedly as they looked at Myungsoo.

Noticing Sungjong's glance, Myungsoo returned a smile, then replied, "I have somewhere to go today." 

With that, Myungsoo made his way to Sungjong, and immediately, he grabbed his wrist, oblivious to Sungjong's red face, which was slowly getting redder. 





Reaching the school garden, Myungsoo let go of Sungjong's wrist, and looking at the silent boy who was staring at the ground with his head down, he smiled. 

"Hey, I don't bite. Sungjong, right? I'm Myungsoo." He started, but noticing the still silent Sungjong, his smile disappeared. "Are you okay? I'm sorry for using you as an excuse... I didn't mean to-" 

"It's okay." Sungjong said softly, slowly lifting his head up. 

A smile returned to Myungsoo's face, and Sungjong could feel the same thumps and warmth return from before as he looked at the beautiful male in front of him. 

Don't freak out now, Lee Sungjong. Don't you dare. 

"Do you perhaps..." Myungsoo started, only to see Sungjong going through his bag before taking out a small piece of paper. 

Heart beating fast, Sungjong placed a hand over it in an attempt to calm it down. Seeing the curious look Myungsoo was giving, Sungjong's heartbeat had instead increased and blushing madly, he shoved the letter into Myungsoo's hand before running off. 

Dashing out of the school, Sungjong heard a distant yell and the sounds of footsteps behind him. Ignoring his best friend, Sungjong continued running.

Did I really just do that? Did I really just gave it to him?

Stopping for a moment, Sungjong thought for a while. 

"I did, I did it." He muttered quietly. Taking a few steps forward, he stopped again, this time, in a louder voice, he said, "I did it." And as he took a few more steps, his steps turned into a run, and jumping happily as he ran, he cried out, "I did it!" The world around him turned into a blur of colours, and as the soft wind caressed his face, Sungjong smiled brightly. 

I did it. 






A/N: Hehe! Sungjongie finally gave it to Myungsoo! :D /dances and throws confetti/ Yippee! *cheers and celebrates* And thank you so much for the subscribers and comments! /throws Jongie's hearts/ Hehe! Please comment more! :) 

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Going on a semi-hiatus for a while (even though I already am). School has been taking its toll on me, and I'm so tired, thank you for understanding!


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rei_zha #1
Chapter 9: Update please....i really like your story^-^
Junie_Jjang11 #2
Im your 100th subscriber author-nim!!! Yeayyy *throws confetti*
Junie_Jjang11 #3
Chapter 9: Please dont tell me you abandoned this story already author-nim. Update soon, will you? Jebal T_T
Chapter 9: Eonnie update pleas3!
I can't wait amymore =(
Chapter 9: Woah !!! i love it (*-*)
I hope you'll update soon (^-^)
Chapter 9: Update soon :)
Chapter 9: I want to see myungie will do to fix the mess he made
Chapter 9: awww eonnie please update soon !!!!!
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3
i love ur ff!!
Chapter 9: Finally you update it ^^ cute hamster? Hahaha... yes, he's cute ouo
Looking forward to the next chapter :)
lemonboy #10
Chapter 9: Yeaa~ an update! Thanks~ plz updat